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转载自10-golden-lessons-from-steve-jobs 1. Steve Jobs said: “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” Innovation has no limits. The only limit is your imagination. It’s time for you to begin thinking out of the box. If you are involved in a growing industry, think of ways to become mo ...
collaborative-map-reduce-in-the-browser这篇文章非常有趣,我简单意译一下。 Google的Map-Reduce框架是非常强大、简洁、优雅的并行分布式处理框架。虽然Google公开了这个框架的设计理念,但其底层实现依然是闭源的,是他们的核心竞争优势之一(如 GFS, BigTable等)。也有众多的开源实现,如Apache Hadoop, Disco, Skynet等。但是不得不关注的是Map/Reduce简洁优雅的设计理念和其众多实现的脱节(Disconnection):特定协议,特定服务器,特定的文件系统,特定的冗余策略实现等等。我们如何降低门栏哪?如 ...
http://userjs.org/help/tutorials/efficient-code Table of contents Fast loops Referencing elements String matching Create once, use repeatedly eval is evil Only listen to what you need Avoid running unnecessary code Timers take too much time Take a short circuit Reduce reflow Assign multiple styles ...
javascript-outside-of-the-browser When you think of Javascript, you generally think of the web. But Javascript is used in many different places other than cyberspace. So if you are curious about trying out Javascript in a new environment, check out these guides. Apple / Yahoo widgets both utilize ( ...
Connections - human, computer, biology - are everything. Life = networks. (人、电脑、生物,所有的一切事物都是连接的,生命就是网络) Never compromise your ideals because someone said it’s impossible, stupid, or a waste of time. (不要因为有人说你的理想是 ...
http://blog.360.yahoo.com/blog-sOW1QOA9crUyOdXFxOeK4xc-?cq=1&p=224 引用 Innovation, not instant perfection/创新不会马上就完美 Start rough, learn and iterate./开始粗糙,学习和迭代 Ideas come from everywhere/点子来自任何地方 Ideas can come from the engineers, managers, users even the financial team. Share everything you can/分 ...
JavaScript_shells除了这个页面列举的,rinho也是一个可以独立运行的。 引用 Standalone JavaScript shells The following JavaScript shells are stand-alone environments, like perl or python. JSDB - A standalone JavaScript shell, with compiled binaries for Windows, Mac, and Linux. wxJavaScript - A standalone JavaScript shell for ...
//firefox dom.setAttribute("class", "leftPanel"); //IE dom.className = "leftPanel"; /** *下面的方式在firefox和IE中都是不允许的,会报错。因为class是js保留关键字 *className这个属性就是因为这个原因诞生的。 **/ dom.class = "leftPanel";
批量修改样式目的是尽量避免页面reflow,提高性能。 firefox等可以使用 dom.setAttribute("style","width:10px;height:10px;border:solid 1px red;") IE中则必须使用style.cssText dom1.style.cssText = "width:10px;height:10px;border:solid 1px red;"; 参考:http://www.quirksmode.org/bugreports/archives/2005/03/se ...
为了进一步减少HTTP请求数量,提高web应用性能,可以把分别压缩合并后的JS和CSS再次合并到一个文件中:http://blogs.msdn.com/shivap/archive/2007/05/01/combine-css-with-js-and-make-it-into-a-single-download.aspx。想法不错。我猜想利用IE css中的expression把js直接嵌入到css中,也可以实现这个效果。 引用 Now, if you have by any chance worked on page load optimizations, you would know how ...
http://www.antlr.org/article/1136917339929/stringTemplate.html这篇文章分析比较了antlr和StringTemplatehttp://www.stringtemplate.org/,其中一段比较有趣,看起来CSS和Antlr还有一定相似性的。StringTemplate则类似于直接在HTML标签中嵌套修饰性标签(如</b>等)。 引用 HTML and CSS Analogy The situation here is analogous to that with HTML and CSS, and I don't ju ...
http://webreflection.blogspot.com/2007/08/global-scope-evaluation-and-dom.html这篇文章很有意思。    这种创建script标签并且设置script.text以动态执行JavaScript代码的方法,在IE下与eval和window.execScript的性能差不多,但是在firefox3下性能比eval平均高2.4倍。 // Evalulates a script in a global context globalEval: function( data ) { if ( data && ...
processingjshttp://processingjs.org/源码中有两个有趣的链接,都是和图形图像相关的。 Perlin noise算法--分形算法http://freespace.virgin.net/hugo.elias/models/m_perlin.htm HSBtoRGB颜色转换算法http://srufaculty.sru.edu/david.dailey/javascript/js/5rml.js 我猜的没错,John Resig 的processingjshttp://ejohn.org/blog/processingjs/果然是使用JavaScript解析Pr ...
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