NOSQLDB categories
key / value pairs, sharded arrays, and document-oriented
google App data stores. Its syntax in Python is simple and clear, and it was specifically
created to be easy to use and reminiscent of relational databases, while only providing the
services typical of key/value stores base on a massively scalable cloud computing service.
NOSQL DB benefits
the benefits of various non-relational approaches will be explained
in depth, in terms of simplicity (fewer services lead to less complexity), scalability
(weaker integrity assumptions lead to more dimensions of concurrency), and raw
performance (fewer features means fewer layers to pass through).
How google App data engine do?
class Position(db.Model):
job_title = db.StringProperty(multiline=False)
open_date = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=False)
close_date = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=False)
salary = db.StringProperty(multiline=False)
description = db.StringProperty(multiline=True)
class Applicant(db.Model):
position = db.ReferenceProperty(Position)
name = db.StringProperty(multiline=False)
birth_date = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=False)
address = db.StringProperty(multiline=False)
source = db.StringProperty(multiline=False,
choices=set(["employee referral", "recruiter", "advertisement"]))
applied_date = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
Note that, position_id, application_id is generated by system.
pos = Position()
pos.job_title = "Accountant"
app = Applicant()
app.position = pos.key() = "Homer Simpson"
A inner join operation
For RDBMS, a select operation is enough.
SELECT P.job_title,, A.birth_date, ...
Position P
INNER JOIN Applicant A
ON A.position_id = P.position_id
P.salary > 100000
AND A.state = 'New Jersey'
FLOW: finding relevant job postings on disk and caching them in memory, writing new applicant records to disk, merging the information about positions and applicants in memory, filtering the results by Boolean expressions, sorting the results, etc.
How google app engine do?
positions = Position.all()
positions.filter("open_date <","close_date >",
for position in positions:
# display the position in the list ...
applicants = Applicant.all()
applicants.filter("state =", "New Jersey")
for applicant in applicants:
position = applicant.Position()
# show data containing attributes of both position and applicant objects
It should be clear by this point that there is some (potentially large) class of
operations that we can achieve declaratively, with no effort, in a SQL database, which
require significant programming in a non-relational database.
However, the other properties of the data access may shift the balance of this
equation; when the task is not to produce a quick report, but instead to manage
this information for millions of users, in order to produce intermediate structures
that can answer search queries in fractions of a millisecond, the prospect of
writing your own access code in this manner (via, for example, a map/reduce
operation) becomes much more attractive.
Advantages to using non-relational databases
• Semi-Structured Data
• Alternative Model Paradigms
• Multi-valued properties
• Generalized Analytics
• Version History
• Predictable Scalability
• Schema Evolution
Advantages to using RDBMS databases
• Ease of expression - writing queries is fast and easy, assuming those requirements
are within the purview of what SQL can do natively.
• Concurrency and Transactions - ACID properties
• Eventual Consistency
• Normalized Updates and relational integrity
• Standardization
• Access Control
首先,DBMS的概论部分会介绍数据库的基本定义,它的功能和类型,如关系型数据库、对象-关系数据库和NoSQL数据库等。还会讨论数据库设计原则,如数据独立性和事务处理,以及DBMS在企业信息化中的重要作用。 数据存储...
NOSQL的简单介绍和使用 NOSQL数据库入门
可分布的SQL和NoSQL数据存储系统 随着Web2.0应用的兴起,数据量激增,传统的数据库管理系统(DBMS)和数据仓库在面对大规模的简单在线事务处理(OLTP)样式的应用时开始力不从心。因此,新的可水平扩展的数据存储...
1. 数据库模型:可能是基于关系模型或者NoSQL模型的设计。 2. 文件格式:定义了如何在磁盘上存储数据的文件格式。 3. SQL解析:实现对SQL命令的解析和执行。 4. 存储引擎:负责数据的实际读写操作。 5. API接口:...
9. NoSQL数据库:针对非结构化和半结构化数据,NoSQL数据库如MongoDB、Cassandra提供了灵活的数据模型和高扩展性。了解其工作原理和适用场景,可以帮助选择合适的数据存储方案。 10. 大数据处理:Hadoop和Spark等...
数据库管理系统(DBMS)是管理和组织数据的核心工具,它允许用户创建、查询、更新和管理数据库。DBMS的例子多种多样,适用于不同的应用场景。以下是一些常见的DBMS类型及其特点: 1. **Oracle**:Oracle数据库是...
这些工具旨在将关系数据库和面向对象的编程范式结合在一起,但是NoSQL范式(特别是新的NoSQL DBMS提供程序)的出现导致经常不支持CLI提供的某些标准功能的情况。由于它们与关系模型的距离或设计约束。 这样,当系统...
NoSQL撤消NoSQL-Undo是一种恢复方法和工具,它允许数据库管理员通过撤消操作来消除不希望的操作的影响,从而使系统进入一致状态。 NOSQL UNDO利用内置的NoSQL数据库的日志记录和快照机制,并且能够撤消只要日志中...
本文将深入探讨“客户端-服务器端”体系结构在NOSQL DBMS中的应用,以及开源NOSQL数据库的优势。 首先,让我们了解“客户端-服务器端”(Client-Server)体系结构的基本概念。这种架构模型在计算机网络中广泛使用,...
1. 数据模型:在设计数据库时,我们会接触到几种主要的数据模型,如关系型数据模型(Relational Model)、层次数据模型、网络数据模型和NoSQL数据模型。关系型模型是最常见的,由表、行和列组成,我们的MyDBMS可能...
支持Total.js NoSQL embedded 支持PostgreSQL和MongoDB 初始化 const dbms = require ( 'dbms' ) ; dbms . init ( [ alias ] , connection_string ) ; // @alias { String } Optional, alias for connection ...
论文提出了优化数据结构的方法,可能包括使用更有效的索引策略、分区策略或采用NoSQL数据库等分布式存储解决方案。 4. **节目的组织与利用**:OTT平台的核心是丰富的节目内容。论文讨论了如何通过不同的表结构来...
### 数据分析-NOSQL测试题知识点解析 #### 1. 数据库按逻辑模型进行区分 - **层次模型数据库**:IMS(Information Management System)是一种典型的层次模型数据库,它由IBM开发,主要用于大型机环境下的数据处理...
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"dba_commands" 是一个资源,它提供了一系列基本的命令,旨在帮助DBA们在不同的数据库管理系统(DBMS)上进行日常操作,包括关系型数据库SQL以及非关系型数据库NoSQL,如MongoDB。下面将详细介绍这些知识点。 1. ...
数据库管理系统(DBMS)模型是数据存储和管理的基础框架,它们定义了数据如何在系统中组织、访问和操作。在IT领域,理解不同类型的DBMS模型对于任何与数据打交道的专业人士,如SQL开发者、SQL Server管理员或DBA...