Several days ago MySQL AB made new storage engine Falcon available for wide auditory. We cannot miss this event and executed several benchmarks to see how Falcon performs in comparison to InnoDB and MyISAM.
The second goal of benchmark was a popular myth that MyISAM is faster than InnoDB in reads, as InnoDB is transactional, supports Foreign Key and has an operational overhead. As you will see it is not always true.
For benchmarks I used our PHPTestSuite which allows to test wide range tables and queries.
The script and instruction are available here:
We used table "normal" table structure which corresponds to typical structure you would see in OLTP or Web applications - medium size rows, auto increment primary key and couple of extra indexes.
`name` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`email` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`password` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`dob` date DEFAULT NULL,
`address` varchar(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`city` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`state_id` tinyint(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`zip` varchar(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`country_id` smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
UNIQUE KEY `email` (`email`),
KEY `country_id` (`country_id`,`state_id`,`city`)
In this benchmark we used only read (SELECT) queries with different typical data access patterns:
primary key single row lookup, primary key range lookup, same access types for primary key and full table scans.
To highlight different properties of storage engines we tested ranges with and without LIMIT clause, and tested queries which
need to read the data or can only be satisfied by reading the index.
This benchmark is so called "micro" benchmark which concentrates on particular simple storage engine functions and we use it to see performance and scalability in this simple cases. We also use CPU bound workload in this case (no disk IO) to see how efficient storage engines are in terms of CPU usage. In real life workload results are likely to be very different.
The schema and queries are described here
Used hardware
CentOS release 4.4 (Final)
2 х Dual Core Intel XEON 5130model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU 5130 @ 2.00GHz
stepping : 6
cpu MHz : 1995.004
cache size : 4096 KB16GB of RAM
MySQL version
We used MySQL 5.1.14-beta sources for MyISAM / InnoDB
and MySQL 5.1.14-falcon bitkeeper tree
bk://mysql.bkbits.net/mysql-5.1-falcon for Falcon
(Please note this is a first release of Falcon and it is still in alpha stage and performance parameters may vary a lot in next releases)
Compilation parameters:
For MyISAM / InnoDB
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mysqltest/mysql-<RELEASE> --with-innodb
For Falcon
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mysqltest/mysql-<RELEASE> --with-falcon
mysqld startup params:
libexec/mysqld --no-defaults --user=root --falcon_min_record_memory=1G --falcon_max_record_memory=2GB --falcon_page_cache_size=1500M --max-connections=1500 --table-cache=512 --net_read_timeout=30 --net_write_timeout=30 --backlog=128
MyISAM / InnoDB:
libexec/mysqld --no-defaults --user=root --key-buffer-size=1500M --innodb-buffer-pool-size=1500M --innodb-log-file-size=100M --innodb-thread-concurrency=8 --max-connections=1500 --table-cache=512 --net_read_timeout=30 --net_write_timeout=30 --back_log=128
Method of benchmark:
1. Prepare table with 1,000,000 records (about 350Mb of data on disk)
2. Run each query for 1, 4, 16, 64, 128, 256 concurrent threads.
3. For each thread perform a warm-up run (duration 180 sec), and then
run three effective runs (duration of each is 60 sec).
As the final result we get a maximal result of three runs.
The raw numbers are available here:
(Note: This benchmark is synthetic micro benchmarks focusing on particular simple data access patterns. Results for your workload are likely to be different.)
There are interesting results I want to show graphics with comments
Query: SELECT name FROM $tableName WHERE id = %d
The very common query with access by primary key.
InnoDB is faster than MyISAM by 6-9%.
Falcon shows very bad scalabilty.
Query: SELECT name FROM $tableName WHERE country_id = %d
In this case Falcon is the best, because Falcon uses a tricky technic to retrieve rows (more
details with Jim Starkey's comments in Part 2).
There MyISAM shows bad scalability with increasing count of thread. I think the reason is pread system
call MyISAM uses to access data and retrieving from OS cache is not scaled.
Query: SELECT name FROM $tableName WHERE country_id = %d LIMIT 5
The same query as previous but with LIMIT clause.
Due to Falcon's way of key access Falcon cannot handle LIMIT properly and that is why
we see bad performance. We hope the performance of LIMIT queries will be fixed before release.
MyISAM shows stable result.
InnoDB is better than MyISAM by 58% in case with 4 threads, but does not scale good enough.
Perhaps there is still a problem with InnoDB mutexes.
Query: SELECT state_id FROM $tableName WHERE country_id = %d
This query is similar to previous READ_KEY_POINT with only different the values of accessed column is stored in key. MyISAM and InnoDB handle this case and retrive the value only from key.
InnoDB is better by 25-30%.
Falcon needs an access to data beside key access, and most likely this will not be fixed, as this is
specific Falcon's way to handle multi-versioning. I think this is a big weakness of Falcon, as 'using index' is very common optimization we use in our practice.
