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Trivial stuff - 20090218



Hey Katie, look at these boots I bought. Aren't they fabulous?

Those are great. You must have paid a fortune for them,though.

Not really. They were discounted(vt.vi. 打折) fifty percent. The mall across the street is having a half-off sale on all of the last year's designs.

Maybe I should go. Is that where you usually shop?

Not usually. But I've been looking for boots like these for a while. They're all the rage(in fashion. rage:vi.大发脾气 n.狂怒). Where do you like to go?

To tell the truth, I haven't gone out clothes shopping for a while. So these boots are the "in thing" now? Are they real leather?

100 percent leather. Leather is really in fashion right now. It's amazing how fast trends change.

I know what you mean. I feel like my entire wardrobe(衣柜) is totally out of date. Your clothes are pretty trendy. You always seem to have something new. What do you recommend? How can I change my image?

Well, fur trim(毛皮细节镶边的衣服)is hot right now. And everyone is wearing sunglasses.. And scarves(围巾 披肩), you need to have a scarf.

I go for a more traditional style, I think: simple and classic. That's what I like.

I've tried that before, but "classic" was in about 2 years ago.

So the traditional trend has come and gone?

Yeah, but don't worry, it might come back in style again soon.(也许很快又会流行经典风格的)

Do you have time to go window shopping at lunch. Tha sale is still going on...

Absolutely. I could use a second opinion.(你要帮我参谋参谋)


How's the new job?

Changing careers was the best thing I ever did.

Sometimes I think I should get into the IT industry. I've always been a bit of a computer geek..and everyone at my work turns to me when the office computers crash.

Well, IT isn't for everyone, there are so many tech jobs...it's hard to know which fields are for you.

How do I find out?

Evening courses are a good place to start. You can try a few, see which fields you like.

Yeah, that's a good way to pick up the basics. But at some point won't I need real qualifications?f

Maybe, you have a business degree,right? You could combine that with a few short courses. and you wouldn't really need a technical major.

But don't I need practical work experience?

Well you could look other ways to volunteer(vt.vi.自动提供 自愿效劳) your services: building Web sites,helping them use the Internet.

I suppose that's one way to get real experience.

Yeah, IT touches every career sector these days. You can look at ways of combining that with your current job.

Good idea. So how did you break into the IT industry eventually?

After taking a few classes, I decided I wantd to be a network administrator.

I looked at qualifications, career paths,salaries. Six courses,one exam later

I become a certified network specialist



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