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Follow your heart (193)---在广州,开始新年 -
Follow your heart (193)---在广州,开始新年 -
Follow your heart (193)---在广州,开始新年 -
目前查出来的是 ...
Follow your heart (193)---在广州,开始新年 -
Jennycn 写道nkhanxh 写道"我是一向放 ...
Follow your heart(192)---下周开始学习
昨天和P有些不愉快,下午.因为, 他理解不了我对交通工具,交通点,交通路段的看法.说我老在改主意,其实我从来没改过,只是因为知道很难和他说明白,干脆就一直拖着不说...因为有时用英语解释着解释着,我就说不好了....
有的地方 ...
本来要把这正好整数的和技术无关的八卦博客发到之前的博客上,朋友和我说,***还是每天N多次不放弃地在那边守候着. 我笑,我自己都好些天没去了.幸好没有新博客,让他的精神和精力没有了langweilig的着落,决定让其继续没着落下去,不然,一天几十次上百次地点击,N多次跟帖,像打了*血一样,太浪费他自己的生命.虽然,浪费的是他的时间,可是,有时也wr了其他人的视野.
这个八卦是:中午和P吃饭, 53元餐费,我要了张个人发票,中了50元:)
他乐 ...
today I got the last proposal. I mean , according to my deadline date on elance.
This company has some experiences on google map and realized a trip plan application before. They mentioned about Zend framework. I never heard it before.
Just searched about something about this:http://www.zendlab.com ...
Nick told me , his new business is very bad. He said, he wanted to quit from his work in the old company in which he has been worked for many years,and focus on his own business.
I told him :
From my own side ,I suport your decision. I really think one must put all his heart on his dream, shoul ...
最近,和老外打交道的过程,也确实又学到了不少这个行业的东西. 可能对本身是这个行业的,这是很正常的程序,对我这个外行 ,就不同了. 没人教,完全就靠这样瞎撞瞎摸.
最近一段时间,我也对国内和国外特别是印度的小软件外包公 ...
下午,带朋友去了雕塑公园. 突然很想爸爸妈妈,想接他们来住. 现在,奶奶不在了,他们也可以走的开了.我们全家最不后悔的事情之一,就是带从没到过大城市的小脚奶奶来过一次北京.那时她88岁.当时,我们都做好了她万一回不去的心 ...
P has special preference about Joomla, he said, it is a framework front end, if the developer use it , then can save time for programming navigation. I do not agree that.
One Indian also said that they do not recommand to use joomla. They said:
Master Fields such as Locations, Destinations, Tr ...
even two are good friends, even u have the same target, sometimes, u still have many quarrels because of different thoughts. That is normal. But sometimes, really make man feel headache.
我现在就是. 一边是找程序员没有什么实质进展,一边是和p每天都有头疼的争论.因为, ...
P比我起的早,我下楼时,他总是坐在沙发上自己的电脑前了.一般我下楼后,他就会挑他当时在电脑里看到的重要或特别的新闻有一搭无一搭地告诉我,做为打招呼 今天第一条是,他们国家的气温很冷了,我问多少,他说他家附近10度.我在想,自己和他是不同的人,我在一个地方,很少想另外一个地方的温度,没有很强的那种意义的家乡观.
过了会儿,他的声音变得有些奇怪,告诉我第二条,乔布斯死了.我不相信,再问一句,是的.是那个苹果的.我无语. 良久,我问多少岁,答56.我对他说,他这一生,很值得,很有意义,是不是?P说,sure.
其实,我不是苹果任何硬件产品的用户,除了那个软件,i ...
I think they copied this part for every project , but anyway , i can learn something from it. 说实话,有些我还没看明白.除了打省略号的是从我这边的文档copy过去,略加变了几句外.
1 Design Overview
1.1 Architectural Goals and Constraints
The overall architecture goals of the system is to provide a highly available and scalable ********A ...
The 101 th blog under this topic here, a new beginning.
I hope after my 500th blog in Iteye, I can have the website come online:)
Today I got one mail from an Indian. He mentioned some new concept that I did not know much before.such as EJB
Just searched
something :http://www.kuqin.com/baike/ ...
说句实话,现在有些难以言说的郁闷和沮丧. 觉得很无奈,很...
请人帮忙做ppt和英语文档时,就会发现更多的沟通困难. 真的是很头痛沟通问题. 现在发现,世界上最简单的问题,就是自己.最难的问题,就是沟通.
今天继续学习,发现了iteye上还有一些做web gis的. 有一个叫giswalker,, 还有一个是http://sqj820123.iteye.com/. 其实,我这个,和gis没太多真正关系,但看一些他们的东西,还是觉得很受益. 那个giswal ...
the Korean is really funny.He did not pick up skype call and did not reply anymore . I think he can not understand the documents, but...that is normal ,because they are really a little bit complicated . But i have told him, I can explain to him if he need. He told me he would wait for me last night ...
Today, went to Yuanmingyuan with P. Today is Sunday, and I seldom went out to do sightseeing with him since he was here. So I accomapnied him to the park, showed him something. But I always thought about my work.
It was really crowded in the subway.
But in Yuanmingyuan we saw a funny handmade ...
P wrote a lot of documents yesterday, I had to read all, they are NDA and RFP. I have written these before ,but now, in English...
For me, it seems useless, but,I have to.because ,now the people who contacted me from elance ,most are foreign, from India ,Poland, US, Pakistan......
I chose some In ...