  • 浏览: 143054 次
  • 性别: Icon_minigender_1
  • 来自: ZhuHai
1) Create a New Project Layout cd/d C:\tmp\restful mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=my.example.com -DartifactId=SimpleRESTApp -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webappIt will create the following subtree: SimpleRESTApp |-src |---main |-----resources |-----webapp |-------WEB-INF ...
To show a custom area for toolbar. public void postWindowOpen() { //... } //Add to postWindowOpen() final IWorkbenchWindow window = getWindowConfigurer().getWindow(); Listener listener = new Listener() { private Shell toolbar; public void handleEvent(Event event) { Cont ...
Fully Qualified Domain Names (Create an alias for localhost) 1) Go to C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc and open the hosts file in a text editor. 2) Inside the hosts file it contains this line localhost    create another alias for localhost that looks like a fully qualified domain name ...
SSO 是一个非常大的主题,我对这个主题有着深深的感受,自从广州 UserGroup 的论坛成立以来,无数网友都在尝试使用开源的 CAS , Kerberos 也提供另外一种方式的 SSO ,即基于 Windows 域的 SSO ,还有就是从 2005 年开始一直兴旺不衰的 SAML 。        如果将这些免费的 SSO 解决方案与商业的 Tivoli 或 Siteminder 或 RSA Secure SSO 产品做对比,差距是存在的。毕竟,商业产品的安全性和用户体验都是无与伦比的,我们现在提到的 SSO ,仅仅是 Web SSO ,即 Web-SSO 是体现在客户端;另外一种 SS ...
SSO(Single Sign on)-单点登录      目前的企业应用环境中,往往有很多的应用系统,如办公自动化(OA)系统,财务管理系统,档案管理系统,信息查询系统等等。这些应用系统服务于企业 的信息化建设,为企业带来了很好的效益 ...
Flex: http://examples.adobe.com/flex2/consulting/styleexplorer/Flex2StyleExplorer.html http://examples.adobe.com/flex2/inproduct/sdk/explorer/explorer.html Blogs http://ptrthomas.wordpress.com/ SunFlower: the Fibonacci sequence, Golden Section http://www.flickr.com/photos/lucapost/694780262/ some ...

Drag and Drop in a Tree

  • RCP
public class TreeDragDropTest { private static Display display; private static Shell shell; public static void main(String[] args) { display = new Display(); shell = new Shell(display); shell.setLayout(new FillLayout()); final Tree tree = createT ...

SWT Menu background

  • RCP
invoke("setBackground", menuBar, new Class[] { Color.class }, new Color[] { bg }); invoke("setBackground", menu1, new Class[] { Color.class }, new Color[] { bg }); invoke("setBackground", menu2, new Class[] { Color.class }, new Color[] { bg }); invoke("setForeg ...

mvn install:install-file

  • DEV
mvn install:install-file -DgeneratePom=true -DgroupId=jep -DartifactId=jep -Dversion=3.3.0 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=E:\lib\LIB_COMMON\jep-3.3.0-trial.jar

StyledText sample

  • RCP
StyledText text1 = new StyledText(parent, SWT.V_SCROLL | SWT.BORDER); String msg = "Hello"; text1.append(msg); StyleRange styleRange = new StyleRange(); styleRange.foreground = Display.getDefault().getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_GREEN); styleRange.start = text1.getText().length(); styleRa ...

MySQL note

1、查看当前所有连接的详细资料: mysqladmin -uroot -proot -hlocalhost processlist 2、只查看当前连接数(Threads就是连接数). mysqladmin  -uroot -proot -hlocalhost status 3、null, SubString()    select * from code_table where "ABC" is not null and SUBSTRING(code_name, 1) > 'D' and code_table_id > 10 4、授权     1. log ...

JFace - TreeViewer

  • RCP
1) TreeNode /** * It's used by TreeViewer * TreeNode root = new TreeNode("Root"); * treeViewer = new TreeViewer(container, SWT.BORDER); * treeViewer.setLabelProvider(new TreeLableProvider()); * treeViewer.setContentProvider(new TreeContentProvider()); * treeViewer.setInput(root) ...
1) /** * Table that provides fake tooltips for items in a SWT table */ public class TooltipTable extends Table { private TooltipTableListener tableListener; protected void checkSubclass() { } public TooltipTable(Composite parent, int style) { super(parent, styl ...
XMPP is Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP), a set of open XML technologies for presence and real-time communication developed by the Jabber open-source community in 1999. XMPP is an open, XML-based protocol for instant messaging and presence, supported by the non-profit Jabber Softwa ...

CvsNT install

  • DEV
Install cvsnt- 1) Settings/Control Panel/CVSNT Server     About         CVSNT       Start         CVSNT Lock  Start     Repository configuration/Add         Location: D:/_myCVS         Name: /cvs     Compatibility Options         Respond as cvs 1.11.2 to version request 2) Create a user ...
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