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system badimageformatexception and its partial solution
for sql server 2005 (tested)
use batch insert with binding parameters like following:
comm.Parameters.Add("@val", System.Data.SqlDbType.Binary, temp.Length).Value = temp;
don't forget
otherwise an exception will be rais ...
ref: http://www.codeguru.com/cpp/i-n/network/networkinformation/article.php/c5451/Three-ways-to-get-your-MAC-address.htm
Note: this function works for windows 2000/xp or above only... and if there are more than one network cards, this function only get the first one... for example:, if vmare work ...
enable R-tree feature by adding following clause when compiling sqlite3 in win32:
两年前曾经在中石油做过一段时间的外包项目。当时client和一些密集计算部分使用了c++/cli 这是我第一次接触这个东西。
好久前曾经体验过 managed c++。可惜这东西的语法给我印象太坏。。用了一堆下划线不说。。连托管对象和一般heap对象都用* 表示。极其混乱。。记得当时有一个网络包是用managed c++写的,看了头大无比。后来只能自己部分实现了一个简易的顶着。
1:庞大,类型之间的关系不易搞清楚。。特别是.net ba ...
default_synchronous has been out of service since sqlite 3 came out.
use synchronous whenever you need instead.
occasionally, we need to konw the exact size of each Ice object. so we have to do serialization manually.
first...compile .ice file with --stream.
ICE will generate a helper function for every entity class.
for checking size, write it to outputstream first:
Ice.Communicator comm = Ic ...
A couple of weeks ago, my colleague called me for this exception raised when he tried to migrate our client app from xp to vista x64.
This app uses an assembly lib which is written by c++/cli. This assembly mixs COM, win32 api and .net. when i tried to to launch this app, BadImageException rai ...
在vmware上找到一篇文章提到这个问题, link:
今天我也碰到了,具体的表现为: guest os 和 host os能互相 ping...但是不能互相使用socket传任何东西。
但是 guest os 可以和lan内的任何一台电脑传输数据。
把网卡驱动的高级里面的 巨型帧 选项打开,选一个数值即可。默认似乎是关闭 ...
when compiling QT on Ubuntu you need following packages at hand:
mesa, xorg, libglib2.0, openssl(you may install it indepently), libgtk2 and etc.
running following commands may get you those packages immediately.
apt-get install xorg-dev
apt-get install mesa-common-dev
apt-get install l ...
According to the manual of ice, following codes like:
#include <xxx.ice> is recommended.
however, when i tried to compile some files contain the #include directive, the compiler complained those included files could not be found.
If i replace these brackets with quotation mark...jus ...
I encountered a problem a couple of weeks ago. Our client had some customized kml data and want to load it in our system. As we know, when we placing our point, line or polygon on google earth, a name is always given and the format is
com api has a function call set ...
- 2009-09-14 01:16
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Knuth说过盲目的优化是罪恶的根源,这话一点不假,因为经理说“你这个动态返回太慢,要改进。” 于是开始了这两天
索引。 所以我要一个索引器。
这个索引器没什么特别,普通的递归而已。 到最后开始存放索引的时候,问题出现了,:这个东西有些大,变成
文件有276m之大。在每次网络传输都占用了大量的时间。我的索引数据一开始存放在tokyo cabinet上。(因为
以前的测试结果还令人满意)。 可惜这么多的数据序列化和传输占用了大量时间,还是慢。于 ...
- 2009-05-21 16:45
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At last night, i spent at least 90 minutes on letting cql_filter work with oracle. Difference from those examples in their websites. The table column in oracle is mapped in Upper case and it is case sensititive. For other parameters. case is insensititive. It is a kinda weird situation i ever met.
- 2009-03-26 10:02
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