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前端app(PHP) 与 后端 python通信 python端 import socket import subprocess socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) socket.bind(('',10000)) socket.listen(10) while True: connection,address= socket.accept() str=connection.recv(1024) if(str): print str connection.send( ...
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding=utf-8 import sys import jieba from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer, TfidfTransformer from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC from sklearn.multiclass import OneVsRestClassifier from sklearn.preprocessing impo ...
Often the hardest part of solving a machine learning problem can be finding the right estimator for the job. Different estimators are better suited for different types of data and different problems. The flowchart below is designed to give users a bit of a rough guide on how to approach problems with ...
$terms = array(); $prefix = 'Z'; for ($termi = $doc->termlist_begin(); !$termi->equals($doc->termlist_end()); $termi->next()) { $term = array( 'wdf' => $termi->get_wdf(), 'freq' => $termi->get_termfreq(), 'name' =&g ...
例1 有很多不同的数学公式可以用来计算TF-IDF。这边的例子以上述的数学公式来计算。词频 (TF) 是一词语出现的次数除以该文件的总词语数。假如一篇文件的总词语数是100个,而词语“母牛”出现了3次,那么“母牛”一词在该文 ...
<?php Class ContentSim { var $analysis; var $word_limit = 20; public function __construct(){ $this->analysis = scws_new(); $this->analysis->set_charset('utf8'); } public function get_tfidf($txt){ $word_ret = array(); $this->analysis->send_text( ...
Crab是基于Python开发的开源推荐软件,其中实现有item和user的协同过滤 Features: Recommender Algorithms: User-Based Filtering and Item-Based Filtering Work in progress: Slope One, SVD, Evaluation of Recommenders. Planed: Sparse Matrices, REST API’s. http://muricoca.github.io/crab/
http://www.ryanzhang.info/archives/2594 基于内容的推荐系统的核心思想是:推荐给用户 x 那些与 x 给出高评价的物品近似的物品。 具体方法为: 为物品简历“档案” item profiles 根据用户对物品的打分建立用户“档案” user profiles 推荐 ...
# coding=utf-8 import re import pandas as pd import string import MySQLdb import jieba from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfTransformer from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split from sklearn.metrics impor ...


pickle.dumps(obj[,protocol])¶ Return the pickled representation of the object as a string, instead of writing it to a file. If the protocol parameter is omitted, protocol 0 is used. If protocol is specified as a negative value orHIGHEST_PROTOCOL, the highest protocol version will be used. Changed in ...


import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import edu.udo.cs.wvtool.main.WVTWordVector; public class KNN { private int k = 15; private int cLimit = 1; private double[] ClassSim = null; ...
package text_category; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.BufferedWriter; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.io.Reader; import java.io.StringReader; import com.xjt.nlp.word.ICTCLAS; import edu.udo.cs.wvtool.generic.tokenizer.WVTTokenizer; impo ...
主要是由于安装的是vim.tiny版本,不是vim完整版。 两种方法: 方法一: 1.直接在终端输入 sudo apt-get remove vim-common 2.直接在终端输入 sudo apt-get install vim ,按步操作安装好vim即可。 方法二: 2. 修改/etc/vim/vimrc.tiny 文件 将set compatible 设置成set nocompatible , 添加 set backspace=2 这是因为系统会默认vim兼容vi,所以使用vi的命令。
安装apache sudo apt-get install apache2 安装mysql sudo apt-get install mysql-server sudo apt-get install python-mysqldb 安装wsgi sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi 安装django sudo apt-get install python-setuptools sudo easy_install django 在/var/www下建个项目 cd /var/www django-admin.py startproject mysite ...
SELECT id FROM dede_archives t1 JOIN ( SELECT ROUND( RAND( ) * ( SELECT MAX( id ) FROM dede_archives ) ) AS nid FROM dede_archives LIMIT 1 )t2 ON t1.id = t2.nid
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