http://www.docin.com/p-17114475.html#docTitle   Which is including my site manager: Hong li

Daily English

每日一句:That's the way the ball bounces.( 8.18 )   ---命中注定,有什么办法   more: 1. Just my luck!不走运! 2. No Dice! 没办法! 3. Well,the die is cast.唉,已经不能挽回了。 4.Well, that's life.算了,生活就是这样

Daily English

每日一句:I have to leave it as it is.( 8.17 ) -----我只好随它去了     1. There is no way to avoid it.  ---这是无法避免的了 2. Well, it can't be helped.   ---哎,没办法 3. I give up.  ---我放弃了,没办法 4. It' hopeless.  --没希望了
#set up stdout appender log4j.appender.stdout=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender log4j.appender.stdout.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=[%-5p][%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH\:mm\:ss}][%l]\:%m%n
Today Bill Lu from US gave us a presentation about lateste development about WAPI:   Top highlight: 1. Remove transaction 2. Plugin Management 3. Search frame 4. Data Bus 5. Thin wapi session   Something will be developed as a dependent module: 1. Group chat 2. Notification 3. Report   ...
一、常用输出格式 %c   列出logger名字空间的全称,如加上{<层数>}表示出从最内层算起的指定层数的名字空间 %X  按MDC(Mapped Diagnostic Context,线程映射表)输出日志。通常用于多个客户端连接同一台服务器,方便服务器区分是那个客户端访问留下来的日志。 %p  日志信息级别 %d   %d{<日期格式>}:日志信息产生时间,使用ISO8601定义的日期格式 %C   日志信息所在地(全限类名) %m   产生的日志具体信息 %n    输出日志信息换行 %F 显示调用logger的源文件名 %l     输出日志事件 ...

Daily English

每日一句:I must admit I had expected her to help us.( 8.12 ) ----我原本期望她可以帮我们的。 Today topic is about sad/disappointment: 1. I'd been hoping for two days off.  ---我一直期望可以休2天假。 2. It's too bad that it does not sell very well.   ---真糟糕,这东西不畅销。 3.The film wasn't worth seeing.   ---这部电影根本不值得一看。

Daily English

每日一句:How can you do that to him?( 8.13 ) ------ 你怎么能那样对她呢?   Topic is about blaming.   Are you mad? / are you kidding?    ---你疯了吗? /开玩笑? There now! Didn't I tell you?   ---你看看,我没告诉过你吗? Who asked you?  ---我问你了吗? Can't you be serious for once?   ---你能不能严肃点?

Daily English

You can't just leave me alone like that.( 8.14 )       ----你不能对我置之不理! Topic is about blaming. 1. It's so typical of you.   ---你老是这个样子。 2. I felt so ashamed of you.  ---我为你感到羞耻。 3. It' not nice of you to tell a lie.  ---你撒谎可不好。 4. There is no way to treat a friend.   ---那不是对待朋友的方式。

Daily English

每日一句:Topic is about sad Can't really see them winning.( 8.10 ) -----实在看不出他们能赢!     Somethings more: 1. Can't be done! -- 成不了! 2. No suck luck!  -- 没那个运气! 3. There is no way --不可能! 4. Fat chance/ Fat dream. -- 做梦(不可能/没有机会)!   补上:Who do you think you are?( 8.09 ) ------你以为你是谁! Topic : 关于争 ...

Daily English

How is that for impudence!( 8.07 )   1. What impertinence!   ---多么无礼! 2. How dare you say that to me!  ---你敢对我这样说话! 3. How about that!   ---岂有此理! 4. Cut it out! I've had enough of that!   ---住嘴,我受够了!
I don't think it is of significance.( 8.06 ) ---我认为这无关紧要!   Something more:   1. It doesn't affect the issue. 这对讨论的问题并无影响。   2. It's beside the point. 这无关紧要。   3. What of it? 这又有什么了不起的?
要成功,就马上准备有所付出吧!这就是每天你应该养成的习惯。 1、不说“不可能”; 2、凡事第一反应: 找方法,不找借口; 3、遇到挫折对自己说声:太好了,机会来了! 4、不说消极的话,不落入消极的情绪,一旦发生立即正面处理; 5、凡事先订立目标; 6、行动前,预先做计划; 7、工作时间,每一分、每一秒做有利于生产的事情; 8、随时用零碎的时间做零碎的事情; 9、守时; 10、写点日记,不要太依靠记忆; 11、随时记录想到的灵感; 12、把重要的观念、方法写下来,随时提示自己; 13、走路比平时快30%,肢体语言健康有力,不懒散、萎 ...
http://news.csdn.net/a/20090805/212970.html 北京时间8月4日消息,商业周刊网络版发表文章称,Google与苹果都希望自己可以决定用户访问移动互联网的方式,施密特退出苹果董事会意味着双方将开创竞争新时代。下面是文章全文: 在过 ...
今天中午帮助HZ QA 解决JNDI Datasource时发现这个问题 Caused by: java.net.UnknownHostException: ibatis.apache.org at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName0(InetAddress.java:1016) at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName0(InetAddress.java:981) at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:975) at weblogic.net ...
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