  • 浏览: 1578 次
  • 性别: Icon_minigender_1
  • 来自: 上海


package org.hashids;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

 * Hashids designed for Generating short hashes from numbers (like YouTube and Bitly), obfuscate
 * database IDs, use them as forgotten password hashes, invitation codes, store shard numbers.
 * <p>
 * This is implementation of http://hashids.org v1.0.0 version.
 * This implementation is immutable, thread-safe, no lock is necessary.
 * @author <a href="mailto:fanweixiao@gmail.com">fanweixiao</a>
 * @author <a href="mailto:terciofilho@gmail.com">Tercio Gaudencio Filho</a>
 * @since 0.3.3
public class Hashids {
   * Max number that can be encoded with Hashids.
  public static final long MAX_NUMBER = 9007199254740992L;

  private static final String DEFAULT_ALPHABET = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890";
  private static final String DEFAULT_SEPS = "cfhistuCFHISTU";
  private static final String DEFAULT_SALT = "";

  private static final int DEFAULT_MIN_HASH_LENGTH = 0;
  private static final int MIN_ALPHABET_LENGTH = 16;
  private static final double SEP_DIV = 3.5;
  private static final int GUARD_DIV = 12;

  private final String salt;
  private final int minHashLength;
  private final String alphabet;
  private final String seps;
  private final String guards;

  public Hashids() {

  public Hashids(String salt) {
    this(salt, 0);

  public Hashids(String salt, int minHashLength) {
    this(salt, minHashLength, DEFAULT_ALPHABET);

  public Hashids(String salt, int minHashLength, String alphabet) {
    this.salt = salt != null ? salt : DEFAULT_SALT;
    this.minHashLength = minHashLength > 0 ? minHashLength : DEFAULT_MIN_HASH_LENGTH;

    final StringBuilder uniqueAlphabet = new StringBuilder();
    for (int i = 0; i < alphabet.length(); i++) {
      if (uniqueAlphabet.indexOf(String.valueOf(alphabet.charAt(i))) == -1) {

    alphabet = uniqueAlphabet.toString();

    if (alphabet.length() < MIN_ALPHABET_LENGTH) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "alphabet must contain at least " + MIN_ALPHABET_LENGTH + " unique characters");

    if (alphabet.contains(" ")) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("alphabet cannot contains spaces");

    // seps should contain only characters present in alphabet;
    // alphabet should not contains seps
    String seps = DEFAULT_SEPS;
    for (int i = 0; i < seps.length(); i++) {
      final int j = alphabet.indexOf(seps.charAt(i));
      if (j == -1) {
        seps = seps.substring(0, i) + " " + seps.substring(i + 1);
      } else {
        alphabet = alphabet.substring(0, j) + " " + alphabet.substring(j + 1);

    alphabet = alphabet.replaceAll("\\s+", "");
    seps = seps.replaceAll("\\s+", "");
    seps = Hashids.consistentShuffle(seps, this.salt);

    if ((seps.isEmpty()) || (((float) alphabet.length() / seps.length()) > SEP_DIV)) {
      int seps_len = (int) Math.ceil(alphabet.length() / SEP_DIV);

      if (seps_len == 1) {

      if (seps_len > seps.length()) {
        final int diff = seps_len - seps.length();
        seps += alphabet.substring(0, diff);
        alphabet = alphabet.substring(diff);
      } else {
        seps = seps.substring(0, seps_len);

    alphabet = Hashids.consistentShuffle(alphabet, this.salt);
    // use double to round up
    final int guardCount = (int) Math.ceil((double) alphabet.length() / GUARD_DIV);

    String guards;
    if (alphabet.length() < 3) {
      guards = seps.substring(0, guardCount);
      seps = seps.substring(guardCount);
    } else {
      guards = alphabet.substring(0, guardCount);
      alphabet = alphabet.substring(guardCount);
    this.guards = guards;
    this.alphabet = alphabet;
    this.seps = seps;

   * Encode numbers to string
   * @param numbers
   *          the numbers to encode
   * @return the encoded string
  public String encode(long... numbers) {
    if (numbers.length == 0) {
      return "";

    for (final long number : numbers) {
      if (number < 0) {
        return "";
      if (number > MAX_NUMBER) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("number can not be greater than " + MAX_NUMBER + "L");
    return this._encode(numbers);

   * Decode string to numbers
   * @param hash
   *          the encoded string
   * @return decoded numbers
  public long[] decode(String hash) {
    if (hash.isEmpty()) {
      return new long[0];
    String validChars = this.alphabet + this.guards + this.seps;
    for (int i = 0; i < hash.length(); i++) {
      if(validChars.indexOf(hash.charAt(i)) == -1) {
        return new long[0];

    return this._decode(hash, this.alphabet);

   * Encode hexa to string
   * @param hexa
   *          the hexa to encode
   * @return the encoded string
  public String encodeHex(String hexa) {
    if (!hexa.matches("^[0-9a-fA-F]+$")) {
      return "";

    final List<Long> matched = new ArrayList<Long>();
    final Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("[\\w\\W]{1,12}").matcher(hexa);

    while (matcher.find()) {
      matched.add(Long.parseLong("1" + matcher.group(), 16));

