刚开始时写错了一个地方,null as ParentID From YT_Site 直接写成了 0 as Parentid
2011-5-31 21:01 danny
using System; using System.Data; using System.Configuration; using System.Web; using System.Web.Security; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; namespace AspNetUnleashed { /// <summary> /// Extends SqlDataSource control to support hierarchical database data /// </summary> public class SqlHierarchicalDataSource : SqlDataSource, IHierarchicalDataSource { private string _dataKeyName; private string _dataParentKeyName; public event EventHandler DataSourceChanged; /// <summary> /// The database table primary key /// </summary> public string DataKeyName { get { return _dataKeyName; } set { _dataKeyName = value; } } /// <summary> /// The database table parent id /// </summary> public string DataParentKeyName { get { return _dataParentKeyName; } set { _dataParentKeyName = value; } } /// <summary> /// Return hierarchical data /// </summary> public HierarchicalDataSourceView GetHierarchicalView(string viewPath) { return new SqlHierarchicalDataSourceView(this, viewPath); } } }
using System; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; namespace AspNetUnleashed { /// <summary> /// Represents the data returned from database /// </summary> public class SqlHierarchicalDataSourceView : HierarchicalDataSourceView { private SqlHierarchicalDataSource _owner; private string _viewPath; private DataTable _data; public SqlHierarchicalDataSourceView(SqlHierarchicalDataSource owner, string viewPath) { _owner = owner; _viewPath = viewPath; } /// <summary> /// The DataTable which contains all rows from /// underlying database table /// </summary> public DataTable Data { get { return _data; } } /// <summary> /// We need to expose this for the SqlNodes /// </summary> public string DataKeyName { get { return _owner.DataKeyName; } } /// <summary> /// We need to expose this for the SqlNodes /// </summary> public string DataParentKeyName { get { return _owner.DataParentKeyName; } } /// <summary> /// Get the top-level rows (rows without parent rows) /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public override IHierarchicalEnumerable Select() { // Verify DataKeyName and DataParentKeyName properties if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(DataKeyName)) throw new Exception("You must set the DataKeyName property"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(DataParentKeyName)) throw new Exception("You must set the DataParentKeyName property"); // Return DataView from SqlDataSource if (_owner.DataSourceMode != SqlDataSourceMode.DataSet) throw new Exception("DataSourceMode must be set to DataSet"); DataView view = (DataView)_owner.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); _data = view.Table; // Get the root rows string filter = string.Format("{0} IS NULL", this.DataParentKeyName); DataRow[] rootRows = _data.Select(filter); // Build up the hierarchical collection SqlHierarchicalEnumerable en = new SqlHierarchicalEnumerable(); foreach (DataRow row in rootRows) en.Add(new SqlNode(this, row)); return en; } } }
using System; using System.Web.UI; using System.Collections; namespace AspNetUnleashed { /// <summary> /// Represents a collection of SqlNodes /// </summary> public class SqlHierarchicalEnumerable : ArrayList, IHierarchicalEnumerable { public SqlHierarchicalEnumerable() : base() { } public IHierarchyData GetHierarchyData(object enumeratedItem) { return enumeratedItem as IHierarchyData; } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Web.UI; namespace AspNetUnleashed { /// <summary> /// Represents a node (row) from the database /// </summary> public class SqlNode : IHierarchyData, ICustomTypeDescriptor { private SqlHierarchicalDataSourceView _owner; private