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Y-chromosome DNA

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http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_Y-chromosome_DNA_haplogroup http://www.ranhaer.com/thread-14446-1-1.html comonca.org.cn isogg.org
*    soft    nofile    65536 *    hard    nofile    65536 *    soft    nproc    10240 *    hard    nproc    10240   Each line describes a limit for a user in the form: <domain> <type> <item> <value> Where: <domain> can be: an user name a group ...
5 个免费的项目管理工具推荐 1. Collabtive Collabtive是一个基于Web的项目管理系统,是著名的项目管理软件。它具有项目管理,即时聊天工具,任务、文件管理,时间跟踪和多语言支持等功能。 2. Freedcamp 它也是免费项目管理领域的一个重量级的工具,功能全面、易于使用、有漂亮的UI。 3. Project Pier ProjectPier是一款基于PHP+MySQL架构的开源的项目管理程序。用户可以通过ProjectPier的web界面对任务、项目和 团队进行管理。Projec ...

python 集合操作

''' a_set = {2, 4, 5, 9, 12, 21, 30, 51, 76, 127, 195} b_set = {1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 15, 17, 18, 21} print a_set.union(b_set) print a_set.intersection(b_set) print a_set.difference(b_set) print a_set.symmetric_difference(b_set) ①    要检测某值是否是集合的成员,可使用 in 运算符。其工作原理和列表的一样。 ②    union() 方法返 ...


  • seq
Best: multi-sample realignment with known sites and recalibration Finally, if you really want to get the absolute best results, whatever the computational cost, then we recommend doing multiple sample realignment so that novel indels in one sample help to realign reads in other samples. ...
## {{{ http://code.activestate.com/recipes/52306/ (r2) # (IMHO) the simplest approach: def sortedDictValues1(adict):     items = adict.items()     items.sort()     return [value for key, value in items] # an alternative implementation, which # happens to run a bit faster for large # dictionar ...


TransferRate RETR 220 TransferRate STOR 250 TransferRate STOU 250 TransferRate APPE 250   TransferRate STOR 150 user tom    # 限制tom用户上传的速率限制在150Kbytes/s TransferRate RETR 100 user tom    # 限制tom用户下载的速率限制在100Kbytes/s http://airredhy.dyndns.org/html/chinese/misc/linux_writing/l ...
yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'

haploid genome

  • seq
http://seqanswers.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-10182.html To my knowledge, FreeBayes is significantly different than other variant detection systems in common use in that it is not limited to the analysis of haploid or diploid individuals The GATK can be used to call the sex (X and Y) chromos ...
 我正试着搜集整理一个可在网上免费阅读的计算机编程书籍列表。这些书可以是某种特定编程语言,也可以计算机方面通用书籍。网上有哪些免费可用的书籍呢?   下面是一些网友在回复中的推荐资源,其中有视频、大学 ...
http://www.ylmf.net/linux/tips/2011071626957_3.html   yum install httpd chkconfig --levels 235 httpd on /etc/init.d/httpd start     3.安装的Apache2    yum install httpd   配置系统启动时自动启动apache    chkconfig --levels 235 httpd on   重启apache: ...

sam提取unmapped seq

  • seq
__author__ = 'wanguan2000' #coding=utf-8 import os.path import os import sys import re filename = '/home/wanguan2000/pg/myNGS/result_NGS/cui3132/s31_1_s31_2.sam' n = 0 m = 0 mn = 0 mydict ={} with open(filename,'rU') as f:     for line in f:         line = line.rstrip()         if not l ...
Ignoring SAM validation error due to lenient parsing: Error parsing text SAM file. MAPQ should be 0 for unmapped read.; File chrm.sam; Line 1477 Line: HWI-ST499:5:23:21302:167400#GCCAAT    87    chrM    16518    60    55M    =    16319    -254    GGGTCATAAAGCCTAAATAGCCCACACGTTCCCCTTAAATAAGACATCACGA ...


  • seq
$ cat A.bed chr1 100 200 chr1 1000 2000 $ cat B.bed chr1 101 201 chr1 120 220 $ intersectBed –a A.bed –b B.bed –c chr1 100 200 2 chr1 1000 2000 0
11个新鲜、实用的jQuery插件推荐 1. rlightbox : A jQuery UI Mediabox   rlightbox是一个轻量级的jQuery插件,它可以用来展示多样的内容,比如图片、视频、Flash动画等,它还可以自适应浏览器的宽高。 除此之外,它拥有一些 ...
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