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WebServic 相关概念

asynchronous Loosely coupled, occurring at different times. In asynchronous
messaging, a message is sent, and the reply is received some time later as a
separate transaction. See synchronous.
B2B Business-to-business A term used to describe web services between two
businesses, such as between a wholesale supplier and a retail outlet.
B2C Business-to-customer A term used to describe web services between a business
and an end user, such as between a retail outlet and a retail customer.
DOM Document Object Model A standard API for parsing XML data into an
object-tree representation and manipulating the contents of the tree. DOM is
being developed through the World Wide Web Consortium. JAXP provides a
Java programming interface for the DOM API and allows an application to
plug in a compliant DOM parser.
DTD Document Type Definition A simple type of schema that defines the kind
of information in a particular type of XML document.
ebXML Electronic Business XML An open public initiative that is developing
specifications aimed at enabling a single global electronic marketplace based
on using XML and the Internet.
HTML HyperText Markup Language A markup language used for formatting
web pages.
HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol A protocol for transfering data over the
J2EETM JavaTM 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition The Java platform that defines
the standard for multitier enterprise computing. The J2EE platform includes
the J2SE platform.
J2SETM JavaTM 2 Platform, Standard Edition The Java platform for client-side
JAX Pack The upcoming bundle of XML-related Java APIs (JAXP, JAXB,
JAXM, JAXR, and JAX-RPC). The JAX Pack will be included in the Web
Services Pack.
JAXB JavaTM Architecture for XML Binding The architecture for converting
data in an XML document to objects in the Java programming language.
Given an XML document’s schema (for example, a DTD), the JAXB compiler
will produce classes that correspond to the DTD. The generated classes
include methods that allow building an object tree with XML data based on
the DTD and writing the tree out to a new XML document.
JAXM JavaTM API for XML Messaging The standard API for sending SOAP
messages using the Java programming languge. JAXM is based on SOAP 1.1
with Attachments and provides the ability to layer other profiles, such as
ebXML or BizTalk, on top of it.
JAXP JavaTM API for XML Processing A comprehensive API for parsing and
processing XML documents. JAXP includes support for the Simple API for
XML Parsing (SAX), the Document Object Model (DOM), the eXtensible
Stylesheet Language for Transformations (XSLT), and XML Namespaces.
JAXR JavaTM API for XML Registries The standard API for convenient
access to Internet business registries from the Java platform.
JAX-RPC JavaTM API for XML-based RPC The standard API for sending
XML-based remote procedure calls using the Java programming language.
loosely coupled A term referring to the relationship between two businesses in
which each business has no prior knowledge of, and no dependencies on, the
other business’s information technology infrastructure. XML is the key
enabler that allows loosely coupled businesses to communicate over the Internet
and thereby conduct electronic business with each other.
OASIS Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards
A non-profit consortium promoting the adoption of interoperable specifications
of public standards, such as XML.
registry A web-based service that enables dynamic and loosely coupled business-
to-business collaboration by providing access to shared information. A
registry is sometimes compared to an electronic yellow pages for businesses.
See repository.
repository A data storage facility much like a database. A business registry uses
a repository to store its data, such as information about businesses, XML
descriptions of specific business protocols (for example, RosettaNet PIP3A4
for purchase orders), and XML schemas defining the structure of XML documents
exchanged during a supported business process.
schema A specification of the structure of a set of XML documents. A DTD is an
example of a schema.
SAX Simple API for XML Parsing A standard API that defines an event-based
XML parser. SAX was developed by members of the XML-DEV mailing list,
and currently the OASIS standards body is continuing to develop the SAX
API. JAXP provides a Java programming interface for the SAX API and
allows an application to plug in a compliant SAX parser.
synchronous Tightly coupled, occurring at the same time. In synchronous messaging,
a message is sent, and nothing else can happen until the response is
sent back as part of the same process. In other words, the message and reply
are tightly coupled. In the JAXM API, the method call is used for sending a
synchronous message. It sends the message and then blocks until it gets the
SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol A lightweight XML-based protocol,
developed by the W3C, for the exchange of information in a decentralized,
distributed environment.
UDDI Universal Description, Discovery and Integration An initiative based
on standard registry services that provide Yellow, White, and Green Page
business-centered functionality. It focuses on giving large organizations a way
to reach out to and manage their networks of smaller business customers.
web services Content and software processes that provide services to customers
over the Internet. Web services are delivered over the Internet in a loosely
coupled way, using XML interfaces. For example, a service based on JAXRPC
is a collection of procedures that can be called by remote clients.
Web Services Pack A download that will bundle together key technologies to
simplify building web services using the Java 2 Platform. It includes JavaServerTM
Faces (a standard API for creating Java Web GUIs), Tomcat (an opensource
implementation of JavaServer PagesTM and Java Servlet technologies),
and JAX Pack (a bundle of the the Java APIs for XML).
WSDL Web Services Description Language A language that specifies an
XML format for describing a web service.
WWW World Wide Web The web of systems and the data in them that is the
W3C World Wide Web Consortium A group of member organizations developing
standard protocols for web technologies to ensure interoperability of
the Web’s languages and protocols.
XML Extensible Markup Language A markup language that describes the
hierarchical structure of content in a document. Because XML makes data
portable, it has become the standard for sharing data over the Internet between
applications, distributed web services, and trading partners.
XML Namespaces A W3C standard for building documents that reference more
than one DTD, more than one of which might define the same element name.
JAXP provides support for XML Namespaces.
XSL eXtensible Stylesheet Language A language for specifying a stylesheet,
which provides formatting instructions for XML data. To actually transform
an XML document using the stylesheet, an application uses XSLT, which is
an extension of XSL.
XSLT XSL Transformations A language for transforming XML documents to
other XML documents or to documents of other formats, such as HTML. An
application can use XSLT to transform documents according to the formatting
instructions in an XSL stylesheet, but it can also use XSLT independently of



