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If you mean that you need to know what BAPI's a particular tranx uses, which I can only assume that's what you mean, then you should access the code behind the transaction and search for 'CALL'. That normally is the standard method that think that most people use.
Suppose you want to find the bapi for creating a sales order, you usually use transaction VA01 for this.
1. Find out the package of the transaction.
Start Va01 go to system --> status.
Double click on transaction
Package is VA
Open this package in SE80
Open business engineering-->Business object types
Find the BO which sounds the most appropriate
I would suggest BUS2032 Sales Order
Double click.
Open methods.
Find the released method with from data or something similar in the name
, Createfromdat2
Position the cursor in it and click the program button
Scroll down to find the bapi used in this method
With this way you can also find out programs and FM's
2. Start va01 go to system-->status
Double click transaction VA01
Double click on package
Read the application component. (this is SD-SLS Sales)
Then open the transaction BAPI
Sales and distribution-->Sales-->sales order
Suppose you want to find the bapi for creating a sales order, you usually use transaction VA01 for this.
1. Find out the package of the transaction.
Start Va01 go to system --> status.
Double click on transaction
Package is VA
Open this package in SE80
Open business engineering-->Business object types
Find the BO which sounds the most appropriate
I would suggest BUS2032 Sales Order
Double click.
Open methods.
Find the released method with from data or something similar in the name
, Createfromdat2
Position the cursor in it and click the program button
Scroll down to find the bapi used in this method
With this way you can also find out programs and FM's
2. Start va01 go to system-->status
Double click transaction VA01
Double click on package
Read the application component. (this is SD-SLS Sales)
Then open the transaction BAPI
Sales and distribution-->Sales-->sales order
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De Bruyn (Author), Robert Lyfareff (Author), Ken Kroes (Author) <br><br>Editorial Reviews<br><br>Advanced ABAP Programming for SAP covers the more difficult aspects of ABAP, the customization and ...
语法:ASSIGN <f>[+<o>][(<l>)] TO <FS> 其中,<o> 是偏移量,<l> 是长度。<f> 部分被分配给字段符号 <FS>。 例如: ```ABAP FIELD-SYMBOLS <FS>. DATA: BEGIN OF LINE, STRING1(10) VALUE '0123456789', STRING...
DATA:<variable_name> type <data_type> [value <initial_value>] [decimals <decimal_places>]. ``` - `<variable_name>`: 变量名称。 - `<data_type>`: 数据类型,如`P`表示PACKED类型。 - `<initial_value>`: ...
DATA <F> [<LENGTH>] <TYPE> [<VALUE>] [<DECIMALS>] ``` - `<F>`: 变量名称,最长为 30 个字符,不能包含 +, ., :, () 等特殊字符。 - `<LENGTH> <TYPE>`: 变量类型及其长度。 - `<VALUE>`: 初始值。 - `<DECIMALS>...
- **命名格式:** `Z<XX>_<Shorttext>` - **<XX>**: 表示业务模块,具体参考附录1。 - **<Shorttext>**: 英文简短描述。 **1.2 程序名** - **命名格式:** `Z<XXY>_<Shorttext>` - **<XX>**: 同上,表示业务模块。 - ...
<br>要获取详细 信息,可以 进行以下某 种操作:<br><br>? 关于关键 字的详细信 息,请参阅 关键字文档 。<br>? 关于 ABAP/4 环境术语的 详细信息, 请从“ABAP/4 编辑器:初 始屏幕”( 事务 SE38) 中选择“实 用...
DATA <变量名>[<长度>] <类型>[<初始值>][<小数位数>] ``` - `<变量名>`: 最多可以有30个字符,不能包含`+`、`.`、`:()`等特殊字符。 - `<长度>`: 可选参数,根据数据类型不同可能需要指定长度。 - `<类型>`: 变量...
SAP ABAP基本语法 SAP ABAP基本语法是 SAP 系统中的一种编程语言,用于开发 SAP 应用程序。ABAP 语言与标准数据声明相似的语法处理数据类型,而与数据对象无关。在程序中必须声明要使用的全部数据对象。 1. 基本...
DATA <F> [ <LENGTH> ] <TYPE> [ <VALUE> ] [ <DECIMALS> ] ``` - `<F>`:变量名称,最多可以有 30 个字符,不能包含特殊字符如 `+`, `.`, `:`, `()`. - `<LENGTH> <TYPE>`:变量类型及其长度。 - `<VALUE>`:...
SAP ABAP(Advanced Business Application Programming)是SAP系统中用于开发业务应用的语言和环境。BAPI(Business Application Programming Interface)是SAP系统中预定义的接口,用于实现和访问标准的商业对象和...
SAP ABAP4 语法详解 SAP ABAP4 是一种 powerful 的程序...其中:</:在下一行输出:<pos>:指定输出的行号:<len>:指定输出的长度:<par>:指定显示格式参数,例如 LEFT-JUSTIFIED、CENTERED、RIGHT-JUSTIFIED 等。
WRITE: [AT] [/] [<pos>] [(<len>)] 数据项 [<par>] ``` - `/`: 下一行输出。 - `<pos>`: 指定输出的行号。 - `<len>`: 指定输出的宽度(长度)。 - `<par>`: 显示格式参数。 - `LEFT-JUSTIFIED`: 左对齐。 ...
**ABAP** (Advanced Business Application Programming) 是一种由 SAP(System Application and Products in Data Processing)开发的专业编程语言,主要用于开发 SAP 应用程序。它是一种面向对象的语言,支持模块化...
### SAP PI 异步接口创建步骤详解:MB PI 九恒星到SAP的POS过账及冲销接口 在企业级应用集成中,SAP Process Integration (SAP PI) 是一个非常重要的工具,用于实现不同系统之间的数据交换与集成。本文将详细介绍...
如果尝试赋值一个不同类型的变量,将会产生类型不匹配的错误,除非进行显式类型转换,如 `ASSIGN dat TO <f1> TYPE 'D'`。 2. **赋值和类型检查** - 示例中展示了当 `<fs>` 继承了数据变量 `dat` 的属性时,如果 `...
其中,<F> 是变数名称,<Length> 是变数长度,<type> 是变数类型,<value> 是变数初始值,<decimals> 是小数位数。 例如: DATA: COUNTER TYPE P DECIMALS 3. NAME(10) TYPE C VALUE 'DELTA'. S_DATE TYPE D VALUE ...
共八章,内容如下:<br>第一章 ABAP开发环境和总体介绍<br>第二章 创建HELLO WORLD程序<br>第三章 ABAP语法示例<br>第四章 数据字典和数据表的读取<br>第五章 标准列表和选择屏幕<br>第六章 实战屏幕SCREEN设计<br>...