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记录了 CentOS 最小化安装后如何配置和连接无线网络,当时的情况是路由器使用的WEP加密方式,所以设置密码的时候可以直接使用明文密码。后来当把路由器的加密模式设置为 WPA/WPA2-PSK的时候,发现已经无法连接无线网络了,原因是当使用 WPA/WPA2-PSK 加密模式之后客户端不能直接发送明文密码,而是要使用加密之后的密码,既然我们知道了原因我们该怎么做呢? 首先我们要安装一个帮我们生成加密密码并配置网卡的工具包 wpa_supplicant yum install -y wpa_supplicant   然后找到我们路由的 ESSID,比如我是 long,然后生成密码配置文件 ...
我本身不是很了解这方面的知识,看了本章之后从理论上收获颇多,很希望能够阅读其他章节,并且很希望其他章节给出具体的实现方案,用实际中的例子详细讲解,最好是能够附带详细的代码。 分布式系统的难点? 分布 ...
 2.1什么是大型网站  通过第 1 章我们了解了分布式系统的相关基础知识, 大型网站是一种很常见的分布式系统,而本书重点要介绍的中间件系统也是在大型网站的架构变化中出现并发展的,那么我们很有必要从大型网站的架构演进过程入手,先从整体上了解这个变化过程。首先,我们来看一下怎样的网站被称为大型网站。 关于大型网站的定义,在学术上并没有精确地定义,下面是将笔者自己的理解介绍给大家。  网站是用来访问的,访问量大就应该是大型网站。这个说法不全对,从 www.alexa.com上可以看到不同网站的大概访问量,排在前面的都是比较出名且大型的网站。不过我在这里举一个反例,在我写这段内容的时候,下面 ...
The true prototype of an object is held by [[Prototype]] internal property: function Foo () {} var bar = new Foo(); //the [[Prototype]] of bar is Foo.prototype function Baz () {} // Baz.prototype = new Foo(); //the [[Prototype]] of Baz.prototype is changed to Foo.prototype.   上图都是函数的proto ...
A network bridge is a Link Layer device which forwards traffic between networks based on MAC addresses and is therefore also referred to as a Layer 2 device. It makes forwarding decisions based on tables of MAC addresses which it builds by learning what hosts are connected to each network. A softwar ...
For the purposes of this post, I will be talking about JavaScript objects using syntax defined in ECMAScript 5.1. The basic semantics existed in Edition 3, but they were not well exposed. A Whole New Object In JavaScript, objects are pairs of keys and values (in Ruby, this structure is called a H ...


Introduction Traffic into or out of a computer is filtered through "ports," which are relatively arbitrary designations appended to traffic packets destined for use by a particular application. By convention, some ports are routinely used for particular types of applications. For example ...
Configuring Bridged Networking When you install Workstation on a Windows or Linux host system, a bridged network (VMnet0) is set up for you. Bridged networking connects a virtual machine to a network by using the network adapter on the host system. If the host system is on a network, bri ...
You can configure bridged networking, NAT, and host-only networking for virtual machines. You can also use the virtual networking components to create sophisticated custom virtual networks. Bridged Networking Bridged networking connects a virtual machine to a network by using the network adapt ...
How to enable NTFS support on CentOS Linux version 5 or 6? How do I mount ntfs partition under RHEL 5 or 6?First, you need to install EPEL repo as described here. The following command will turn in EPEL repo on RHEL / CentOS version 6.x:   $ cd /tmp $ wget http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/e ...
This final example will create truly generic code using the adapter approach described in the previous section. The example began as an attempt to create a sum over a sequence of elements (of any type that can be summed), but evolved into performing general operations using a functional style of pro ...
Applying a method to a sequence Reflection provides some interesting possibilities, but it relegates all the type checking to run time, and is thus undesirable in many situations. If you can achieve compile-time type checking, that's usually more desirable. But is it possible to have compile-time ...
WeakReference and SoftReference were added into Java API from long time but not every Java programmer is familiar with it. Which means there is a gap between where and how to use WeakReference and SoftReference in Java. Reference classes are particularly important in context of How Garbage collectio ...
Mixins  The term mixin seems to have acquired numerous meanings over time, but the fundamental concept is that of mixing in capabilities from multiple classes in order to produce a resulting class that represents all the types of the mixins. This is often something you do at the last minute, which ...
Exceptions Because of erasure, the use of generics with exceptions is extremely limited. A catch clause cannot catch an exception of a generic type, because the exact type of the exception must be known at both compile time and run time. Also,a generic class can't directly or indirectly inherit fro ...
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