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分别下载Bitvise Tunnelier跟Firefox(火狐) Bitvise Tunnelier 官方下载地址: http://dl.bitvise.com/Tunnelier-Inst.exe Firefox官网下载: http://www.mozilla.com/ 安装好Bitvise Tunnelier后,启动程序,可以看到一个这样的界面: 在Host一栏填上服务器的地址ssh04.qdnet.info,端口默认是22无需修改Username填入SSH的用户名,Initial meth选择password,然后在Password填入SSH的密码如果你想保存用户名密码,下次省得输 ...
最近从GOOGLE ananlytics 发现网站速度变慢了很多,  于是想到了PHP中的FPM慢日志功能。 好在 PHP-FPM 提供了慢执行日志,可以将执行比较慢的脚本的调用过程 dump 到日志中。     cd /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/ vi www.conf  修改配置     ; The timeout for serving a single request after which a PHP backtrace will be ; dumped to the 'slowlog' file. A value of '0s' means 'of ...


deb http://nginx.org/packages/ubuntu/ precise nginxdeb-src http://nginx.org/packages/ubuntu/ precise nginx2013/04/26 04:01:05 [crit] 6119#0: *4 connect() to unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock failed (2: No such file or directory) while connecting to upstream, client:, server:, ...


我们经常会从服务器A传文件到服务器B,  但有时候用PUTTY执行命令的时候, 文件传了一部分, PUTTY终端就关闭了, 这时候文件也没传完整。   这里有一个解决把办法,让SCP命令在后台执行。 用nohup命令   $nohup scp file_to_copy user@server:/path/to/copy/the/file > nohup.out 2>&1   这时候还不是在后台运行,你需要输入密码,  接着按ctr+z去暂停命令, 然后用bg命令   bg  这个时候, 即使你关闭PUTTY, SCP还是在后台运行, 直到完成。

mysql 执行计划优化

  • JAVA
一条简单的SQL 语句竟花了15.87 sec,   写道 mysql> SELECT x.loc AS loc, x.lastmod AS lastmod, x.changefreq AS changefreq, x.changecount AS changecount, x.priority AS priority, x.language AS language, x.ac cess AS access, x.status AS status FROM xmlsitemap x WHERE (x.access = '1') AND (x.status = '1') ORDER ...

php 调试打印堆栈

  • PHP
<?php // filename: /tmp/a.php function a_test($str) { echo "\nHi: $str"; var_dump(debug_backtrace()); } a_test('friend'); ?> <?php // filename: /tmp/b.php include_once '/tmp/a.php'; ?>   结果 Hi: friend array(2) { [0]=> array(4) { [" ...
Warning: PHP Startup: apc.shm_size now uses M/G suffixes, please update your ini 如果你安装完APC, 看到上面这个ERROR, 可以用这种方法修复 vi /etc/php5/fpm/conf.d/20-apc.ini   从 apc.shm_size=64  变成 apc.shm_size=64M  
“如果你已经有一年或两年的编码经验,你还做编码,那么你就错了。”几年前当我开始创业时,有人曾对我这么说过。 哈,这是多么愚蠢的想法!我整天忙于新技术、开发新的东西,学习新工具,关心工作上的事情。 一般 ...
Look at an incoming client request of a specific URL: varnishlog -c -m RxURL:"readysetlearn/readysetlearn.htm" Look at a a backend request of a specific URL: varnishlog -b -m TxURL:"readysetlearn/readysetlearn.htm" See requests for one specific Hostname: varnishlog -c -m Rx ...
在网上买了VPS, 不知道性能如何, 这里一个工具 http://code.google.com/p/byte-unixbench/     UnixBench is the original BYTE UNIX benchmark suite, updated and revised by many people over the years. The purpose of UnixBench is to provide a basic indicator of the performance of a Unix-like system; ... These test re ...
Heritrix is relatively easy to automate at the command line using the cron program normally found on Unix and Linux systems. The program crontab can be used to create a schedule for “cron jobs,” which are scheduled executions of one or more commands. The command to create or edit a cron job is cront ...
Drush + Bash + Cron: Datbase Backup Goals Scan sites directory for a given drupal install Find all multisite folders/symlinks For each multisite: Use Drush to clear cache - we dont want cache table bloating up the MySQL dump file Use Drush to delete watchdog logs - we dont want watchdog table ...
1. I want to create the password file /var/www/www.example.com/.htpasswd now and store the user falko in it (you can give the password file any name you like - it's not necessary to name it .htpasswd; I just named it .htpasswd because that's the way password files are named under Apache): htpasswd ...
Nginx ("engine x") 是一个高性能的 HTTP 和 反向代理 服务器,也是一个 IMAP/POP3/SMTP 代理服务器。 Nginx 是由 Igor Sysoev 为俄罗斯访问量第二的 Rambler.ru 站点开发的,第一个公开版本0.1.0发布于2004年10月4日。其将源代码以类BSD许 ...
为了让TOMCAT在开机时自动启动, 你必须添加一个脚本, 实现自动启动关闭   sudo vi /etc/init.d/tomcat   加入以下内容   # Tomcat auto-start # # description: Auto-starts tomcat # processname: tomcat # pidfile: /var/run/tomcat.pid export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun case $1 in start) ...
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