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subclipse新旧版本冲突造成,删掉workspace中 /.metadata/.plugins/org.tigris.subversion.subclipse.core文件即可
Lock: I had known how to lock the record of [name = 'hp_release_pwd'] and why it came out. • When I tried to insert password which longer than 64 characters, it came out the PersistenceSessionException: Insert failed  Exception. At that time, the record had not been locked. • And when I modified pa ...
1.jVisualVM VisualGC 2.垃圾回收机制中,堆栈的大小不包括持久栈大小。 3.access webpage no response, maybe 数据库连接池,垃圾回收. 4.jvm commands: jstat -gcutil pid 1000(catch interval) 3(catch time) 5.jboss set startup paramaters: bin/run.conf.bat 6.jboss 瘦身: admin-console.war,jmx-console.war,ROOT.war,management
1.Load Balancing != Fault Tolerance 2.run.bat -c all-1 -Djboss.service.binding.set=ports-01 -Djboss.messaging.ServerPeerID=1 3.all/deploy 只对当前进程有效   all/farm 对所有进程有效 4.EJB 反部署   Jboss 启动   模拟断电: kill -9 pid 5.stateless session bean:   @Stateless   @Clustered 6.change RAM size: <path>\jboss-as\b ...
1.Weblogic Domain --- JBoss instance 2.assign server: run.bat -c all/default/... 3.assign server IP address: run.bat -b IP_address 4.assign all IP accessable: run.bat -b 5.change port number: <path>\jboss-as\server\default\deploy\jbossweb.sar\server.xml 6.Run muitiple jboss instances: r ...
好久没写关于数据库链接的代码了,居然都不会了,果断发帖纪录一下。 数据库相关的Object类: package com.lliu.JDBC; public class AAA { public AAA(){ } public AAA(int ID, String name, String dept){ this.setID(ID); this.setName(name); this.setDept(dept); } public int ID; public String name; public String dept; ...
Access restriction:The type BASE64Decoder is not accessible ...\jre\lib\rt.jar Solution 1 : import=”sun.misc.BASE64Decoder” 出现错误提示为:Access restriction: The type BASE64Decoder is not accessible due to restriction on required library D:\ProgramFiles\MyEclipse\jre\lib\rt.jar Solution 1 : BASE64De ...
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