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The General Interface MVC implementation means that the General Interface components are broken down into three architectural elements, each of which plays a crucial role in how the component behaves.
The Model maintains the state data for each object instance. For example, the model portion of the Matrix (jsx3.gui.Matrix) object tracks state properties such as the number of columns, the widths of each column, the outer dimensions for the table, how to sort which column, and so on.
The View refers to how the object instance is actually displayed on the client machine. A good way to envision a view is to think of object look-and-feel. Figure 3 shows several different views that the Tab object can produce:
View涉及对象实例怎样实际显示到客户端的机制。一个好的关于视图的期望是只考虑对象的感官(look-and-feel)。 Figure3显示了几个Tab对象能够产生的视图。
The Controller dictates how a given object will interact with events. Events include user-initiated events and system-initiated events, including mouse-clicks, key-presses, drag-and-drop operations, screen and component repainting, and calls from the application business logic.
The best way to describe how these three elements work together is to describe a typical GUI object, such as the Tab object, in context of these three elements.
The easiest aspect of MVC to understand is the view. The view is what end users see when they use the application. The three Tab object instances shown in Figure 4, for example, have a consistent view that adheres to the visual design for the application.
With the view element now defined, it’s easier to explain the model portion of the MVC architecture. The model element allows the given Tab object to keep an index of properties that uniquely define its state in memory (see Table 1). The model is unaffected by how the tab visually displays its state. Instead, it maintains a single Boolean property, active, that is set to true or false.
From an architectural perspective, separating the model from the view means that more of the code base can be leveraged on future projects. Regardless of whether the view for a Tab object has beveled edges or graphical icons, the model remains the same. This means that only the view code for a given class needs to be updated from project to project.
The controller element updates the model based on events passed from the corresponding view. For example, a user clicks the displayed view for a Tab object in an attempt to bring the contents of that tab forward in the view. The view, in this case the actual HTML that is displayed, then processes the click event by calling the controller requesting that the selected tab be made active, and therefore brought forward in the view. Next, the controller queries the model to validate that the Tab object that was clicked is not already active. If the given Tab object is already active, the controller exits early without applying any changes to the object. However, if the Tab object is inactive, the controller updates the model by setting the active property to true. And then, the view is repainted in the browser to visually depict the new model value.
In general, the model passes data to the corresponding view for rendering. The view then passes events to the controller for processing. This updates the model to reflect the property changes, providing a closed feedback loop.
Applications that leverage TIBCO General Interface run in a standard browser. No other software is required to run the application on a client machine. This means that the client application is completely native, allowing for stable, fast, and true thin client, zero-install applications. No applets, plug-ins, or ActiveX controls are required to deliver robust application functionality.
影响TIBCO GI运行在一个标准的浏览器上的应用程序,运行在客户端上的应用程序不需要其他任何的软件,这个意思是说,客户端应用程序完成的本地化、考虑到稳定、快速和真正的瘦客户端、零安装应用程序。没有applets、插件、或者ActiveX控件去表现丰富的应用程序功能。
To deliver high functionality in a standard browser environment, General Interface leverages many of the same principles that make server-side architectures successful. General Interface software is founded upon solid, object-oriented principles. This means that robustly scalable functionality requires only a minimal footprint of client memory and network bandwidth. The class libraries that underlie the software are lean, comprising over 400 logical functions in approximately 300KB of data. Due to the object-oriented architecture and object inheritance framework, over 2,200 function calls are actually available at runtime across more than 40 foundation objects. Furthermore, because the class libraries follow a consistent object-oriented structure, they can be modified as necessary by runtime updates, additions, and even sub-classing. In addition, new objects can also be built by combining foundation objects, all without increasing the overall framework size.
