APR Utilities Version 1.6.1 Expat Version 2.2.9 PCRE Version 8.44 Additional Components: Brotli Version 1.0.7 LibXML2 Version 2.9.9 Lua Version 5.2.4 NGHTTP2 Version 1.40.0 ...
5. **HTTPD Web Server**:用于支持iMAN Web Server的HTTPD进程服务,可以是IIS或Apache等常见Web服务器。 6. **Portal Server**:提供PSD(Portal Server Directory)服务,使得iMAN Portal客户端能够通过它进行连接...
Additionally, the author discusses how to monitor and troubleshoot performance issues using built-in tools and third-party utilities. #### Security Practices Security is a critical aspect of web ...
utilities into a single executable. Most people will create a link to busybox for each function they wish to use and BusyBox will act like whatever it was invoked as. Currently defined functions: ...
APR Utilities Version 1.6.1 Expat Version 2.2.9 PCRE Version 8.44 Additional Components: Brotli Version 1.0.7 LibXML2 Version 2.9.9 Lua Version 5.2.4 NGHTTP2 Version 1.40.0 ...
APR-Util (Apache Portable Runtime Utilities):** - **定义:** APR-Util 是基于APR的一系列实用工具和扩展库。 - **功能:** 提供更高级别的功能,如数据库连接等。 - **与SVN的关系:** SVN 在某些情况下需要APR...
5. **HTTPD Web Server**:用于支持iMAN Web Server的HTTPD进程服务,可以是IIS或Apache等常见Web服务器。 6. **Portal Server**:提供PSD(Portal Server Directory)服务,使得iMAN Portal客户端能够通过它进行连接...
CMS框架中包含核心进程sMD和SSK,而API配置接口如OBJ、PHL、CLI、DAL、Messaging、Utilities、Locking和Management可被应用程序调用。 4. CMS中的API层次结构 在CMS系统中,OBJ和PHL是最重要的配置接口,用于系统...
整合Nagios和Cacti,主要是利用Nagios的NDOUtils(Nagios Data Output Utilities)将Nagios监控数据存入MySQL数据库,然后Cacti读取这些数据进行展示。 1. **安装NDOUtils** - 安装并配置NDOUtils,以便将Nagios...
4. **Apache Portable Runtime Utilities (apr-util-1.5.4.tar.gz)**:这是APR的配套库,提供了更多的实用工具,如数据库连接、加密、XML解析等。这些工具对于扩展Apache服务器的功能和与其他应用程序集成至关重要。...
Additionally, the author discusses how to monitor and troubleshoot performance issues using built-in tools and third-party utilities. #### Security Practices Security is a critical aspect of web ...
**知识点2:File System Utilities** - **locate**:快速定位文件位置,但数据库需定期更新。 - **find /etc -name "jiangwen" = locate**:说明locate与find命令的区别。 - **locate 实时性实时性**:locate依赖于...
utilities into a single executable. Most people will create a link to busybox for each function they wish to use and BusyBox will act like whatever it was invoked as. Currently defined functions: ...
NDOUtils是Nagios Data Objects Utilities的缩写,用于将Nagios的数据存储到MySQL数据库中。需要先下载源码包,然后进行编译安装。 #### 四、NDOUtils安装与配置 1. **下载与解压NDOUtils源码包** 2. **配置编译...