Your use of "somatic" in this context seems to be different from the standard definition (e.g. see this definition
"Germline DNA" is typically read to mean "the DNA sequence you were
born with". The term "somatic mutation" is usually read to imply that
the germline DNA sequence was altered somehow after you were born;
that's where the "somatic" part comes in. Part of the definition, in my
mind, is that this mutation is not present in every cell of the body.
Somatic mutations are typically identified by comparing the sequence of a
particular pool of DNA-- let's say DNA extracted from a lung tumor-- to
DNA thought to be representative of the germline DNA. For people with
epithelial tumors, DNA extracted from blood is usually used to get the
germline status. You can identify novel somatic mutations by comparing
the target sequence to germline sequence. Somatic mutations are
catalogued in databases like COSMIC.
This definition is distinct from the question of "what's the
difference between a common polymorphism and a rare polymorphism?",
since the context for that question is the DNA the person was born with.
That question is usually a matter of commonly accepted definitions for
"rare" vs. "common" and the population being used for comparisons,
rather that being a difference in kind. Whatever the definition, I think
these unusual variations are usually termed "rare variants" rather than
"somatic mutations".
A somatic
mutation is a genetic mutation
which occurs in a somatic
cell after conception. These mutations
can lead to a variety of medical issues, and lay people commonly associate them specifically with cancers. Somatic
can be identified by examining the genetic material in a questionable
cell and comparing it to a cell from elsewhere in the body; the DNA
in the two cells will be different, despite the fact that it is not supposed to be.
There are two types of cells: somatic
cells and germ cells
. Germ cells eventually give rise to gametes, while somatic
cells give rise to everything else. If a somatic
mutation occurs in utero, all of the cells descended from the somatic
cell will carry the mutation. This results in a situation called genetic mosaicism
, in which some of the cells in someone's body have DNA which is different from other cells.
A somatic
mutation in utero can lead to issues such as birth defects
with the impaired cell passing on the damaged DNA to its descendants
and causing malformations. In other cases, someone may be left with
mosaicism, but no outward problems. After birth, a somatic
mutation can lead to the development of a cancer if the growth
regulators in the cell are damaged, causing the cell to engage in out of
control replication, creating new cells which will do the same.
cannot be inherited, because they do not involve the germ cells. This
type of mutation is sometimes called an “acquired mutation,” referencing
the fact that it is not the result of inheriting a mutation from a
parent. For example, a woman who develops breast cancer
will not pass breast cancer on to her child. However, the risk of a somatic
mutation can be increased by the presence or absence of certain
inherited genes, which means that a the children of a woman with breast
cancer may be at increased risk, and they can be tested to find out
whether genes linked with breast cancer are present in their DNA.
can happen for a variety of reasons. Some appear to be the result of
exposure to toxins or radiation which interferes with the cell division
process. Others are spontaneous, occurring as the result of a random
error in the cell division process. Given the length of the genome
, occasional mistakes do happen in individual cells, and in fact the body is coded to destroy somatic
cells which have mutated, although it is not always successful.
Germinal and Somatic Mutations
Eukaryotic organisms have two primary cell types --- germ and somatic.
Mutations can occur in either cell type. If a gene is altered in a germ
cell, the mutation is termed a germinal mutation
. Because germ
cells give rise to gametes, some gamete
s will carry the mutation and it will be passed on to the next
generation when the individual successfully mates. Typically germinal
mutations are not expressed in the individual containing the mutation.
The only instance in which it would be expressed
is if it negatively (or positively) affected gamete production.
Somatic cells give rise to all non-germline tissues. Mutations in somatic cells are called somatic mutations
Because they do not occur in cells that give rise to gametes, the
mutation is not passed along to the next generation by sexual means.
To maintain this mutation, the individual containing the mutation must
be cloned. Two example of somatic clones are navel oranges and red
delicious apples. Horticulturists first observed the mutants. They
then grafted mutant branches onto the stocks of
"normal" trees. After the graft was established, cuttings from that
original graft were grafted onto tree stocks. In this way the mutation
was maintained and proliferated.
Most tissues are derived from a cell or a few progenitor cells. If a
mutation occurs in one of the progenitor cells, all of its daughter
cells will also express the mutation. For this reason, somatic
mutations generally appear as a sector on the mutated
Cancer tumors
are a unique class of somatic mutations. The tumor
arises when a gene involved in cell division, a protooncogene, is
mutated. All of the daughter cells contain this mutation. The
phenotype of all cells containing the mutation is un
controlled cell division. This results in a tumor that is a collection
of undifferentiated cells called tumor cells.
