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How to read tablature-reading chords


  Reading chords within guitar tab is a relatively simple process. When a tab displays a series of numbers,stacked vertically, it is indicating to play all these notes at the same time. The above tablature indicates that you should hold down the notes in an E major chord (second fret on fifth string, second fret on fourth string, first fret on third string) and strum(vt.vi 演奏、乱弹。这里应该指扫弦) all six strings at once. Often, tablature will additionally include the chord name (in this case E major) above the tablature staff, to help guitarists recognize the chord more quickly.

  Reading Arpeggiated(a.分散的) chords

 The above tablature contains the exact same notes as the first E major chord presented on the previous page, but it will be played differently. In this situation, the notes in the chord will be played one at a time, rather than all together. "How fast should I play these notes?" you may ask. Good question...

  The lack of rhythmic notation is the biggest flaw you'll find in guitar tab around the web. And it's a doozy(slang: 明显的) of a flaw. Most guitar tab doesn't notate rhythm in any way, so if you haven't heard how the guitar part to the song you're playing goes, you have no way of knowing how long to hold each note. Some guitar tab does attempt to include rhythms, by putting stems on each number(to indicate quarter notes, eighth notes, etc),but most guitarists find this cumbersome([ˈkʌmbəsəm] a.沉重,麻烦,转动不灵) to read. And besides, if you're going to include traditional rhythmic notation in guitar tab, why not just go the extra step and write the whole thing in standard notation?

  Another major problem with guitar tablature: only guitarists can read it. While "standard notation" is readable by those who can play any instrument, tab is native to guitarists, so those who don't play guitar won't be able to comprenhend([ˌkɔmpriˈhend] vt.理解 领会) it. This makes any sort of musical communication with a piano player, or other musician very difficult.

  We covered the basics of pros and cons(正反两面 利弊 优缺点) of guitar tablature. we'll take a moment to talk about a few of the intricacies([ˈintrikəsi] n.复杂 错综) of tab - like how to read/write string bends(个人理解:推弦), slides(滑音), and more.



Other Symbols Used in Guitar Tab

  Here are some of the little details you need to know to fully understand how to read guitar tablature. Be aware of some of the symbols vary, depending on who created the tablature.


Hammering on  |  Pulling on


It's most common to see the letter h representing a hammer on, located within the tablature between the original fret and the hammer on fret.(e.g. 7h9)

Similarly, the letter p is generally used to represent  a pull off also found in the same location within the tablature.(e.g. 9p7)


String bends


String bends are often notated several different ways in guitar tablature. Often, a b is used, followed by the fret at which the original note should be bent to. For example, 7b9 would indicate that you should bend the seventh fret until it sounds like the ninth fret. this target note is included in brackets, like this: 7b(9). Occasionally, the b is omitted([ə uˈmit] vt.省略 遗漏) altogether: 7(9).


An r is generally used to indicate a return of bent note to its unbent state. For example, 7b9r7 indicates a note on the seventh fret being bent up to the ninth fret and then returned to the seventh fret again.


Generally, / symbol is used to notate an ascending slide, while a \ symbol is used to notate a descending slide. So, 7/9\7 indicates sliding from the seventh fret, up to the ninth fret, and back to the seventh fret. If no number precedes([ˌpriˈsi:d] vt.在之前 先于) the slide symbol, this indicates sliding from an indiscriminate(a. 不加区别 不加选择) fret.

It is also not uncommon to see the letter s used to notate a slide. This is somewhat less concise, as when sliding from an indiscriminate point (e.g. s9), it is unclear whether to slide up to the note, or down to the note.



Miscellaneous([ˌmisiˈleinjəs] a.不同种类 多种多样) Notation


The use of vibrato([viˈbrɑ:təu] n.颤音) can be notated several different ways in tablature. Most often, the ~symbol is used, often strung together to appear as ~~~. Sometimes, vibrato will be simply notated with a v.


string mute(a.不发音 应该指切音或置音) is almost always notated with an x. Several x's in a row, on adjacent([əˈdʒeisənt] a.邻近) strings, is used to notate a rake.


This should give all you need to get started reading and writing guitar tablature. Again, if you are serious about music, it is highly advisable that you learn standard notation as well as tablature. The excellent Modern Method for Guitar will get you sight reading almost immediately.



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