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Culture List

<style type="text/css"> .abcd table{border:solid 1px black;border-collapse:collapse;} .abcd table th, .abcd table td {border:solid 1px black;}</style>Table of Language Culture Names, Codes, and ISO Values Method
Language Culture Name Display Name Culture Code ISO 639x Value
af-ZA Afrikaans - South Africa 0x0436 AFK
sq-AL Albanian - Albania 0x041C SQI
ar-DZ Arabic - Algeria 0x1401 ARG
ar-BH Arabic - Bahrain 0x3C01 ARH
ar-EG Arabic - Egypt 0x0C01 ARE
ar-IQ Arabic - Iraq 0x0801 ARI
ar-JO Arabic - Jordan 0x2C01 ARJ
ar-KW Arabic - Kuwait 0x3401 ARK
ar-LB Arabic - Lebanon 0x3001 ARB
ar-LY Arabic - Libya 0x1001 ARL
ar-MA Arabic - Morocco 0x1801 ARM
ar-OM Arabic - Oman 0x2001 ARO
ar-QA Arabic - Qatar 0x4001 ARQ
ar-SA Arabic - Saudi Arabia 0x0401 ARA
ar-SY Arabic - Syria 0x2801 ARS
ar-TN Arabic - Tunisia 0x1C01 ART
ar-AE Arabic - United Arab Emirates 0x3801 ARU
ar-YE Arabic - Yemen 0x2401 ARY
hy-AM Armenian - Armenia 0x042B  
Cy-az-AZ Azeri (Cyrillic) - Azerbaijan 0x082C  
Lt-az-AZ Azeri (Latin) - Azerbaijan 0x042C  
eu-ES Basque - Basque 0x042D EUQ
be-BY Belarusian - Belarus 0x0423 BEL
bg-BG Bulgarian - Bulgaria 0x0402 BGR
ca-ES Catalan - Catalan 0x0403 CAT
zh-CN Chinese - China 0x0804 CHS
zh-HK Chinese - Hong Kong SAR 0x0C04 ZHH
zh-MO Chinese - Macau SAR 0x1404  
zh-SG Chinese - Singapore 0x1004 ZHI
zh-TW Chinese - Taiwan 0x0404 CHT
zh-CHS Chinese (Simplified) 0x0004  
zh-CHT Chinese (Traditional) 0x7C04  
hr-HR Croatian - Croatia 0x041A HRV
cs-CZ Czech - Czech Republic 0x0405 CSY
da-DK Danish - Denmark 0x0406 DAN
div-MV Dhivehi - Maldives 0x0465  
nl-BE Dutch - Belgium 0x0813 NLB
nl-NL Dutch - The Netherlands 0x0413  
en-AU English - Australia 0x0C09 ENA
en-BZ English - Belize 0x2809 ENL
en-CA English - Canada 0x1009 ENC
en-CB English - Caribbean 0x2409  
en-IE English - Ireland 0x1809 ENI
en-JM English - Jamaica 0x2009 ENJ
en-NZ English - New Zealand 0x1409 ENZ
en-PH English - Philippines 0x3409  
en-ZA English - South Africa 0x1C09 ENS
en-TT English - Trinidad and Tobago 0x2C09 ENT
en-GB English - United Kingdom 0x0809 ENG
en-US English - United States 0x0409 ENU
en-ZW English - Zimbabwe 0x3009  
et-EE Estonian - Estonia 0x0425 ETI
fo-FO Faroese - Faroe Islands 0x0438 FOS
fa-IR Farsi - Iran 0x0429 FAR
fi-FI Finnish - Finland 0x040B FIN
fr-BE French - Belgium 0x080C FRB
fr-CA French - Canada 0x0C0C FRC
fr-FR French - France 0x040C  
fr-LU French - Luxembourg 0x140C FRL
fr-MC French - Monaco 0x180C  
fr-CH French - Switzerland 0x100C FRS
gl-ES Galician - Galician 0x0456  
ka-GE Georgian - Georgia 0x0437  
de-AT German - Austria 0x0C07 DEA
de-DE German - Germany 0x0407  
de-LI German - Liechtenstein 0x1407 DEC
de-LU German - Luxembourg 0x1007 DEL