Query: SELECT state_id FROM $tableName WHERE country_id = %d LIMIT 5
The previous query but with LIMIT.
Again the LIMIT is bad for Falcon.
InnoDB is better than MyISAM by 87% in case with 4 threads but drops down very fast.
Query: SELECT id FROM $tableName WHERE id = %d
Simple but very quick query to retrieve value from PK.
The results for InnoDB and MyISAM are comparable and I think this shows both engines are maximally optimized and the result is maximal that can be reached for this query.
Falcon scales pretty bad and there is a big room for optimization.
Query: SELECT min(dob) FROM $tableName WHERE id between %d and %d
Access by range of PK values.
MyISAM scales very bad, and reason is the same as for READ_KEY_POINT queries.
InnoDB is better than MyISAM by 2-26 times
and than Falcon by 1.64 - 3.85 times.
Query: SELECT count(id) FROM $tableName WHERE id between %d and %d
MyISAM scales good here, because of access only to key column and 'pread' syscall is not used.
Query: SELECT name FROM $tableName WHERE country_id = %d and state_id between %d and %d
As in case with READ_KEY_RANGE Falcon is the best here.
Falcon's resuts better than InnoDB by 10-30%
MyISAM drops down with 128-256 threads
Query: SELECT name FROM $tableName WHERE country_id = %d and state_id between %d and %d LIMIT 50
Again Falcon does not hanle LIMIT and the results are much worse.
Query: SELECT city FROM $tableName WHERE country_id = %d and state_id between %d and %d
Query: SELECT city FROM $tableName WHERE country_id = %d and state_id between %d and %d LIMIT 50
Query: SELECT min(dob) FROM $tableName
The hardest query performs a scan of all million rows.
InnoDB is better than MyISAM by ~30% with 4-16 threads, but MyISAM scales a bit better in this case.
InnoDB is better than Falcon by 2-3 times.
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# 基于Python和Flask的博客管理系统 ## 项目简介 本项目是一个基于Python和Flask框架的博客管理系统,旨在为用户提供一个简单易用的博客平台。用户可以注册、登录、发布博客、管理博客内容以及评论等功能。 ## 项目的主要特性和功能 1. 用户管理 用户注册和登录功能。 用户个人信息管理。 2. 博客管理 发布、编辑和删除博客文章。 博客分类和标签管理。 3. 评论系统 用户可以对博客文章进行评论。 评论的查看和管理。 4. 权限管理 管理员可以管理用户和博客内容。 普通用户只能管理自己的博客和评论。 ## 安装使用步骤 1. 环境准备 确保已安装Python 3.x。 安装Flask框架pip install Flask。 2. 数据库配置 在config.py文件中配置数据库连接信息。
1.版本:matlab2014/2019a/2024a 2.附赠案例数据可直接运行matlab程序。 3.代码特点:参数化编程、参数可方便更改、代码编程思路清晰、注释明细。 4.适用对象:计算机,电子信息工程、数学等专业的大学生课程设计、期末大作业和毕业设计。
# 基于PaddleDetection框架的人流量统计系统 ## 项目简介 本项目是一个基于PaddleDetection框架的人流量统计系统,专注于静态和动态场景下的人员计数和行人检测。项目涵盖了从数据准备、模型选择、训练、评估、优化到预测和部署的完整流程,旨在提供高效、准确的人流量统计解决方案。 ## 主要特性和功能 多模型支持支持多种模型选择,如DeepSORT、JDE和FairMOT,适用于多目标追踪场景。 模型优化提供多种优化策略,包括数据增强、可变形卷积、syncbn+ema、attention和GIoU Loss,以提升模型精度。 性能加速支持TensorRT推理加速,显著提升模型性能。 数据增强提供多种数据增强方式,如cutmix、syncbn和ema,进一步优化模型性能。 模型导出支持模型导出,便于模型部署和上线。 ## 安装使用步骤 1. 安装PaddleDetection框架 bash
# 基于Arduino的蒸发冷却系统 ## 项目简介 本项目旨在创建一个蒸发冷却系统(即沼泽冷却器),这是一种在干燥炎热气候下提供能源效率替代空调的系统。该系统使用Arduino 2560和各种传感器来监控和控制冷却过程。 ## 项目的主要特性和功能 水位监控通过水位传感器监控水箱中的水位,并在水位过低时发出警报。 温度和湿度显示在LCD屏幕上显示空气温度和湿度。 风扇控制根据温度范围控制风扇电机。 系统开关通过用户按钮控制系统的开关。 日志记录记录电机激活和停用的时间和日期。 ## 安装使用步骤 2. 硬件连接按照项目文档中的电路图连接所有硬件组件,包括水位传感器、LCD显示屏、实时时钟模块、DHT11传感器和风扇电机。 3. 上传代码将下载的代码上传到Arduino 2560开发板。 4. 启动系统通过用户按钮启动系统,观察LCD屏幕上的温度和湿度显示,并监控水位传感器的状态。