DataRow _row; public SqlNode(SqlHierarchicalDataSourceView owner, DataRow row) { _owner = owner; _row = row; } /// <summary> /// Does the current database row have child rows? /// </summary> public bool HasChildren { get { string filter = String.Format("{0}={1}", _owner.DataParentKeyName, _row[_owner.DataKeyName]); DataRow[] childRows = _owner.Data.Select(filter); return childRows.Length > 0; } } /// <summary> /// Returns the DataRow /// </summary> public object Item { get { return _row; } } /// <summary> /// A unique identifier for the row /// </summary> public string Path { get { return _row[_owner.DataKeyName].ToString(); } } /// <summary> /// The Type is used in switching logic /// </summary> public string Type { get { return "SqlNode"; } } /// <summary> /// The ToString() method is called to show /// the value of a row (we default to showing /// the value of the first column) /// </summary> public override string ToString() { return _row[0].ToString(); } /// <summary> /// Get child rows of current row /// </summary> public IHierarchicalEnumerable GetChildren() { string filter = string.Format("{0}={1}", _owner.DataParentKeyName, _row[_owner.DataKeyName]); DataRow[] childRows = _owner.Data.Select(filter); SqlHierarchicalEnumerable en = new SqlHierarchicalEnumerable(); foreach (DataRow row in childRows) en.Add(new SqlNode(_owner, row)); return en; } /// <summary> /// Get Parent Row of current row /// </summary> public IHierarchyData GetParent() { string filter = string.Format("{0}={1}", _owner.DataKeyName, _row[_owner.DataParentKeyName]); DataRow[] parentRows = _owner.Data.Select(filter); if (parentRows.Length > 0) return new SqlNode(_owner, parentRows[0]); else return null; } /// <summary> /// Get the list of properties supported by the SqlNode /// </summary> public PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties() { List<PropertyDescriptor> props = new List<PropertyDescriptor>(); foreach (DataColumn col in _owner.Data.Columns) props.Add(new SqlNodePropertyDescriptor(col.ColumnName)); return new PropertyDescriptorCollection(props.ToArray()); } // The following properties and methods are required by the // ICustomTypeDescriptor interface but are not implemented public System.ComponentModel.AttributeCollection GetAttributes() { throw new Exception("Not implemented."); } public string GetClassName() { throw new Exception("Not implemented."); } public string GetComponentName() { throw new Exception("Not implemented."); } public TypeConverter GetConverter() { throw new Exception("Not implemented."); } public EventDescriptor GetDefaultEvent() { throw new Exception("Not implemented."); } public PropertyDescriptor GetDefaultProperty() { throw new Exception("Not implemented."); } public object GetEditor(Type editorBaseType) { throw new Exception("Not implemented."); } public EventDescriptorCollection GetEvents(Attribute[] attributes) { throw new Exception("Not implemented."); } public EventDescriptorCollection GetEvents() { throw new Exception("Not implemented."); } public PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties(Attribute[] attributes) { throw new Exception("Not implemented."); } public object GetPropertyOwner(PropertyDescriptor pd) { throw new Exception("Not implemented."); } } }
