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本文档版权归NickTang所有,没有本人书面或电子邮件允许,不许转载,摘录,发表。多谢! 我们很难想像一个不包含动画的iOS应用程序,一个iOS游戏更是不可能没有动画,因此我从今天开始一个新的课题---如何写动画相关的代码。 这里的第一篇文章其实和iOS提供的动画API没有关系,只是使用定时器来形成一个动画,因为这是动画的最记本实现方式。所以这个例子也是顺便演示一下定时器如何使用。 1.新建一个view-based Application.(在iOS5中是Single View Application) 2.加入一个小的图片,比如1.png,长和宽都不要大于100. 3.在viewc ...
原文地址:http://farxian.com/news/g/31271#1 iPhone 4S发布伊始,人们大失所望;Siri一卖萌引发有关人工智能的大讨论,并且iPhone 4S一时间洛阳纸贵,人们对iPhone 4S的态度180度大转弯儿。现在人们或许需要再转一个弯儿:iPhone 4S并非乔布斯绝唱,他根本没有参与iPhone 4S的设计,因为他没有时间,他的绝唱是下一代iPhone,我们姑且称之为iPhone 5。
本文档版权归NickTang所有,没有本人书面或电子邮件允许,不许转载,摘录,发表。多谢! 我们在使用tableview的时候,常常会用到删除功能,但是在5.0以前的版本中,我们没有办法一次通过界面删除多行,在iOS5中,这个功能加入近来了。 我们先看一下原先的删除界面的样式 下面是新增加的,可以选择多行的样式。 我们开始分析这个工程的代码。 首先,如果你是下载的2011/10/12的版本的话,工程中会有一个bug,当tableview处于不是编辑状态的时候,你会发现,点中table中的一行,程序没有反映,请打开MainWindow.xib文件。如下图所示: 右键点击 ...
In Installing and Using GNUstep and Objective-C on Linux, we covered the steps involved in installing the GNUstep environment on Linux distributions for which pre-built GNUstep packages are available. Unfortunately, very few Linux distributions have pre-built packages available making it necessar ...
The basics of Objective-C are supported by the GNU compiler collection. In order to utilize the full power of Objective-C together with the Cocoa /openStep environments on Linux, and to work with many of the examples covered in this book, it is necessary to install gcc, the gcc Objective-C support ...
In addition to using Objective-C on a Mac system, it is also possible to download and install the GNUstep and Objective-C environments for Microsoft's Windows family of operating systems. In this chapter we will explore the steps involved in downloading, installing and testing both Objective-C and ...
In later chapters we will look at how to install and use Objective-C on Windows and Linux systems for those that do not have access to Mac OS X. If you are planning to develop iPhone applications (or Mac OS X applications for that matter), however, you are going to need to use an Intel based Mac OS ...
Before learning the intricacies of a new programming language it is often worth taking a little time to learn about the history and legacy of that language. In this chapter ofObjective-C 2.0 Essentials we will provide a brief overview of the origins of Objective-C and the business history that ulti ...
目录 About Objective-C Essentials Why are you reading this? Supported Platforms The History of Objective-C The C Programming Language The Smalltalk programming Language C meets Smalltalk Objective-C and Apple Installing Xcode and Compiling Objective-C on Mac OS X Installing Xcode ...
Why are you reading this? <style type="text/css"> <!-- --> </style> On the surface this sounds like an odd opening sentence for a programming book. After all, if this were a book about JavaScript or PHP I'd be safe in assuming that you planned to develop some kind of we ...
Introduction The Anatomy of an iPad 2 iOS 4 Display Wireless Connectivity Wired Connectivity Memory Cameras Sensors Location Detection Central Processing Unit (CPU) Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) Speaker and Microphone Battery
做iOS开发,我们需要指定控件,文本,图片等显示在视图的位置,那么我们不可避免的和下面的三个结构打交道 CGPoint CGSize CGRect 注意:这三个是结构,不是类,所以在使用的时候一般不用指针。下面我们看这三个结构的定义。 struct CGPoint { CGFloat x; CGFloat y; }; typedefstructCGPoint CGPoint; /* Sizes. */ struct CGSize { CGFloat width; CGFloat height; };
http://www.raywenderlich.com/tutorials http://www.techotopia.com/index.php/IOS_iPhone_iPad_eBooks 都是英文版,有空我会试着翻译几章,不知道有没有侵权的问题。
本来我想自己写一篇关于这个话题的文章,但是看到网上已经有了,所以就转载过来给大家作为参考。 原帖地址:http://blog.chinabyte.com/a/1557371.html iOS MVC 学习基础是本文要介绍的内容,先来看内容。相信说起MVC(Model-View-Contro ...
我们建立一个工程后,会在Supporting files下面看到一个"工程名-Info.plist"的文件,这个是对工程做一些运行期配置的文件,很重要,不能删除。 如果你在网上下载的工程中的这个文件名只是Info.plist,那么恭喜你,这个工程太老了,是用包含SDK2.0以前的Xcode生成的,不过没关系,不影响使用。 如果你使用文本编辑器打开这个文件,你会发现这是一个XML格式的文本文件,一般我们不用文本编辑器直接编辑这个文件,而是通过Xcode编辑。 下面是这个文件的一个例子: 下面是对这里可能出现的字段的解释: Localiztion native de ...
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