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http://www.eclipsetotale.com/tomcatPlugin/tomcatPluginV321.zip 下载解压后文件夹名是: com.sysdeo.eclipse.tomcat_3.2.1 将其放到c:\eclipse\plugins 重启Eclipse,去Windows --> preference中配置一下即可


Use RIP to get routes to update themselves. RIP Routing Information Protocol is a way for routers to share network addresses. Routers use RIP to talk to each others, sharing their route information and allowing them to keep their tables up-to-date.

route table

1、什么是ARP?     英文原义:Address Resolution Protocol     中文释义:地址解析协议(RFC-826)     局域网中,网络中实际传输的是“帧”,帧里面是有目标主机的MAC地址的。所谓“地址解析”就是主机在发送帧前将目标IP地址转换成目标MAC地址的过程。ARP协议的基本功能就是通过目标设备的IP地址,查询目标设备的MAC地址以保证通信的顺利进行。整个转换过程是一台主机先向目标主机发送包含IP地址信息的广播数据包,即ARP请求,然后目标主机向该主机发送一个含有IP地址和MAC地址数据包,通过MAC地址两个主机就可以实现数据传输了。 2、AR ...

Patch Panel

A patch panel is used to organize the cable and wire connections in your wiring closet. Cables comming from your network devices or wall jacks plug into the back of the patch panel, and these are connected to other devices using short patch cables at the front. It's typically mounted on a network ...
Q: What happens when a network device needs to send some data via a switch on a TCP/IP network?
是"子网掩码"的意思 什么是子网掩码 你一定对IP地址有所了解吧?我们知道在INTERNET中广泛使用的TCP/IP协议就是利用IP地址来区别不同的主机的。如果你曾经进行过TCP/IP协议设置,那么你一定会遇到子网掩码(Subnet mask)这一名词,那么你知道什么是子网掩码吗?它有什么作用呢? 我们知道IP地址是一个4字节(共32bit)的数字,被分为4段,每段8位,段与段之间用句点分隔。为了便于表达和识别,IP地址是以十进制形式表示的如210.52.207.2,每段所能表示的十进制数最大不超过255。IP地址由两部分组成,即网络号(Netgwork ID ...

network ???

So why can't a MAC address be used to move traffic from one network to another? Only network nodes with the same IP network address can communicate across a switch. A switch can only deal with MAC addresses. A router is needed to connect two different IP networks.
转摘自: http://www.oracle.com/technology/oramag/oracle/06-sep/o56asktom.html Top-N Query Processing with ROWNUM In a top-N query, you are generally interested in taking some complex query, sorting it, and then retrieving just the first N rows (the top N rows). ROWNUM has a top-N optimization that fac ...
为了找工作,找一些sql相关的笔试题来做做 题目:考试总分为100分,共8题,时间为1小时。 表结构说明: create table employee( id number(10) not null, -- 员工工号 salary number(10,2) default 0 not null, -- 薪水 name varchar2(24) not null -- 姓名 ); 问题: 1.创建序列seq_employee,该序列每次取的时候它会自动增加,从1开始计数,不设最大值,并且一直累加,不循环。(10分) create sequence seq_employee increment ...
To set up the environment for teradata DB connection in Jboss4.0 Please do several actions to set up the environment for connection to teradata DB in Jboss4.0: 1)Put the named: teradata-ds.xml file into folder below: JbossFolder\server\default\deploy 2)Put the named: TdgssUserConfigFile.xml file i ...
<HTML> <HEAD> <script type="text/javascript"> function Person(firstName, lastName, age){ // 私有变量 var _firstName = firstName; var _lastName = lastName; // 公用变量 this.age = age; // 方法 this.getname = function(){ return (firstName+ "&q ...
摘自 悟透JavaScript     function myfunc (){alert("hello");};myfunc(); //这里调用myfunc,输出yeah 而不是hello function myfunc (){alert("yeah");};myfunc(); //这里调用myfunc,当然输出yeah   原来,JavaScript 执行引擎并非一行一行地分析和执行程序,而是一段一段地分析执行的。而且,在同一段程序的分析执行中,定义式的函数语句会被提取出来优先执行。函数定义执行完之后,才会按顺序执行其他语句代码。也就是说,在 ...
解压该附件,然后放入目录 \plugins中即可
键盘的F1到F12键 你会用哪几个     F1:如果你处在一个选定的程序中而需要帮助,那么请按下f1。如果现在不是处在任何程序中,而是处在资源管理器或桌面,那么按下f1就会出现windows的帮助程序。如果你正在对某个程序进行操作,而想得到windows帮助,则需要按下win+f1。按下shift+f1,会出现"what39;s this?"的帮助信息。     F2
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