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可以在文本框上绑定事件来禁用回车键, 我就是这样做的.在IE中 ...
form 回车自动提交问题 -
非常好的文章,很透彻不过有一句话小僧腆着脸补充一下:“1111 ...
为什么要用补码来做存储 -
form 回车自动提交问题 -
用C语言扩展Python的功能 -
火狐和IE 对css 样式解释的差异
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <event.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
void connection_time(int fd, short event, struct event *arg)
char buf[32];
struct tm t;
time_t now;
time(& ...
- 2008-05-19 11:20
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查阅后总结一下perl的变量范围“our 、my” 相同于其他语言的全局和局部的区别。至于这个奶奶的local 应该这样理解,在一个block中,local先把our的给save下来,等到block末时,再把our值给赋过去。可以苛刻的理解为只有这一种使用情况。其实local现在已经没有存在的意义,但是我们还是要理解当它存在时的含义。
- 2008-05-05 17:08
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Perl中的变量作用范围 local, my, our与全局变量很古老很古老以前......嗯,不用老到白垩纪,那时候的Perl是自由射击的。没有什么定义变量的说法,所有的变量都是全局变量,也不需要任何 定义就可以使用。后来就出现了local, 再后来出现了use strict 'vars'和my, 再后来又有了our......所以今天的Perl大陆就有了崇山巨岭,一些变量就被限制在盆地里,老死于桃花源中也。因为要使用一个跨模块全局变量,研究了一下Perl的变量作用范围,写一点笔记吧。1. 首先说our, 这个最晚出现但其实质却最早出现的变量修饰符。众所周知,在Perl不使用use stric ...
- 2008-05-05 16:40
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老实说,这个东西有点折腾人,主要是书上的表述很晦涩,其实搞懂不难。 our,"把名字限于某个范围“,其实就是明确声明一个"全局变量",虽然是在某个模块或者函数里面定义的,外面的也可以访问,如果已经声明 ...
- 2008-05-05 16:11
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这是PHP的一个子计划,目的要使php成为一种标准的编程语言而非单纯的脚本语言。使用PHP-GTK可以在图形界面的系统中编写图形界面的应用程序,使用php编写应用的客户端。这样服务器端、客户端都可以使用php来编写了。什么是PHP-GTK?PHP-GTK是为了证明PHP是一种远远超越网络应用程序的有效的工具而开发的。使用PHP-GTK你可以建立独立的GUI(用户图形界面)应用程序,例如mp3播放器、文本编辑器、数据库后台等等。PHP-GTK是PHP的扩展,可以从http://gtk.php.net下载。PHP-GTK基于GTK+,是Andrei Zmievski最先使用的。什么是GTK+?GTK ...
今天花了145¥ 买了个条子 升级了笔记本,剧爽中!!!把我所有的IDE打开,轻轻松!!!!哇咔咔!!
- 2008-05-01 17:53
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将阐述Linux内核中的如下几个概念 1) 进程组 2) 会话 3) 控制终端 前面的概念来源于前人,我只是站在前人的肩膀上结合内核中的实现加深概念理解。 1.概念: a)进程组 Shell 上的一条命令行形成一个进程组 每个进程属于一个进程组 每个进程组有一个领头进程 进程组的生命周期到组中最后一个进程终止, 或加入其他进程组为止 getpgrp: 获得进程组 id, 即领头进程的 pid setpgid: 加入进程组和建立新的进程组 前台进程组和后台进程组 ==================================================================== ...
- 2008-04-26 15:22
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“人真的要那么多吗?” --- 相思树
晓牧 ...
- 2008-04-26 01:11
- 浏览 685
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The recent report that having a pot belly in your 40s roughly triples your risk of dementia in later life is just the tip of an ominous adipose iceberg.Belly fat -- the visceral kind that accumulates around internal organs -- has also been linked to diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, heart diseas ...
- 2008-04-24 09:55
- 浏览 606
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The sharp decline in Chinese stocks is approaching a milestone: With a 4% drop Friday, the market has fallen by nearly half since its peak last fall. The decline has wiped out nearly $2.5 trillion of wealth and is testing the government''s apparent resolve to let the market find equilibrium on its ow ...
- 2008-04-21 14:12
- 浏览 606
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Quick, name a few major Chinese sports stars -- besides Yao Ming of the National Basketball Association.That isn't something the average person outside of China can do easily, despite the possibility that China could emerge as a dominant sporting power come August, when it hosts the summer Olympics i ...
- 2008-04-21 01:10
- 浏览 656
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Asked what job they would take if they could have any, people unleash their imaginations and dream of exotic places, powerful positions or work that involves alcohol and a paycheck at the same time.Or so you'd think.None of that appeals to Lori Miller who, as a lead word processor, has to do things t ...
- 2008-04-18 13:16
- 浏览 668
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During the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens, little-known Chinese hurdler Liu Xiang shattered the myth that Asian athletes couldn't excel in track events. Mr. Liu won the gold, and tied the world record, by running the 110-meter hurdles in 12.91 seconds.Euphoric Chinese audiences dubbed him the 'yellow ...
- 2008-04-17 14:16
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找到sourcetree.js 的 正则判断那一块加上
case 'C++':
function_tag =/^\s*[\w<>\(\)_\s"\*]+\s+([\w:\*&>\[\]=<]+)\(.*[^;]+$|^\s*(main)\(|\s*(\w+::[\w~]+)\(.*[^;]+$/;
class_support = false;
line = parts ...