- 浏览: 35444 次
- 性别:
1.String a = "abc";
2.String b = "abc";
3.String c = new String("abc");
1中只会创建一个对象"abd",并把"abc"存放在字符常量池中,当2又要赋值"abc"时,则会从字符常量池中搜索看是否已存在,如果存在,则直接指向"abc"。而对于3,则会创建两个对象,分布式new String 和 "abc"。 new S ...
1. sudo python manage.py sqlall depotapp 查看表的所有字段
2. sudo python manage.py dbshell 使用django提供的dbshell增加字段
sqlite> begin;
sqlite> alter table depotapp_product add column date ...
运行的command: sudo python manage.py test depotapp
1. 在Ubuntu12下想安装SCIM,把ibus都卸载了,结果没能成功。。。放弃了一段时间想用英语更新发现英语跟不上,最后还是默默的又把ibus安装回来了。。。
sudo apt-get install ibus-gtk ibus-qt4 ibus-pinyin ibus-pinyin-db-open-phrase
sudo apt-get install ibus-pinyin ibus-pinyin-db-android
之后启动ibus, 在小键盘标识处设置ibus的preferences的input method,最后设置system的语言支持为ibus
2. 作为一只小菜鸟,继续 ...
django (1.5)
1. python manage.py groundwork appname Modelname
2. move contents of the new 'urls.py' file to the project's 'urls.py', then delete the former file
3. remove the new 'settings.py' file as well
4. remember to add the path of your templates directory to 'TEMPLATE_DIRS' in the project ...
1. python django-admin.py startproject projectname
2. python manage.py startapp appname
3. models.py==>data {ID is default defined}
4. sqlite3 development.sqlite3
5. update setting.py {DATABASES, INSTALLED_APPS}
6. python manage.py validate {succeed if 0 errors found}
7. python manage.py sqlall a ...
brief introduction of MVC:
1. Model: the basic data structures of your application
2. View: the User Interface (UI)
3. Controller: is a pure fabrication placed between the GUI and the internal logic of the system to decouple them
Note: a pure fabrication is a design class which does not correspond t ...
threading.Event可以使一个线程等待其他线程的通知。其内置了一个标志,初始值为False。线 ...
"""" Python中使用线程有两种方式:函数或者用类来包装线程对象。
1、 函数式:调用thread模块中的start_new_thread()函数来产生新线程。线程的结束可以等待线程自然结束,也可以在线程函数中调用thread.exit()或thread.exit_thread()方法。
import time
import thread
def timer(no,interval):
cnt ...
import Tkinter
class Test:
def __init__(self,master):
self.h ...
if you encounter these problems during your installation:
1. no module named modpython
solution: download the modpython.py, and copy to '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/core/handler'
2. no module named server.settings(your project name.settings)
solution: check the urls in your ...
import os
import re
import sys
import urllib
"""Logpuzzle exercise
Given an apache logfile, find the puzzle urls and download the images.
Here's what a puzzle url looks like: - - [06/Aug/2007:00:13:48 -0700] "GET /~foo/puzzle-bar-aaab.jpg HTTP/1.0 ...
import sys
import re
import os
import shutil
import commands
import zipfile
"""Copy Special exercise
# +++your code here+++
# Write functions and modify main() to call them
def get_specials(dir):
com='ls '+ dir
status,output=commands.getstat ...
import sys
import re
"""Baby Names exercise
Define the extract_names() function below and change main()
to call it.
For writing regex, it's nice to include a copy of the target
text for inspiration.
Here's what the html looks like in the baby.html files:
< ...
#!/usr/bin/python -tt
Read in the file specified on the command line.
Do a simple split() on whitespace to obtain all the words in the file.
Rather than read the file line by line, it's easier to read
it into one giant string and split it once.
Build a "mimic" dict that maps each word tha ...