By distributing many of the processes usually handled by centralized application servers to the browser on the client machine, enterprises can deliver full-featured software solutions that simply run in the browser without any need for extra runtime components or plug-ins.
TIBCO General Interface is a powerful implementation of model-view-controller (MVC) principles. Unlike server-centric MVC architectures, with General Interface, the view processes are distributed to the web browser. This design removes the view generation work from servers and reduces demands on bandwidth, making applications far more scalable. The design also leverages the power of the client CPU to deliver highly responsive, stateful, full-featured applications in a browser.
TIBCO General Interface是一个强大的mvc概念实现,不像以服务器为中心的mvc架构,General Interface的mvc中的视图部分被完全分配到web浏览器,这个设计从服务器中移除了试图的工作并且减少了带宽,使应用程序更加可扩展,这个设计也平衡了客户端cpu的能力,同时高相应速度、状态、应用程序全部功能三者都在浏览器上实现。
Disadvantages of Server-Based MVC Architecture基于服务器mvc架构的缺点
In a traditional server-based MVC architecture, all processes run on the server. Requests are sent to the controller, models are updated, and the view returns a stream of HTML and data to the browser where it is rendered for the user. This results in system latency and reduced functional possibilities for the end user. The resulting HTML typically comprises 80% presentation instructions and 20% data. The browser is simply an HTML page rendering device.
2.Rich Internet Application-Based MVC Architecture 基于富客户端(RIA)mvc架构
In a rich Internet application based MVC architecture, view processes are distributed to the browser where they run on the client system. The distributed view employs an MVC architecture of its own, turning the browser into an RIA environment. Because client-side objects generate the HTML, significantly fewer processes need run on the server. Bandwidth is optimized for data. Application performance and scalability are significantly enhanced.
Figure 2 RIA MVC Architecture
General Interface software enables the view portion of the MVC architecture to be distributed to and run on a web browser running on the client system. This approach has the following benefits:
● | Improves application scalability by removing significant server processes |
● | Decreases latency by using substantially all the bandwidth to deliver data (instead of a minority of bandwidth for data in the traditional model where HTML markup takes up most of a transmission) |
● | Delivers full-featured application performance and rich GUI features to an unmodified web browser, without plug-ins, runtime environments, and extra software to install 在客户端系统上General Interface软件能够使mvc架构的view部分分配到浏览器上运行,这由于下面好处: ×通过移去重要的server处理过程来增强应用程序灵活性 ×减少延迟时间,所有带宽全部用于传递数据。 ×在不修改浏览器、无插件、运行时环境和其他软件不安装情况下展现了所有应用程序的性能和GUI功能。 |
- 2008-03-26 09:18
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