体细胞突变(Somatic Mutation)是生物体内细胞在生命周期中发生的一种遗传变异,主要发生在多细胞生物的非生殖细胞中。这些突变不会传递给下一代,但可能影响个体的健康,尤其在癌症中扮演重要角色。somatic-...
Somatic 是一款可穿戴的键盘和鼠标。它将手势和动作转化为行动,就像龙与地下城中咒语的躯体成分一样。 Somatic 项目的优先事项是: 使用平视显示器控制任何可穿戴计算机 随时可用,无需互联网,即刻使用 不会导致...
龙眼体胚发生过程中SOD基因家族的基因结构、进化树及表达比较分析,林玉玲,赖钟雄,超氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase,SOD)作为抗氧化系统的第一道防线在植物胚胎的细胞分化和发育过程中具有重要作用。...
概述 这是一个示例 R 脚本,其中包含一个... 要使用该代码,需要生成一个名为“Somatic_mutation_type”的列,其中包含观察到的体细胞突变的信息以及“A[A>G]C”格式的相邻核苷酸上下文 使用代码生成的示例图像如下所示
Somatic是可穿戴的键盘和鼠标。 它可以将手势和动作转化为行动,就像《龙与地下城》中法术的躯体成分一样。 Somatic项目的优先事项是: 平视显示器可控制任何可穿戴计算机 随时可用,无需互联网即可全天使用 不会...
Somatic-ShortV管道与管道无缝。脚本使用相对路径,因此正确的设置很重要。 完成后: 转到创建最终bams的工作目录。 确保您有一个<cohort>.config文件,该文件是制表符分隔的文件,其中包含#SampleID LabSampleID ...
体力狙击手 该程序的目的是识别在肿瘤和正常人(或理论上,任何两个bam文件)之间不同的单核苷酸位置。 它需要一个肿瘤bam和一个正常bam,然后将两者进行比较以确定差异。 完整的文档可在项目或随附的。...
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Lee at el (Nature, 2018) 最初声称的用于重新分析体细胞 APP 逆转录转座的代码。 提供了用于两种不同分析的模块——检测外显子内连接 (IEJ) 和估计 APP gencDNA 分数——。... [基本用法] • 检测IEJs 连接APP 外显子 ...
通过高通量测序识别发现 de novo 的 somatic 和 germ line 突变,结构变异-SNV,包括重排突变(deletioin, duplication 以与 copy number variation)以与 SNP 的座位;针对重排突变和 SNP 的功能性进行综合分析;...
MSK-IMPACT,全称为“Integrated Mutation Profiling of Actionable Cancer Targets”,是由纪念斯隆·凯特琳癌症中心(Memorial Sloan Kettering,简称MSK)开发的一种针对实体瘤的肿瘤基因变异分析测试。...
4. 生物学解释:音乐atk不仅停留在统计层面,还支持与已知突变签名数据库的比对,比如COSMIC(Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer),从而推断出可能的致癌途径和药物敏感性信息。 在实际应用中,音乐atk...
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水牛-猪异种体细胞核移植胚胎的体外发育,孙如玉,朱向星,【目的】本研究旨在探索水牛-猪异种体细胞核移植(Interspecies somatic cell nuclear transfer, iSCNT)的可行性,以为进一步的应用研究奠定基础。...
牛奶体细胞数(somatic cell count,SCC)是指每毫升牛奶中的细胞总数,多数是白细胞,通常由巨噬细胞、淋巴细胞、多形核嗜中性白细胞和少量乳腺组织上皮细胞等组成,约占牛体细胞数的95%,其余是乳腺组织死去脱落的...
Ethics 116 (July 2006): 656–679 � 2006 by The University of ...the technology is genetic engineering (either somatic or germ line), although the argument we will present does not depend on the tech-
The technique of interspecies somatic cell nuclear transfer, in which interspecies cloned embryos can be reconstructed by using domestic animal oocytes as nuclear recipients and endangered animal or ...
name truth.vcf vcfname=file.vcf [vcfname=file.vcf ...]open concordance.html例如,要重现 repo 中包含的示例数据,请运行: tumor.chr20 sampledata/trn.truth.chr20.vcf.gz \ somatic-...