Correct bg-colors in helper class Correct selected typo in css and css preprocessor Improve chat-avater styles Improve second level menu in Rails project Improve third level menu in md-skin Improve ...
Correct bg-colors in helper class Correct selected typo in css and css preprocessor Improve chat-avater styles Improve second level menu in Rails project Improve third level menu in md-skin Improve ...
# Don't escape HTML entities in JSON, leave that for the #json_escape helper. # if you're ``` **解析:** 1. 如果定义了 `ActiveRecord`,则设置了两项配置: - `include_root_in_json` 为 `true`,表示在...
在Rails中,日期控件通常通过辅助方法(helper methods)实现,如`date_select`,`datetime_select`或`time_select`等。这些辅助方法能够自动生成HTML元素,与后台模型的日期字段对应,方便数据绑定和验证。 1. **...
IpHelper 支持通过ACME自动申请及更新SSL证书 当地人支持 <%= render 'shared/locales' %> 支持枚举 # zh.yml activerecord : enum : notification : receiver_type : User : 全体用户 Member : 成员 t ...
bundle exec rails g spree_variant_options_select:install 测验 确保捆绑您的依赖项,然后为要运行的规范创建一个虚拟测试应用程序。 bundle bundle exec rake test_app bundle exec rspec spec 在测试与此扩展...
NCKU选择课程助手一个开放源代码的网站,可从NCKU官方网站获取课程数据。 创建该网站的目的是为了帮助NCKU的学生轻松找到课程。 访问主要特点直观的用户界面更好的过滤功能以查找课程问题...版本Rails 4.2.0 Ruby 2.1.5
Correct bg-colors in helper class Correct selected typo in css and css preprocessor Improve chat-avater styles Improve second level menu in Rails project Improve third level menu in md-skin Improve ...
Correct bg-colors in helper class Correct selected typo in css and css preprocessor Improve chat-avater styles Improve second level menu in Rails project Improve third level menu in md-skin Improve ...
# Don't escape HTML entities in JSON, leave that for the #json_escape helper. # if you're ``` **解析:** 1. 如果定义了 `ActiveRecord`,则设置了两项配置: - `include_root_in_json` 为 `true`,表示在...