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EMC this week took the wraps off its long-awaited cloud storage infrastructure solution, moving the vendor long known for proprietary hardware offerings into the market for commodity hardware. EMC Atmos , previously known by the codenames "Maui" on the software side and "Hulk ...
import getopt, sys def main(): try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "ho:v", ["help", "output="]) except getopt.GetoptError: # print help information and exit: usage() sys.exit(2) output = None verbose = ...
import sys width = int(sys.argv[1]) height = int(sys.argv[2]) count = int(sys.argv[3]) length = int(sys.argv[4]) base = sys.argv[5] type = sys.argv[6]    比较简便的做法: [width, height, count, length, base, type] = sys.argv[1:]  但是 ...
以前都是用重量级的 vtune ,今天突然看到 gprof 这么个非常简单的工具,自己太逊了啊。 以下是一个简单的教程。 http://www.tongyi.net/develop/C/1057946.html
注册了在自己的一个 blog 上使用 google Map 的 key ,下面是在页面上添加地图要添加或者修改的 code 。 Google 的 API 使用还是蛮 easy 的。 <script src=http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&amp;v=2&amp;&amp;key=ABQIAAAA6z5x7SKYVbp2Iamhk_aewRStAkgfnVhbORlEwBI6cdYoS0SPhRQ00WD-e0nh13cv6JJwoS ...
读《 unix 环境高级编程》信号机制一章,遇到 signal 函数: #include<signal.h> void (* signal (int signo, void (*func) (int) )) (int ); 返回值:成功返回信号以前的处理配置,出错返回 SIG_ERR.   这个定义比较复杂,按照“右左法则”来理解: “ 右左法则 ”[
master-slave architecture (same as Google File System) One NameNode (metadata) + N DataNodes (actual data) Emphasis: high throughput, not low latency. Simple Coherency Model: write-once-read-many. (Map/Reduce application or web crawler application fits perfectly) Support appending-writes i ...


ZFS 是一个 128 位 的文件系统,这意味着它能存储 1800 亿亿( 18.4 × 1018 )倍于当前 64位 文件系统的数据。 ZFS 的设计如此超前以至于这个极限就当前现实际可能永远无法遇到。项目领导 Bonwick
可以通过三种方法为apt-get设置http代理 方法一 这是一种临时的手段,如果您仅仅是暂时需要通过http代理使用apt-get,您可以使用这种方式。 在使用apt-get之前,在终端中输入以下命令(根据您的实际情况替换yourproxyaddress和proxyport)。 export http_proxy=http://yourproxyaddress:proxyport 方法二 这种方法要用到/etc/apt/文件夹下的apt.conf文件。如果您希望apt-get(而不是其他应用程序)一直使用http代理,您可以使用这种方式。 注意: 某些情况下,系统安装过程中没 ...
OS: Ubuntu 7.10 Architecture: 64bit. VMware Server using NAT networking. _________________________________________1 - Issue these commands: sudo apt-get install samba sudo groupadd sharer sudo useradd --gid sharer --shell /bin/false sharer --home /nonexistent sudo smbpasswd -a sharer cd ...
    A dynamic proxy class (simply referred to as a proxy class below) is a class that implements a list of interfaces specified at runtime when the class is created, with behavior as described below. A proxy interface is such an interface that is implemented by a proxy class. A proxy instance ...
NFS hang problem when using df...   1. 把/etc/mtab 卡住的mount point 整行移掉 同時記下死掉的process id 2. restart autofs 3. kill -9 死掉的process id
Three ways to start up samba /etc/rc.d/init.d/samba start (also "stop" or "restart" or "status") /usr/sbin/smbd; /usr/sbin/nmbd (start "by hand") Use linuxconf to configure smbd to start on system boot up
看Amazon的S3,发现如果要提供大的数据量,就要物理运输了,呵呵。 Using AWS Import/Export To use the AWS Import/Export beta you simply: Copy your data to a portable storage device (see below for supported devices). Email data loading instructions to AWS in a simple manifest file that includes your Amazon S3 bucket, AWS ...
There are two major products that come out of Berkeley: LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.     --Jeremy S. Anderson   Ganglia provides a complete real-time monitoring and execution environment that is in use by hundreds of universities, private and ...
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