using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; namespace AspNetUnleashed { /// <summary> /// Describes a property of a SqlNode /// </summary> public class SqlNodePropertyDescriptor : PropertyDescriptor { public SqlNodePropertyDescriptor(string name) : base(name, null) { } /// <summary> /// Return the value of a DataColumn represented by /// a particular SqlNode /// </summary> public override object GetValue(object component) { SqlNode node = (SqlNode)component; return ((DataRow)node.Item)[this.Name]; } // Don't bother to implement any of the other methods or properties // of this class public override bool CanResetValue(object component) { throw new Exception("Not implemented."); } public override Type ComponentType { get { throw new Exception("Not implemented."); } } public override bool IsReadOnly { get { throw new Exception("Not implemented."); } } public override Type PropertyType { get { throw new Exception("Not implemented."); } } public override void ResetValue(object component) { throw new Exception("Not implemented."); } public override void SetValue(object component, object value) { throw new Exception("Not implemented."); } public override bool ShouldSerializeValue(object component) { throw new Exception("Not implemented."); } } }
<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="treeview.aspx.cs" Inherits="treeview" %> <%@ Register TagPrefix="user" Namespace="AspNetUnleashed" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head runat="server"> <title></title> </head> <body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div> <asp:TreeView ID="TreeView1" DataSourceID="srcLeftTree" runat="server"> <DataBindings> <asp:TreeNodeBinding TextField="name" ValueField="id" /> </DataBindings> </asp:TreeView> <user:SqlHierarchicalDataSource ID="srcLeftTree" DataKeyName="id" DataParentKeyName="ParentId" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ytdl %>" SelectCommand="LeftTree_Data" SelectCommandType="StoredProcedure" runat="server" /> </div> </form> </body> </html>
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.LeftTree_Data AS Select Site_No as id,Site_Name as Name,null as ParentID From YT_Site union all select dev_id as id, dev_name as Name ,Site_No as ParentID from YT_Dev where Site_No in (select Site_no from YT_Site) union all select WD_ID as id,WD_Name as Name, Dev_id as ParentID from YT_WD where WD_Type=0 and Dev_ID in ( select dev_id from YT_Dev where Site_No in (select Site_no from YT_Site) ) union all select WD_ID as ID,WD_Name as Name, WD_TO_WD as ParentID from YT_WD where WD_TO_WD in ( select WD_ID from YT_WD where WD_Type=0 and Dev_ID in ( select dev_id from YT_Dev where Site_No in (select Site_no from YT_Site) ) )
刚开始时写错了一个地方,null as ParentID From YT_Site 直接写成了 0 as Parentid
... string filter = string.Format("{0} IS NULL", this.DataParentKeyName); ...
2011-5-31 21:01 danny
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8.1.1 SQL 数据源控件(SqlDataSource) 8.1.2 Access 数据源控件(AccessDataSource) 8.1.3 目标数据源控件(ObjectDataSource) 8.1.4 LINQ 数据源控件(LinqDataSource) 8.1.5 Xml 数据源控件(XmlDataSource)...
8.1.1 SQL数据源控件(SqlDataSource) 8.1.2 Access数据源控件(AccessDataSource) 8.1.3 目标数据源控件(ObjectDataSource) 8.1.4 LINQ数据源控件(LinqDataSource) 8.1.5 Xml数据源控件(XmlDataSource) ...
8.1.1 SQL数据源控件(SqlDataSource) 8.1.2 Access数据源控件(AccessDataSource) 8.1.3 目标数据源控件(ObjectDataSource) 8.1.4 LINQ数据源控件(LinqDataSource) 8.1.5 Xml数据源控件(XmlDataSource) ...
8.1.1 SQL数据源控件(SqlDataSource) 8.1.2 Access数据源控件(AccessDataSource) 8.1.3 目标数据源控件(ObjectDataSource) 8.1.4 LINQ数据源控件(LinqDataSource) 8.1.5 Xml数据源控件(XmlDataSource) ...
8.1.1 SQL数据源控件(SqlDataSource) 8.1.2 Access数据源控件(AccessDataSource) 8.1.3 目标数据源控件(ObjectDataSource) 8.1.4 LINQ数据源控件(LinqDataSource) 8.1.5 Xml数据源控件(XmlDataSource) ...
8.1.1 SQL数据源控件(SqlDataSource) 8.1.2 Access数据源控件(AccessDataSource) 8.1.3 目标数据源控件(ObjectDataSource) 8.1.4 LINQ数据源控件(LinqDataSource) 8.1.5 Xml数据源控件(XmlDataSource) ...
9.1.4动态控件创建324 9.1.5数据驱动窗体328 9.2 MDI窗体333 9.2.1 MDI应用程序333 9.2.2多态MDI容器337 9.2.3 Application Wizard338 9.3使用拖放340 9.3.1自动化拖放340 9.3.2手工拖放341 第10章Windows通用控件...
9.1.4动态控件创建324 9.1.5数据驱动窗体328 9.2 MDI窗体333 9.2.1 MDI应用程序333 9.2.2多态MDI容器337 9.2.3 Application Wizard338 9.3使用拖放340 9.3.1自动化拖放340 9.3.2手工拖放341 第10章Windows通用控件...