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select * from emp where deptno=30;

select empno, ename, deptno from emp;
select empno, ename, (select dname from dept d where d.deptno=e.deptno) as "DNAME" from emp e;

select * from emp where comm>sal;

select * from emp where comm>sal*0.6;

select * from emp where (deptno=10 and job='MANAGER') or (deptno=20 and job='CLERK');
--  经理又不是办事员但其薪金大于或等于2000的所有雇员的详细资料
select * from emp where (deptno=10 and job='MANAGER') or (deptno=20 and job='CLERK') or (job not in('MANAGER','CLERK') and sal>=2000);

select distinct job from emp where nvl(comm,0)>0;

--select * from emp where comm is null or (comm is not null and comm<100);--复杂写法
select * from emp where nvl(comm,0)<100;

select * from emp where hiredate=last_day(hiredate);
--select sysdate from dual;
--select last_day(sysdate) from dual;
--select last_day(to_date('2009-02-02','yyyy-mm-dd')) from dual;
--select to_char(sysdate,'yyyy') from dual;
--select to_char(sysdate,'yy') from dual;
--select to_number('300') from dual;

select * from emp where to_char(sysdate,'yyyy')-to_char(hiredate,'yyyy')>12;

--select initcap('HeLlo') from dual;
select ename from emp where ename=initcap(ename);

select ename from emp where length(ename)=15;

select ename from emp where ename not like '%R%';

select substr(ename,0,3) from emp;

select replace(ename,'A','a') from emp;


select ename, add_months(hiredate,120) from emp;

select * from emp order by ename asc;--默认按asc排序,可省略asc
select * from emp order by ename desc;

select ename from emp order by hiredate;

select ename,job,sal from emp order by job desc, sal desc;

select ename, to_char(hiredate, 'yyyy-mm') as "加入年月" from emp order by to_char(hiredate,'mm') asc, hiredate asc;

select round(sal/30,0) from emp;

select * from emp where to_char(hiredate, 'mm')=2;

select ename,round(sysdate-hiredate,0) "加入公司天数" from emp;


select ename from emp where ename like '%A%';

select empno,
floor(months_between(sysdate,hiredate)/12) As Year,
floor((months_between(sysdate,hiredate)/12-floor(months_between(sysdate,hiredate)/12))*12) As Month,
ceil((((months_between(sysdate,hiredate)/12-floor(months_between(sysdate,hiredate)/12))*12)-floor((months_between(sysdate,hiredate)/12-floor(months_between(sysdate,hiredate)/12))*12))*30) As Day
from emp order by hiredate;



select rownum, empno, ename, sal from emp;
select rownum, empno, ename, sal from emp order by sal;
select rownum, empno, ename, sal from (select * from emp order by sal);

--1、请从emp表中查询出第三条记录之后的所有记录?select * from (select rownum as num, empno, ename from emp) where num>3;

select * from (select * from emp where sal>1200) where rownum<=5;

select * from (select * from emp where sal>1200 order by sal desc) where rownum<=5;

select * from
       (select rownum as num, empno, ename, sal from emp where sal>1200)
               where num>(select count(*) from emp where sal>1200)-5;

select * from
       (select rownum as num, empno, ename, sal from (select * from emp where sal>1200 order by sal))
               where num>(select count(*) from emp where sal>1200)-5;

select * from emp order by sal desc;--10和11两条记录的sal大小相同
select * from emp
       where sal>=
             (select sal from
                     (select * from (select rownum as num, empno, ename, sal from (select * from emp order by sal desc))) e
             where e.num=10)
       order by sal desc;

-- 第一解题思路:

select * from emp;
select * from (select rownum as num, empno, ename from emp) where num>=8 and num<=10;
-- 第二解题思路:
select * from (select rownum as num, empno, ename from emp) where num between 8 and 10;
-- 第三解题思路:
select * from (select rownum num, empno, ename from emp where rownum<=10) where num>=8;
-- 第四解题思路:
select * from emp where rownum<=10 minus select * from emp where rownum<8;


select dname from dept where deptno in (select distinct deptno from emp);

select * from emp where sal>(select sal from emp where ename='SMITH');


select ename, (select ename from emp e2 where e2.empno=e1.mgr) MGR from emp e1;

select * from emp e1 where hiredate<(select hiredate from emp e2 where e2.empno=e1.mgr);

select d.dname, e.* from dept d left join emp e on d.deptno=e.deptno;

select ename, (select dname from dept d where d.deptno=e.deptno) "部门" from emp e where e.job='CLERK';
select ename,dname from dept a,emp b where a.deptno=b.deptno and job='CLERK';

--7.列出各种类别的最低薪金,要求最低薪金大于1500select job,min(sal) from emp group by job having min(sal)>1500;

select ename from emp where emp.deptno=(select deptno from dept where dname='SALES');

select * from emp where sal>(select avg(sal) from emp);


select * from emp where job=(select job from emp where ename='SCOTT');

select ename, sal from emp where sal in (select sal from emp where deptno=30);
select ename, sal from emp where sal>(select max(sal) from emp where deptno=30);


select d.*, (select count(deptno) from emp e where e.deptno=d.deptno) "雇员人数" from dept d;

--14.列出所有雇员的雇员名称、部门名称和薪金.select ename,(
select dname from dept d where d.deptno=e.deptno) "部门名称",sal from emp e;

select * from emp order by job, deptno;


select d.*, e.* from dept d left join emp e on d.deptno=e.deptno;

select job, min(sal) from emp group by job;

select min(sal) from emp where job='MANAGER';

select sal*12 from emp order by sal;

select * from (select rownum num, e.* from (select * from emp order by sal desc) e) where num=4;





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