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1、Avoid div-itis The danger when using div and span elements is in going overboard. A few of them placed in strategic spots can greatly enhance the inherent structure of a document; too many, and you may wish to question whether there's a more appropriate HTML element you should be using. For exam ...
1、The CSS2 way to enforce separation between table cells is to use the property border-spacing in conjunction with the proper value for the property border-collapse, but support for that approach is pretty bad, so we've left in cellspacing. It's still valid HTML (and even valid XHTML), so no worries. ...


1. 选择一行,按shift键,在行底部,可以拖动此行 2. F4和ctrl+Y重复上一次操作。 3. 复制和选择性粘贴可以转置矩阵。 4. 选择1+格(行),按shift可以添加多个相同格式的空格 5. 日期2007-9-29,2007/9/29, 9/29, ctrl+;, (ctrl+shift+space)ctrl+shift+; 6. 字符串加' 7. 双击格式刷可以复制当前格的格式。 8. 分数 1/3 --> 0 1/3 9. 在帮助里查找“快捷键”  (脱机帮助) 10. 选中几个,在状态栏那里点右键可以sum。 11. Ctrl+Page Down 移动到工作 ...
1. alt,列模式编辑 2. 自动图文集,就是模板 3.去掉requirements 在POWERDESIGNER运行时,会在注册表里写个东西: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Word\Addins\WordToRQM12.Connect] 删掉就好了,但每次运行了POWERDESIGNER 12.5以后就又出来,不知道为什么。也有的XD说,他删除以后就没有问题了,可我把POERDESIGNER 12.5和WORD2007里面所有关于这个插件的选项都关闭了,还是不行,每次运行完了就要删除一次,烦死了。 D:\PowerDe ...
stephen covery tony robbins Steve Jobs and Bill Gates Together design pattern hack Common Mistakes in Oracle PL/SQL Programming How to Hack Windows Passwords
//From <Design pattern explained> , 前几天只当草稿的,今天看见有不少人看,怕误会了。用共性和可变性分析在我们的问题域寻找对象,比寻找名词和相应的动词更加有效。 共性分析寻找的是不可能随时间而变化的结构,而可变性分析则要找到可能变化的结构。可变性分析只在相关联的共性分析定义的上下文中才有意义。。。 从架构的视角来看,共性分析为架构提供长效的要素,而可变性分析则促进它适应实际使用所需。 eg.“粉笔、铅笔、圆珠笔” 共性:书写工具 变性:材料、用途 共同的概念将用抽象类表示,可变性分析所发现的变化将通过具体类实现。 名词动词分析法,常常得的比较大的类层 ...
<script>//私有、公有是站在类的高度看的 function private4window(){      //(1)//  func4Obj();         //正确  alert("private4window"); }       function func4Obj(){        //(2)  alert("I can use 'this'!\n Actually I really should use 'this' to refer the obj's source^_^"); //  alert(localVar); ...
<script> var globalVar="globalVar";                       //(1) this.globalThisVar = "this.globalThisVar";  //(2)  globalFunc.funcVar = "funcVar";     //(3) function globalFunc(){  var localVar = "localVar";     //( ...
[原创]wiki扩展你的知识 PartI:  简介1、Wiki解封了。10.12日我无意中居然打开了Wiki的页面,后来居然一直没挂,高兴!2、Wiki差不多是网上最大的资料库。有些资料你通过Google要很仔细的搜索才会知道,并且信 ...
1、作用链        最好以图示,例示,文字描述。 2、闭包的用法。        这么经典的技巧应该找几个精彩的例子的。 3、Inheritance。       这会使Constructor、Prototype的概念更加清晰。 4、Modules and Namespaces 5、事件处理。       IE中不支持的部分,以及现在的缺陷。 
ObjectsJavaScript is fundamentally about objects. Arrays are objects. Functions are objects. Objects are objects. So what are objects? Objects are collections of name-value pairs. The names are strings, and the values are strings, numbers, booleans, and objects (including arrays and functions). Objec ...
<script> //class function for defining instances of a closure demo function ClosureDemo2() {  var _a = 0, _b = 0;     //private properties prefixed with an underscore to denote that they         //cannot be accessed outside of the instance    this.c = 0;  //public property    //private function ...
<noscript type="text/javascript" event="FSCommand(info,args)" for="sIFR_callback_2">sIFR_callback_2_DoFSCommand(info, args);</noscript>Scope, the scope chain and closures But before we get into closures, something about scope. Every Ja ...
Private Members in JavaScript   Douglas Crockfordwww.crockford.com   JavaScript is the world's most misunderstood programming language. Some believe that it lacks the property of information hiding because objects cannot have private instance variables and methods. But this is a misunderstanding. Jav ...
在一种程序设计语言中,能够表示并操作的值的类型称为数据类型(data type)。 //在Java中,函数不能被当作值操作,所以函数在Java不算是data type  基本类型(fundamental datatypes):5个primitive datatypes: { number, string ,Boolean, null and undefined }composite datatype: {object} 基本类型的说明:1. JavaScript also defines two trivial datatypes, null and undefined, each of whi ...
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