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1) Project配置到 server\default\deploy 文件夹下,如果是web application,并且如果不是一个.war文件,exploded文件夹名称应以.war结尾 2) MySql datasource 的配置文件应放在 server\default\deploy 文件夹下 3) 在 Spring 中配置 dataSource 的 jndiName 时,应写成 java:jdbc/testDS,而不是 weblogic 中的 jdbc/testDS 4)datasource的配置文件应以-ds.xml结尾
What's the lifecycle of a form submit? Events will trigger in the following order: initialize() pageBeginRender() ("rewind") rewind of the form / setting of properties Deferred listeners (for Submit components) Form's listener pageEndRender() ("rewind" ...
Method Injection was introduced in Spring 1.1, which comes in two loosely related forms, Lookup Method Injection and Method Replacement. Lookup Method Injection It's added to overcome the problems encountered when a bean depends on another bean with a different lifecycle - specifically, when a single ...
In general, two lifecycle events are particularly relevant to a bean: post-initialization and pre-destruction. Both of these lifecycle events are only fired for beans that are singletons. 1. post-initialization event. 2 ways to implement it: method-based and interface-based. 1) method based. Specify ...
As described in the reply of my previous post, an exception occurred after weblogic cache was cleared. java 代码 weblogic.application.ModuleException:         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.prepare(WebAppModule.java:295)        at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ScopedModul ...
Problem Description: Tomcat 5.5.17 is used as the web service host and weblogic 9.2.0 is used as the web service client. If the return value of ws methods is a complex object, an exception will be thrown: java 代码 Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException        at weblogic.xml.sta ...
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