    // conversion
    final long[] result = new long[matched.size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < matched.size(); i++) {
      result[i] = matched.get(i);

    return this.encode(result);

   * Decode string to numbers
   * @param hash
   *          the encoded string
   * @return decoded numbers
  public String decodeHex(String hash) {
    final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
    final long[] numbers = this.decode(hash);

    for (final long number : numbers) {

    return result.toString();

  public static int checkedCast(long value) {
    final int result = (int) value;
    if (result != value) {
      // don't use checkArgument here, to avoid boxing
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Out of range: " + value);
    return result;

  /* Private methods */

  private String _encode(long... numbers) {
    long numberHashInt = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
      numberHashInt += (numbers[i] % (i + 100));
    String alphabet = this.alphabet;
    final char ret = alphabet.charAt((int) (numberHashInt % alphabet.length()));

    long num;
    long sepsIndex, guardIndex;
    String buffer;
    final StringBuilder ret_strB = new StringBuilder(this.minHashLength);
    char guard;

    for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
      num = numbers[i];
      buffer = ret + this.salt + alphabet;

      alphabet = Hashids.consistentShuffle(alphabet, buffer.substring(0, alphabet.length()));
      final String last = Hashids.hash(num, alphabet);


      if (i + 1 < numbers.length) {
        if (last.length() > 0) {
          num %= (last.charAt(0) + i);
          sepsIndex = (int) (num % this.seps.length());
        } else {
          sepsIndex = 0;
        ret_strB.append(this.seps.charAt((int) sepsIndex));

    String ret_str = ret_strB.toString();
    if (ret_str.length() < this.minHashLength) {
      guardIndex = (numberHashInt + (ret_str.charAt(0))) % this.guards.length();
      guard = this.guards.charAt((int) guardIndex);

      ret_str = guard + ret_str;

      if (ret_str.length() < this.minHashLength) {
        guardIndex = (numberHashInt + (ret_str.charAt(2))) % this.guards.length();
        guard = this.guards.charAt((int) guardIndex);

        ret_str += guard;

    final int halfLen = alphabet.length() / 2;
    while (ret_str.length() < this.minHashLength) {
      alphabet = Hashids.consistentShuffle(alphabet, alphabet);
      ret_str = alphabet.substring(halfLen) + ret_str + alphabet.substring(0, halfLen);
      final int excess = ret_str.length() - this.minHashLength;
      if (excess > 0) {
        final int start_pos = excess / 2;
        ret_str = ret_str.substring(start_pos, start_pos + this.minHashLength);

    return ret_str;

  private long[] _decode(String hash, String alphabet) {
    final ArrayList<Long> ret = new ArrayList<Long>();

    int i = 0;
    final String regexp = "[" + this.guards + "]";
    String hashBreakdown = hash.replaceAll(regexp, " ");
    String[] hashArray = hashBreakdown.split(" ");

    if (hashArray.length == 3 || hashArray.length == 2) {
      i = 1;

    if (hashArray.length > 0) {
      hashBreakdown = hashArray[i];
      if (!hashBreakdown.isEmpty()) {
        final char lottery = hashBreakdown.charAt(0);

        hashBreakdown = hashBreakdown.substring(1);
        hashBreakdown = hashBreakdown.replaceAll("[" + this.seps + "]", " ");
        hashArray = hashBreakdown.split(" ");

        String subHash, buffer;
        for (final String aHashArray : hashArray) {
          subHash = aHashArray;
          buffer = lottery + this.salt + alphabet;
          alphabet = Hashids.consistentShuffle(alphabet, buffer.substring(0, alphabet.length()));
          ret.add(Hashids.unhash(subHash, alphabet));

    // transform from List<Long> to long[]
    long[] arr = new long[ret.size()];
    for (int k = 0; k < arr.length; k++) {
      arr[k] = ret.get(k);

    if (!this.encode(arr).equals(hash)) {
      arr = new long[0];

    return arr;

  private static String consistentShuffle(String alphabet, String salt) {
    if (salt.length() <= 0) {
      return alphabet;

    int asc_val, j;
    final char[] tmpArr = alphabet.toCharArray();
    for (int i = tmpArr.length - 1, v = 0, p = 0; i > 0; i--, v++) {
      v %= salt.length();
      asc_val = salt.charAt(v);
      p += asc_val;
      j = (asc_val + v + p) % i;
      final char tmp = tmpArr[j];
      tmpArr[j] = tmpArr[i];
      tmpArr[i] = tmp;

    return new String(tmpArr);

  private static String hash(long input, String alphabet) {
    String hash = "";
    final int alphabetLen = alphabet.length();

    do {
      final int index = (int) (input % alphabetLen);
      if (index >= 0 && index < alphabet.length()) {
        hash = alphabet.charAt(index) + hash;
      input /= alphabetLen;
    } while (input > 0);

    return hash;

  private static Long unhash(String input, String alphabet) {
    long number = 0, pos;

    for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) {
      pos = alphabet.indexOf(input.charAt(i));
      number = number * alphabet.length() + pos;

    return number;

   * Get Hashid algorithm version.
   * @return Hashids algorithm version implemented.
  public String getVersion() {
    return "1.0.0";




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