the JMX specification defines an architecture, the design patterns, the APIs, and the services for application and network management and monitoring in the Java programming language.
why use JMX Technology?
- JMX technology enables Java applications to be managed without heavy investment: A JMX technology agent can run on most Java technology-enabled devices, thus Java applications can become manageable with little impact on their design. A Java application simply needs to embed a managed object server and make some of its functionality available as one or several managed beans (MBeans) registered in the object server; that is all it takes to benefit from the management infrastructure.
- JMX technology provides a standard way to manage Java technology-based applications, systems, and networks. For example, the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) 1.4 Application Server conforms to the JMX architecture and consequently can be managed using JMX technology.
- JMX technology can be used for out-of-the-box management of the JVM. The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is highly instrumented using JMX technology. You can easily start a JMX agent to access the built-in JVM instrumentation, and thereby monitor and manage the JVM remotely.
- JMX technology provides a scalable, dynamic management architecture. Every JMX agent service is an independent module that can be plugged into the management agent, depending on the requirements. This component-based approach means that JMX solutions can scale from small-footprint devices to large telecommunications switches and beyond. The JMX specification provides a set of core agent services. Additional services can be developed and dynamically loaded, unloaded, or updated in the management infrastructure.
- JMX technology leverages existing standard Java technologies. Whenever needed, the JMX specification references existing Java specifications, for example, the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI).
- JMX technology integrates easily with existing management solutions and emerging technologies. For example, JMX agents could be managed through an HTML browser. The JMX APIs are open interfaces that any management system vendor can leverage. JMX solutions can use lookup and discovery services and protocols such as JiniTM network technology and the Service Location Protocol (SLP).
Instrumenting Resources Using MBeans
the instrumentation level specifies a notification mechanism. This allows MBeans to generate and propagate notification events to components of the other levels.
Creating a JMX Agent
A JMX agent is a standard management agent that directly controls resources and makes them available to remote management applications. JMX agents are usually located on the same machine as the resources they control, but this is not a requirement.
The core component of a JMX agent is the MBean server, a managed object server in which MBeans are registered.
`jmxri.jar` 和 `jmxremote.jar` 是与JMX相关的两个关键库文件: 1. **jmxri.jar**:这个库文件包含了运行时(Runtime)实现(RI)的JMX组件。JMX RI是JMX规范的具体实现,它提供了管理和监控Java应用程序所需的...
`jmxri-1.2.1.jar` 和 `jmxtools-1.2.1.jar` 是与JMX相关的两个核心库文件,它们在Java应用程序中扮演着重要的角色。 `jmxri-1.2.1.jar` 是Java运行时实现(Runtime Implementation)的JMX组件。它包含了JMX代理...
在这个场景中,提到的两个jar文件——``和``,都是与JMX相关的库,用于支持远程管理和监控。 1. ``: 这个文件包含了JMX 1.2.1版本的Runtime ...
`jmxtools-1.2.1.jar` 和 `jmxri-1.2.1.jar` 是与JMX相关的两个重要组件。`jmxtools.jar` 包含了JMX的客户端工具和API,提供了连接到MBean服务器、查询和操作MBean的能力。这个库通常用于开发远程监控和管理应用,...
文档中还提到了UML,统一建模语言,这是表示类和组件之间关系的可视化工具,它有助于开发者更好地理解和设计JMX相关的软件结构。 在JMX的组织结构中,各个章节详细介绍了JMX的不同方面,包括设备层、代理层和远程...
7. **工具和API**:Java SDK包含了几个JMX相关的工具,如jconsole、jvisualvm,可以帮助开发者进行MBean的管理和监控。同时,JMX API提供了客户端和服务器端的实现,方便开发者集成到自己的应用中。 8. **应用场景*...
在标签"源码"中,博主可能分享了如何阅读和理解JMX相关的源代码,包括MBean接口、实现类以及MBeanServer和JMX连接器的使用。这有助于深入理解JMX的工作原理和交互方式。 "工具"标签暗示了博主可能讨论了使用JMX的...
"lib"目录可能包含了项目所需的依赖库,包括Spring框架和其他可能用到的JMX相关库,如Apache Commons Lang或Maven的`maven-jmx-plugin`,这些工具可以帮助你更方便地生成和操作MBeans。 总的来说,通过Spring和JMX...
Java Management Extensions(JMX)是Java平台上的一个标准技术,用于管理和监控应用程序、系统和服务。在Java环境中,JMX提供了一种统一的方式来发现、管理以及远程控制运行中的Java应用程序。这三个jar包——`...
在"JMX.rar_jmx_osgi"这个压缩包中,我们很可能找到了与JMX相关的开发资源,包括五个常用的JMX库的jar包和一些示例代码。 1. **JMX基础**:JMX的核心概念包括MBeans(Managed Beans)、Management Agents(MBeans ...
`jmxri-1.2.1`和`jmxtools-1.2.1`是与JMX相关的两个重要组件,它们在Java应用程序的管理与监控中起到关键作用。 `jmxri-1.2.1`代表JMX运行时实现(Runtime Implementation),它是JMX规范的实际实现,允许在Java...
在这个场景中,我们关注的是两个JMX相关的jar文件:`jmxri.jar`和`jmxtools-1.2.1.jar`。 `jmxri.jar`代表的是JMX运行时(Runtime Implementation)库。这个库包含了JMX规范中定义的各种管理接口和实现,使得Java...
其中包含的工具和类包括`jmxc`(一个命令行工具,可以用来连接到JMX代理)、`jconsole`(一个图形化用户界面工具,用于监视和管理Java应用)以及其他一些JMX相关的类库。 2. **jmxri.jar**:这个库文件是JMX的运行...
在您提供的信息中,我们关注到三个关键文件:`jmx-1_2_1-ri.jar`、`jmxtools.jar`和``,它们都是JMX相关的核心组件。 `jmx-1_2_1-ri.jar` 是JMX运行时实现(Runtime Implementation)的jar文件。这...
通常,这需要在Tomcat的``或`catalina.bat`启动脚本中添加JMX相关参数,以及在Zabbix的Java Gateway配置中设置正确的主机和端口信息。 最后,集成`cmdline-jmxclient-0.10.3.jar`和自定义模板到Zabbix的...