de-CH German - Switzerland 0x0807 DES
el-GR Greek - Greece 0x0408 ELL
gu-IN Gujarati - India 0x0447  
he-IL Hebrew - Israel 0x040D HEB
hi-IN Hindi - India 0x0439 HIN
hu-HU Hungarian - Hungary 0x040E HUN
is-IS Icelandic - Iceland 0x040F ISL
id-ID Indonesian - Indonesia 0x0421  
it-IT Italian - Italy 0x0410  
it-CH Italian - Switzerland 0x0810 ITS
ja-JP Japanese - Japan 0x0411 JPN
kn-IN Kannada - India 0x044B  
kk-KZ Kazakh - Kazakhstan 0x043F  
kok-IN Konkani - India 0x0457  
ko-KR Korean - Korea 0x0412 KOR
ky-KZ Kyrgyz - Kazakhstan 0x0440  
lv-LV Latvian - Latvia 0x0426 LVI
lt-LT Lithuanian - Lithuania 0x0427 LTH
mk-MK Macedonian (FYROM) 0x042F MKD
ms-BN Malay - Brunei 0x083E  
ms-MY Malay - Malaysia 0x043E  
mr-IN Marathi - India 0x044E  
mn-MN Mongolian - Mongolia 0x0450  
nb-NO Norwegian (Bokmål) - Norway 0x0414  
nn-NO Norwegian (Nynorsk) - Norway 0x0814  
pl-PL Polish - Poland 0x0415 PLK
pt-BR Portuguese - Brazil 0x0416 PTB
pt-PT Portuguese - Portugal 0x0816  
pa-IN Punjabi - India 0x0446  
ro-RO Romanian - Romania 0x0418 ROM
ru-RU Russian - Russia 0x0419 RUS
sa-IN Sanskrit - India 0x044F  
Cy-sr-SP Serbian (Cyrillic) - Serbia 0x0C1A  
Lt-sr-SP Serbian (Latin) - Serbia 0x081A  
sk-SK Slovak - Slovakia 0x041B SKY
sl-SI Slovenian - Slovenia 0x0424 SLV
es-AR Spanish - Argentina 0x2C0A ESS
es-BO Spanish - Bolivia 0x400A ESB
es-CL Spanish - Chile 0x340A ESL
es-CO Spanish - Colombia 0x240A ESO
es-CR Spanish - Costa Rica 0x140A ESC
es-DO Spanish - Dominican Republic 0x1C0A ESD
es-EC Spanish - Ecuador 0x300A ESF
es-SV Spanish - El Salvador 0x440A ESE
es-GT Spanish - Guatemala 0x100A ESG
es-HN Spanish - Honduras 0x480A ESH
es-MX Spanish - Mexico 0x080A ESM
es-NI Spanish - Nicaragua 0x4C0A ESI
es-PA Spanish - Panama 0x180A ESA
es-PY Spanish - Paraguay 0x3C0A ESZ
es-PE Spanish - Peru 0x280A ESR
es-PR Spanish - Puerto Rico 0x500A ES
es-ES Spanish - Spain 0x0C0A  
es-UY Spanish - Uruguay 0x380A ESY
es-VE Spanish - Venezuela 0x200A ESV
sw-KE Swahili - Kenya 0x0441  
sv-FI Swedish - Finland 0x081D SVF
sv-SE Swedish - Sweden 0x041D  
syr-SY Syriac - Syria 0x045A  
ta-IN Tamil - India 0x0449  
tt-RU Tatar - Russia 0x0444  
te-IN Telugu - India 0x044A  
th-TH Thai - Thailand 0x041E THA
tr-TR Turkish - Turkey 0x041F TRK
uk-UA Ukrainian - Ukraine 0x0422 UKR
ur-PK Urdu - Pakistan 0x0420 URD
Cy-uz-UZ Uzbek (Cyrillic) - Uzbekistan 0x0843  
Lt-uz-UZ Uzbek (Latin) - Uzbekistan 0x0443  
vi-VN Vietnamese - Vietnam 0x042A VIT


    Culture Map

    She has written for the Harvard Business Review, Singapore Business Times, and Forbes.com. In 2013 Erin was selected for the Thinkers50 Radar list of the world’s up-and-coming business thinkers.

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