General Interface在一个单独的浏览器里面分离了高级功能,成功实现了很多和服务端功能相同的概念。General Interface软件稳固的、面向对象的概念上,这就是说、升级功能仅仅需要很少的客户端内存和网络带宽,偏向于基础的底层软件类库由400个逻辑功能组成,大约300kb的数据,由于面向对象的架构和对象继承框架作用,超过实际使用的2200功能包含在大约40个功能对象里面。此外、因为类库遵行一种面向对象框架结构,能够运行时更改、添加和甚至继承子类去完成符合需要的修改。另外,新对象能够通过组合对象创建,而这不会增加框架的大小。
To manage such a broad array of functionality, General Interface employs a multi-tiered approach to object design. Essentially, any available function can be categorized into four distinct layers, as illustrated in Figure 5. These include:
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2.展现层:这层建立在稳固的面向对象设计原理之上,借鉴了很多java swing的设计概念,但没有运行在jre之上,使用了类似java的语法,在原生的浏览器上实现了复杂的html和javascript,好于java类文件需要浏览器去加载jre到内存(applet)。
4.通信层:这一层管理线程和远程web服务器进行通信问题,通信是通过web service协议进行如soap、xml-rpc、想传统的http get/post协议一样进行。
General Interface provides libraries of functional objects that hide the complexities of DHTML development. You do not need to be familiar with the specifics of HTML in a given browser and can focus instead on the actual business logic for the application. You write JavaScript to enforce business rules and workflow, not to move HTML around the screen. Accordingly, enterprises get more yield out of their development resources.
General Interface提供了类库对象去隐藏复杂的DHTML开发,你不要需要熟悉不同浏览器的特殊HTML,只需把重点放到实际的应用程序商业逻辑上,写的javascript只表达商业规则和流程,不需要去围绕屏幕取移动html,因此企业更好的在现有的开发资源上提高收益。
General Interface employs a presentation approach similar to Java Swing but without the overhead of the Java Runtime Environment. Developers familiar with container-based GUIs will find similar constructs in the General Interface environment. Application components, screens, and widgets are constructed from General Interface GUI objects and saved as object sets that can be imported or exported at runtime to deliver incremental application functionality on demand. Accordingly, businesses can leverage the General Interface components out of the box or create libraries of their own reusable application components.
General Interface使用了类似Java Swing的表示技术,但是不运行在Java Runtine Enviroment,在General Interface开发环境里开发者能够发现熟悉的gui组件,应用程序组件、界面小组件都已GI GUI对象构建,gui能够保存到对象集中,这些能够在运行时通过导入导出动态增加程序库的能力,遵循,能够自己创建可复用的应用程序组件。
General Interface provides customizable GUI components. Prototypes are available in the System folder of the Component Libraries palette as a starting point. From these components, you can create custom components.
Note that different prototype objects can be instances of the same base class. For example, Text Box provides the base class for instances of a text box, a text area, and a password field. Similarly the Block class is used as the base for Label and Image.
注意不同的原型对象能够实例化不同的原始对象,例如Text Box为a text box, a text area和 a 密码字段的实例提供基础类。 同样Block类被用于Label和Image的基础类。
General Interface GUI objects generate custom DHTML and JavaScript on the client. This design differs from traditional ASP or JSP architectures, where the presentation is generated on the server, and the resulting stream of HTML is returned to the browser for rendering. With General Interface, presentation generation doesn’t occur on the server. Therefore, transfer of presentation instructions over the network isn’t necessary. The result is highly responsive GUI applications that free up bandwidth for data (not HTML) and reduce the number of servers and server software licenses necessary to deliver a given application.
The client-side XML data cache provides you with a consistent API for data access and management. Benefits include:
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TIBCO General Interface uses a container-based model for visual components, similar to that of Java Swing and other object-based GUIs. Rather than treating a web application as a series of hyperlinked pages, this architecture provides true object modeling when building an application.
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General Interface supports multiple protocols for communicating with services in the network. The basic supported interactions, which all function over HTTP/S, include:
A key principle that drives the General Interface communication efficiency is to limit refresh to subsets of the screen, not the entire browser window. To facilitate this, General Interface improves and extends the traditional click-and-refresh APIs provided by the browser. Developers familiar with web application development have traditionally used standard approaches like HTML frames. Consider a standard web mail client, for example. To improve the user experience, the left frame persistently displays various folders and tools, while the right frame displays dynamic data. Although this design is adequate, there is no question that a web mail client is far less useable than an installed executable, such as Microsoft Outlook.
Technologies that provide single-page persistence in a web browser do exist, but these often leverage a client-side Java applet that requires loading the Java Runtime Environment into client memory or running a specific server platform. However, this design can quickly undermine application stability and available client-side memory.
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