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Class Methods used in the sample Code
CL_RSAN_UT_FILES F4 F4 Help for Choosing File Name from GUI or App. Server
CL_RSAN_UT_APPSERV_FILE_WRITER: APPSERVER_FILE_WRITE Write Data to Specified File on Application Server
CL_RSAN_UT_APPSERV_FILE_READER: APPSERVER_FILE_READ Read Specified File from Application Server
Sample Code
One Form routine in sample code narrates how the list materials selected from MAKT table can be written to application server file. Another form-routine narrates how to read the contents of file using the methods listed in above table.
CL_RSAN_UT_FILES F4 F4 Help for Choosing File Name from GUI or App. Server
CL_RSAN_UT_APPSERV_FILE_WRITER: APPSERVER_FILE_WRITE Write Data to Specified File on Application Server
CL_RSAN_UT_APPSERV_FILE_READER: APPSERVER_FILE_READ Read Specified File from Application Server
Sample Code
One Form routine in sample code narrates how the list materials selected from MAKT table can be written to application server file. Another form-routine narrates how to read the contents of file using the methods listed in above table.
*&-------------------------------------------------------------------- *& Report ZVK_CL_RSAN_UT_APPSERV *& *&-------------------------------------------------------------------- *& Purpose : Use of Class CL_RSAN_UT_APPSERV_FILE_READER & *& CL_RSAN_UT_APPSERV_FILE_WRITER for Read/write operations *& on Application Server Files *&-------------------------------------------------------------------- REPORT zvk_cl_rsan_ut_appserv. ** Text Elements * p_matnr - Material from - to * p_filenm - File Name TYPE-POOLS : rsanm, abap. TABLES : mara. TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_makt, matnr TYPE matnr, maktx TYPE maktx, END OF ty_makt. DATA : lt_makt TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_makt, ls_makt TYPE ty_makt, lt_file_table TYPE rsanm_file_table, ls_file_table TYPE rsanm_file_line. DATA : lv_applserv TYPE char01, lv_title TYPE string, lv_gui_extension TYPE string, lv_gui_ext_filter TYPE string, lv_canceled TYPE as4flag, lv_applserv_logical TYPE as4flag, lv_applserv_al11 TYPE as4flag, lv_file_name TYPE string, lv_lines_written TYPE i. SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF BLOCK b1 WITH FRAME. SELECT-OPTIONS : p_matnr FOR mara-matnr OBLIGATORY. SELECTION-SCREEN END OF BLOCK b1. SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF BLOCK b2 WITH FRAME. PARAMETERS : p_filenm LIKE ibipparms-path OBLIGATORY. SELECTION-SCREEN END OF BLOCK b2. AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON VALUE-REQUEST FOR p_filenm. CLEAR : lv_canceled , lv_file_name. MOVE 'X' TO lv_applserv. MOVE 'Select File from Application Server' TO lv_title. MOVE ' ' TO lv_applserv_logical. MOVE 'X' TO lv_applserv_al11. CALL METHOD cl_rsan_ut_files=>f4 EXPORTING i_applserv = lv_applserv i_title = lv_title i_gui_extension = lv_gui_extension i_gui_ext_filter = lv_gui_ext_filter i_applserv_logical = lv_applserv_logical i_applserv_al11 = lv_applserv_al11 IMPORTING e_canceled = lv_canceled CHANGING c_file_name = lv_file_name EXCEPTIONS failed = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF sy-subrc <> 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ELSE. IF lv_canceled NE 'X'. MOVE lv_file_name TO p_filenm. ENDIF. ENDIF. START-OF-SELECTION. MOVE p_filenm TO lv_file_name. PERFORM extract_data. PERFORM convert_data. PERFORM write_data_to_appserver. PERFORM read_data_from_appserver. *&-------------------------------------------------------------------- *& Form extract_data *&------------------------------------------------------------------- * text *--------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM extract_data. REFRESH : lt_makt. SELECT matnr maktx FROM makt INTO TABLE lt_makt WHERE matnr IN p_matnr AND spras EQ sy-langu. IF sy-subrc NE 0. MESSAGE 'No data selected' TYPE 'I' DISPLAY LIKE 'E'. STOP. ENDIF. ENDFORM. "extract_data *&------------------------------------------------------------------- *& Form convert_data *&------------------------------------------------------------------- * text *-------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM convert_data. REFRESH : lt_file_table. CLEAR : ls_file_table. IF lt_makt[] IS NOT INITIAL. LOOP AT lt_makt INTO ls_makt. CLEAR : ls_file_table. CONCATENATE ls_makt-matnr ls_makt-maktx INTO ls_file_table SEPARATED BY '|'. APPEND ls_file_table TO lt_file_table. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. ENDFORM. "convert_data *&-------------------------------------------------------------------- *& Form write_data_to_appserver *&-------------------------------------------------------------------- * Form routine for Creating the File in Application Server * ========================================================= * Parameter i_overwrite has relevant if an existing file is chosen to * write the contents * if Value of Parameter i_overwrite is 'X' then File is overwritten * otherwise the data is appended to existing file. * ========================================================= *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM write_data_to_appserver. IF lt_file_table[] IS NOT INITIAL. CLEAR : lv_lines_written. CALL METHOD cl_rsan_ut_appserv_file_writer=>appserver_file_write EXPORTING i_filename = lv_file_name i_overwrite = abap_true i_data_tab = lt_file_table IMPORTING e_lines_written = lv_lines_written EXCEPTIONS open_failed = 1 write_failed = 2 close_failed = 3 OTHERS = 4. IF sy-subrc <> 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ELSE. WRITE :/ 'Data written to ', lv_file_name. WRITE :/ 'No of Lines Written ', lv_lines_written. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDFORM. "write_data_to_appserver *&-------------------------------------------------------------------- *& Form read_data_from_appserver *&-------------------------------------------------------------------- * Form routine to read the contents of the file in application serveR *--------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM read_data_from_appserver. REFRESH : lt_file_table. CALL METHOD cl_rsan_ut_appserv_file_reader=>appserver_file_read EXPORTING i_filename = lv_file_name CHANGING c_data_tab = lt_file_table EXCEPTIONS open_failed = 1 read_failed = 2 close_failed = 3 OTHERS = 4. IF sy-subrc <> 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ELSE. WRITE :/ 'Contents of file ', lv_file_name. WRITE :/ '================================='. LOOP AT lt_file_table INTO ls_file_table. WRITE :/ ls_file_table. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. ENDFORM. "read_data_from_appserver
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