to check whether your default transaction type for IC WebClient is not blocked and/or inactive:
1 - Determine default transaction type, IMG: CRM -> Interaction Center WebClient -> Business Transactions -> Define Business Transaction Profiles. Look for thee transaction type assigned to profile 'DEFAULT', e.g. 0010.
2 - Determine block on Transaction Type, IMG: CRM -> Transactions -> Basic Settings -> Define Transaction Types. Determine whether the transaction type is active and whether there are blocking reasons in place and what they are.
Business Transaction Processing&PS; Moduling
"FI Enhancement Tech - Business Transaction Code"这个主题涉及到的是如何通过技术手段增强FI模块的功能,特别是针对业务交易代码(Business Transaction Code,BTE)进行扩展和定制。BTE是一种在SAP ABAP环境中...
Business Transaction Management (BTM) 是一个关键的IT监控领域,主要关注的是确保企业交易的顺畅进行,特别是对于那些金融和交易环境来说,其中延迟监控至关重要。BTM的主要目标包括以下几个方面: 1. **性能监控...
nested exception is org.hibernate.TransactionException: JDBC rollback failed 这表明Hibernate事务回滚操作失败,导致事务不能正确回滚。 二、问题原因 该问题的主要原因是手动对数据库做了些操作,导致...
Another type of table lock is a schema stability lock (Sch-S) and is compatible with all table locks except the schema modification lock (Sch-M). The schema modification lock (Sch-M) is incompatible ...
Ogc wfs Transaction 修改Feature 完整例子 代码
SAP transaction code
Default UniNoCase collation for SQLite provider is added (the DefaultCollations specific option) Interface user-defined collation registration for SQLite provider is improved SQLite source version ...
赠送jar包:javax.transaction-api-1.2.jar; 赠送原API文档:javax.transaction-api-1.2-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:javax.transaction-api-1.2-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息文件:javax.transaction-api-1.2....
《CICS Transaction Server for OS/390》一书详细阐述了在OS/390操作系统上使用CICS Transaction Server的高级功能与实践,重点介绍了Web支持和3270桥接技术。CICS(Customer Information Control System)是IBM开发...
Principles of Transaction Processing for the Systems Professional explains that these and many other computerized tasks require the use of transaction processing (TP).
is not completed by COMMIT),德文原文(COMMIT WORK ist kein Ende bei CALL TRANSACTION USING...),没看明白; * NOBINPT:调用事务码时,系统字段 sy-binpt 的值,有两个值:" "、在被调用事务执行时,系统...
赠送jar包:javax.transaction-api-1.2.jar; 赠送原API文档:javax.transaction-api-1.2-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:javax.transaction-api-1.2-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息文件:javax.transaction-api-1.2....
本文将深入研究Hibernate中的`Session`和`Transaction`,这两个概念是理解Hibernate工作原理的关键。 首先,让我们了解`Session`。在Hibernate中,`Session`充当了应用程序与数据库之间的桥梁,它是持久化操作的...
【IEEE TRANSACTION模板】是用于准备提交给IEEE Transactions和Journals的论文的标准格式指南。这篇文档主要介绍了如何使用Microsoft Word 6.0或更高版本来编写符合标准的论文,并且提供了对于LATEX用户的相关信息。...
根据提供的文件信息,可以提炼出以下与“Principles of transaction processing”相关的知识点: 1. 事务处理的原理 事务处理系统是计算机系统的一个重要组成部分,它涉及到如何高效、安全地处理各种事务。事务处理...