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from tomcat's online help.l $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib - JAR files placed here arevisible both to web applications and internal Tomcat code. This isa good place to put JDBC drivers that are required for both yourapplication and internal Tomcat use (such as for a JDBCRealm).l $CATALINA_HOME/shared/lib ...
Clean command (from JBuilder's help)The Clean command removes all build output of the other targets, such as the classes directory, JARs, WARs, and so on. If the source and output paths are the same, the output directory is not deleted but the build output is deleted. What the Clean command removes i ...
半角状态下的空格为 20全角状态下的空格为 A1 A1String类中的trim()等只能除去半角状态下的空格. 
Help中的内容如下: Choose the data Role from the drop-list. The role determines how the data set is used throughout the process flow. The role may be any of the following: RAW - used as raw input to the node (default). TRAIN - used to fit initial models. VALIDATE - used by default for model asse ...
已经在form上放好一个tchart组件,并且为它添加了一个series。现在准备产生series。先编写代码来产生一些点值。假设我们所添加得series是一个pie series。我们可以通过下面得方式生成series。series命名为默认的series1。在你的form上添加一个button,并编写事件:With Series1 doBegin    Add(  40, 'Pencil' , clRed ) ;    Add(  60, 'Paper',  clBlue ) ;    Add(  30, 'Ribbon', clGreen ) ;end;按f9运行,点击button,就可以 ...
在写一个数据库应用的时候发现:如果DBgrid1.datasource为Datasource1,则执行DBgrid1.columns[0].width:=40将会触发datasource1的onDataChange事件.迷惑中查找delphi help,说明如下:Occurs when the data in a record has changed, either due to field edits or moving the cursor to a new record.Methods that can trigger this event include the Next or Prio ...
begin with adoquery1 do  begin     Close;     SQL.Clear;     SQL.Add('select * from enterprise where reptcode=:p_dat1 and bankcode=:p_dat2');     Parameters.ParamByName('p_dat1').value:='0801';     Parameters.ParamByName('P_dat2').Value:='610000000110';     Open;  end;end;发现上面的代码是可以正确执行的.(表中reptcode和 ...
Set ParamCheck to specify whether or not the Parameters property is initialized using ":Param" style parameters in an SQL statement specified in the CommandText property. If the SQL statement in CommandText only contains "?" style parameters, the Parameters property will only be i ...
始终还是没有明白adoquery组件的正确使用方法,在用到parameters的时候总是出错,一怒之下,决定不用parameters,而改用如下形式了:先对frtime和totime分别赋值;然后 adoquery1.SQL.Add('select * from enterprise '); adoquery1.SQL.Add('where tradedate between '''+frtime+''' and '''+ totime+''' order by tradedate');竟然可以执行.暂时松了一口气,已经凌晨2点多了,还是睡一觉起来再看看parameters该怎么使用吧!
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