netstat -tn | awk '{++S[$NF]} END {for(a in S) print a, S[a]}'
http://highscalability.com/bunch-great-strategies-using-memcached-and-mysql-better-together   The primero recommendation for speeding up a website is almost always to add cache and more cache. And after that add a little more cache just in case. Memcached is almost always given as the recommended cac ...
有一位名人在博客上说:任何一种稳定关系都是奴役与被奴役的关系。在感情中同理,也是主动和被动的关系。如果还没有确定,就要通过吵架、离家出走等等手段来确定地位。 两个人明明相爱,往往最不惮以直接强硬的态度对待对方。大到经济大事、百年树人育儿方针,小到今天晚上吃馒头还是面条,都有可能发生激烈争吵,仿佛和自己最亲密的人针锋相对才显得格外有成就感,还是最在乎的人就彼此最挑剔? 据说,某些吵架是前戏的一种,似乎没有哪对儿男女不曾经历过。俗话有很多,什么上牙还有碰下牙的时候,大多数人还都认同小两口打架不记仇这一句。但是,这并不意味着就可以肆无忌惮口无遮拦。有很多男女因为一件微不足道的小事,最后吵成劳燕纷飞 ...
php(fastcgi) 5.2.6 编译参数./configure --prefix=/usr/local/php --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql --with-gd=/usr --enable-calendar --with-zlib --with-bz2 --with-curl --with-mysqli=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config --enable-mbstring --with-openssl --enable-zend-multibyte --with-gettext --enable-exif --with-png ...
I have been using Lighttpd for almost a year and Nginx for a month on my servers. I know that they were created to be massively scalable, solving the C10k problem. However their asynchronised-IO model and small memory foot-print also make them suitable as alternative HTTP servers for memory-limited ...
另有更易使用的apachetop和goaccess   wtop is really cool application for web server log analysis and to see server stats at a glance. It also has powerful log grepping capability. It is just like 'top' for your webserver. It can find out number of searches or signups per seconds. It can also create h ...
http://www.linux.com/feature/124903   Applications can ask the Linux kernel to report changes to selected files and directories. I created the Kernel Filesystem Monitoring Daemon (kfsmd) to make monitoring filesystem changes simple. There are packages available for both 32- and 64-bit Fedora 7 and ...
#!/bin/bash# Shell script to restart MySQL server if it is killed or not working# due to ANY causes.# When script detects mysql is not running (it basically sends ping request# to MySQL) it try to start using /etc/init.d/mysql script; and it sends an# email to user indicating the status.# This script ...
感冒是四季常见的外感病,尤以冬春两季多见。许多家庭都备有治疗感冒的中成药,有的人患感冒后吃了不少药,但病症并没减轻。关键在于没有辨证用药。 中医认为感冒一般可分为风寒感冒与风热感冒两大类。这两种感冒病因病机、症状、治疗原则及用药差别很大。 风寒感冒是风寒之邪外袭、肺气失宣所致。症状可见:恶寒重、发热轻、无汗、头痛身痛、鼻塞流清涕、咳嗽吐稀白痰、口不渴或渴喜热饮、苔薄白。治法应以辛温解表为主。常选用麻黄、荆芥、防风、苏叶等解表散寒药。代表方剂为《葱豉汤》、《荆防败毒散》。服中成药可选用感冒清热冲剂、正柴胡饮冲剂、感冒软胶囊、川芎茶调散、通宣理肺丸等等。服药后可喝些热粥或热汤,微微出汗,以助药力驱散 ...
冬去春来,是感冒的好发季节,我们提示对感冒患者护理的必要性,以减少发病人数、减轻患者痛苦、减轻医院压力、减少医疗经费。    一、要体现一个“早”字:常言道:“病要早治,药要早吃。”感冒属表症。表邪不解就会入里化热,病情发展。当自己或家人感冒受风寒时,即按压“腋门”穴(手背第四五指指缝掌指关节凹陷处);或服葱白、姜汤以发汗驱散风寒,一般表症即可解除。如症状较重,要早用药控制病情发展。    二、合理饮食:感冒后要给予清淡、易消化、高蛋白、高维生素饮食,蛋白要选鸡蛋或豆制品,暂不食肉类、鱼、虾;多吃青菜,水果,最好温食,或煮水饮,忌食生、冷;辅以蜂蜜润肺通便。如周身酸痛、咳嗽,可服调和营卫之方 ...
13亿中国人是否有基本的体质分类?又有怎样的分布规律?北京中医药大学王琦教授带领的《中医体质分类判定标准的研究及其应用》课题组,经过对我国东、西、南、北、中5个地域9省26市进行的2万例大样本流行病学调查研究,有了基本答案,该课题获得2007年国家科技进步二等奖。专家称,中国人体质分布规律的发现,有助于把 握中华民族的体质特点,推动中医学理论的创新和中医标准化的研究,从而提高我国人民的生活质量和健康水平。     发现一:     中国人体质分9种     调查显示:根据中医理论和现代医学的研究成果,中国人可分为9种体质类型,其中健康的平和体质仅占33%,而其他8种偏颇体质(气虚体质、阳虚 ...
http://www.bxtra.net/articles/2008-09-16/Dell-Perc6i-RAID-Monitoring-Script-using-MegaCli-LSI-CentOS-52-64-bits I got a Dell Perc6/i Integrated RAID card a few days ago. By using it with CentOS 5.2 64 bits without GUI, I'm looking the way to monitor RAID status. I then, found that I can use MegaCLI f ...
一台HP380G3机器,原来有3G内存,后加到7G 这台机器的CPU是32位的,要支持7G内存,必须用kernel-pae而不能用通常的kernel 但是用了kernel-pae后,巨慢,还死机!!kernel panic!! 换回通常kernel,只用4G内存,OK
Sequential access sudo hdparm -t /dev/hda /dev/hda: Timing buffered disk reads:  144 MB in  3.02 seconds =  47.68 MB/sec     Random access   gcc -O2 seeker.c -o seeker sudo seeker /dev/sda   Seeker v2.0, 2007-01-15, http://www.linuxinsight.com/how_fast_is_your_disk.html Benchmarking /dev/sda ...
数据库:   SYSBENCH-OLTP是由MySQL创造的一种开放源代码性能指标评测工具,用于评测不同数据库的在线交易处理(OLTP)性能。 Sysbench-OLTP是一种多线程工作负载。每个线程均向DBMS发送交易。Sysbench-OLTP将每秒交易次数(TPS)作为性能指标评测 标准。   Java:   Specjbb是由SPEC开发的一种性能指标评测,用于测量Java性能(http://www.spec.org/jbb2005/)。它 可测量Java虚拟机(JVM)、即时(JIT)编译器、垃圾收集、线程以及操作系统某些方面的实施情况。Specjbb脚本将仓库的数量从1增加到 2 ...
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