    核心概念在于,Webservice提供了一种标准化的方式,让应用程序能够通过互联网互相通信,就像调用本地函数一样。这种服务通常采用SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol)协议,以XML格式传输数据,确保跨平台的兼容性...

    webservice 入门概念

    ### WebService 入门概念详解 #### 一、概述 WebService 是一种支持系统间通信的技术,主要用于实现不同系统之间的交互。随着互联网的发展和技术的进步,不同系统间的协作变得越来越重要。WebService 的出现就是...


    4. **WebService相关概念**: - WSDL:定义了服务接口,包括消息格式、操作和地址,使得客户端能够理解如何与服务进行交互。 - 发布WebService:通过注解如`@WebService`和`@WebMethod`定义服务接口(SEI,Service...



    oracle 调用webservice

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    一个简单的WEBSERVICE 例子

    根据提供的文件信息,本文将详细解释一个简单的 WebService 示例,并深入探讨其中的关键概念和技术细节。 ### 一、WebService 概念 #### 1.1 WebService 定义 WebService 是一种支持通过网络进行调用的服务形式,...


    【WebService相关概念详解】 WebSocket是一种基于HTTP协议的通信机制,旨在提供实时、双向通信能力,使得客户端和服务器之间可以高效地交换数据。WebSocket允许在单个TCP连接上进行全双工通信,消除了HTTP协议中...

    WebserviceStudio webservice调试工具

    学习使用WebserviceStudio需要对Web服务的基本概念和技术有一定了解,如XML、WSDL、SOAP等。深入掌握这些知识,将有助于更高效地利用WebserviceStudio进行Web服务的调试和测试。 总之,WebserviceStudio是一款实用...


    2. **引入WebService相关库** 在项目中,我们需要引入处理WebService的库,如Apache CXF。可以通过Idea的"File" -> "Project Structure" -> "Modules" -> "Dependencies",然后点击"+"添加JARs或目录,选择CXF的库...


    UDDI提供了一种标准化的方式来存储和检索有关WebService的信息,如服务的名称、位置和调用方式等。通过UDDI,企业可以轻松地找到并集成外部的服务到自己的应用系统中,从而实现服务的重用和扩展性。 UDDI的关键组件...




    首先,我们需要理解WebService的基本概念。WebService是一种基于XML(Extensible Markup Language)的通信协议,它利用SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol)进行消息传输,通过WSDL(Web Services Description ...


    它不仅覆盖了WebService的基础概念,如SOAP(简单对象访问协议)和WSDL(Web服务描述语言),还深入探讨了高级特性,如WS-Security和消息级操作。 2. "[www.java1234.com]webService入门教程.pdf": 作为入门教材...


    一、WebService 基本概念 WebService 是一种可以接收从 Internet 或者 Intranet 上的其它系统中传递过来的请求,轻量级的独立的通讯技术。WebService 也叫 XML WebService,它通过 SOAP 在 Web 上提供的软件(服务...



    webservice 相关资料

    在本压缩包文件中,我们很可能找到了关于Web服务的基础学习资料,这将帮助我们理解WebService的核心概念、工作原理以及如何在实际项目中应用。 Web服务主要基于SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol)协议,它使用...


    在本文中,我们将深入探讨WebService的核心概念、工作原理以及如何创建和使用WebService的实际案例。 1. WebService核心概念 - WSDL(Web Services Description Language):用于定义服务接口的XML格式规范,描述...


    1. WebService基本概念: - WebService是一个网络应用,允许应用程序或其他服务通过网络进行通信。 - 它是一种协议,类似于HTTP协议,但专注于服务间的应用程序接口(API)调用。 - WebService允许不同平台、不同...


    "Delphi调用WebService的实例(非常经典)" ...Delphi 调用 WebService 需要了解到许多相关概念和技术,包括 SOAP、WSDL、Base64 编码、UTF8 编码、ISAPI、DLL 等。只有了解这些概念和技术,才能正确地调用 WebService。

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