Considering I've put a few posts up about LINQ To SQL, I realised I've never shared some of the initial links I passed to other team members as well. If you're looking into using this technology, here are some worthwhile links to follow. Some are tutorials, some are tools, some are just worthwhile pieces to understand with this new technology. Also, some are more general LINQ-related than LINQ To SQL specifically.
Essential Reading
- http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2007/09/07/linq-to-sql-part-9-using-a-custom-linq-expression-with-the-lt-asp-linqdatasource-gt-control.aspx - a great series of step-by-step tutorials by Scott Guthrie that cover a lot of important basic concepts
- http://blogs.msdn.com/charlie/archive/2007/12/09/deferred-execution.aspx - A post by Charlie Calvert on the C# team on Deferred Execution, a topic that can bite you if you don't know about it
- http://dotnet.org.za/hiltong/archive/2008/02/12/lazy-loading-in-linq-loadwith-and-associatewith-dataloadoptions-part-1-loadwith.aspx - Part 1 of my series on Lazy Loading with LINQ To SQL
- http://dotnet.org.za/hiltong/archive/2008/02/12/lazy-loading-in-linq-loadwith-and-associatewith-dataloadoptions-part-2-associatewith-and-tieing-both-together.aspx - Part 2 of the Lazy Loading series
- http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb425822.aspx - This is a pretty long paper on MSDN on DLINQ, the original codename for LINQ To SQL. It's got a lot of material, but is a bit out of date on some parts.
- Linq Tips: Retrieving an Element From a Collection - an overview of some of the methods for retrieving a single item from a table (or any collection) in LINQ and LINQ To SQL
- http://aspnetresources.com/downloads/linq_standard_query_operators.pdf a 'cheat sheet' of LINQ operations
Essential Tools
- http://www.scottgu.com/blogposts/linqquery/SqlServerQueryVisualizer.zip A Debug Visualizer to help with debugging while you're coding your LINQ To SQL projects
- Download LINQPad - SQL Query Analyzer / Management Studio for LINQ - basically a stand-alone mini IDE to work with LINQ.
Worthwhile Additional Info
- http://bloggingabout.net/blogs/dennis/archive/2007/12/28/linq-to-sql-vs-dba-s.aspx Some comments on DBA-related concerns with LINQ To SQL
- http://blogs.msdn.com/ricom/archive/2007/08/31/database-performance-correctness-compostion-compromise-and-linq-too.aspx - Good general on database performance
- http://blogs.msdn.com/ricom/archive/2007/06/22/dlinq-linq-to-sql-performance-part-1.aspx - An overview of how LINQ To SQL performance was tuned by MS during the development process
- LINQ- What It Means for Developers - My 5 minute Virtual Tech Ed interview overview of LINQ and LINQ To SQL
- http://dotnet.org.za/hiltong/archive/2008/02/01/why-use-linq-to-sql-part-1-performance-considerations.aspx - the 1st in a series of Why Use LINQ To SQL posts (2nd one coming soon, hopefully!)
- http://wiki.asp.net/page.aspx/86/linq-to-sql - the LINQ To SQL page on the new ASP.Net Wiki site
A comprehensive guide to the Entity ...Chapter 6: Working with LINQ to Entities Chapter 7: Working with the Object Services Layer Chapter 8: Working with WCF Data Services Appendix: Advanced Concepts
有关更多信息,请参见 Getting Started with the Entity Framework(实体框架入门)。实体框架还引入了一些其他功能,包括支持 SQL Server 2008 的新类型、默认实体图形序列化和实体数据源。在此版本中,实体框架...
- 第二部分“Getting Started with Entity Framework”,这部分内容可能涵盖了Entity Framework的基础知识和应用。 5. **章节内容**:在第二部分中,提到了一些具体的章节标题: - 第三章“Querying the object ...
5. **查询API**:EF Core提供Linq-to-Entities,可以使用C#查询表达式或方法调用来直接操作数据库。例如,`context.Users.Where(u => u.Age > 18)`。 6. **懒加载与急加载**:懒加载是在需要时才加载关联的数据,而...
I would love to write a proper Dbf to Linq interface, if you want to help me on this please volunteer. The difference Using the code Warning: This project is at its infancy, it has not been ...
对于初学者,文档中的"Getting Started"部分是一个很好的起点,它会引导读者了解.NET的基础知识和C#语法。同时,"Tutorials"部分提供了大量实践性的学习材料,帮助开发者快速上手。 对于进阶开发者,.NET API参考是...
而"Getting_Started_With_Symbiotic_P1_CRUD_CS.zip"可能是一个配套的代码示例,包含了完成上述操作的C#项目文件。"下载链接.txt"可能保存了获取更多资源或完整示例的链接。 总的来说,Symbiotic作为一个.NET Micro...