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依旧是年终个人总结和来年计划,虽说“计划赶不上变化”,但是“凡事预则立,不预则废”,在良好的“预”之后加上良好的执行力,赶上变化的几率还是很大的。 回首我的2008总结和2009计划,现在看来做计划要更科学要尊重现实要做好详细的时间安排,否则过于激进过于模糊的计划很容易流产。 下面开始。 2009 工作 MRMA这个产品贯穿了我的整个2009,这是一个类Google Analytics的独立产品,服务于公司内部客户。产品虽小,五脏俱全。需求收集、产品设计、开发计划、架构设计、编码实现、Beta版内测、GA版发布、后期新需求、运营维护一路走来,其中种种艰辛各中滋味唯有自己最清楚。到现在产品在 ...
1, people.proto package demo; message People { required string name = 1; required int32 id = 2; required string email = 3; } 2, 生成stub类 protoc --cpp_out=. people.proto rprotoc people.proto 3, C++服务器端server.cc #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include < ...
1, 安装ruby-protobuf gem install ruby_protobuf 2, 定义rpc service的rpc.proto文件 package demo; message SearchRequest { required string keyword = 1; } message SearchResponse { required string result = 1; } service RpcService { rpc Search (SearchRequest) returns (SearchResponse); } ...
1, 下载compiler和源代码 http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/downloads/ build protobuf: ./configure make make check make install 2, 创建一个addressbook.proto package tutorial; message Person { required string name = 1; required int32 id = 2; optional string email = 3; enum PhoneType ...
目标:力求实现起来简单高效性能好 项目host rbi BI Server 核心业务组件:C++ 网络层:TCP Socket 数据传输格式:protobuf Metadata:MySQL BI Web Rails BI Modeling Tool Ruby 重点纠结在BI Server的技术选型上 网络层有很多选择,轻量级的libevent,重量级的ACE,最后决定用asio,不太重、社区评价不错而且文档较好 不想用HTTP和REST了,TCP Socket一是性能好,二是可以方便开发GUI的客户端 数据传输格式有文本、xml或二进制,发现protobuf是不错的选择,二进制安全而且 ...

ACE Overview

  • C++
ACE Overview ACE(ADAPTIVE COmmunication Environment) is a open-source, cross platform, object-oriented comunication software framework. ACE structure: The ACE OS Adapter Layer shield platform dependencies a. Concurrency and synchronization b. Interprocess communication(IPC) and shared memory c. Ev ...
BI Server需求设计 概述: 所有BI核心功能实现都在BI Server层,多种客户端(Web、手机 、建模工具......)通过Socket连接访问BI Server来和展现层解耦 BI Server上层搭建Load Balance层来实现负载均衡和避免单点故障,BI Server只负责提供busy level信息 需求: 1,使用配置文件来设置监听端口、Project Source(项目名称、Metadata数据库连接和schema、Data Warehouse数据库连接和schema)、管理员账号、内存和Cache参数等 2,支持命令行控制Server启动、停止、项目初始化(sche ...
一、认识产品经理 1,使宝洁公司保持高速发展的策略非常简单:让自己和自己竞争 海飞丝、飘柔、沙宣、潘婷等同类产品都来自宝洁公司 宝洁品牌管理系统的基本原则是:让品牌经理像管理不同公司一样来管理不同品牌 2, ...
最近打算启动一个项目,做一个轻量级开源BI系统 特点 1,简单易用 2,设计灵活,易于扩展和定制化 3,易于集成 4,性能好,支持较高并发 5,报表性能优化 6,伸缩性强 7,部署、升级简单 8,易于维护 核心功能 1,在第三方数据仓库构建数据模型 2,基于数据模型创建报表 3,报表多种展现方式和导出格式 4,高级数据分析和数据挖掘(待定) 5,报表管理、文件夹管理 6,报表订阅和邮件通知 7,Dashboard 8,自带系统监控、数据统计和管理平台 系统架构 Web采用Rails开发 BI Server采用C++开发 Meta Data数据库采用MySQL,建模工具用Ruby开发 目 ...
Slow Query Basics: Optimize Data Access Analyze a poorly performing query in two steps: 1, Find out whether your application is retrieving more data than you need 2, Find out whether the MySQL server is analyzing more rows than it needs Typical mistakes: 1, Fetching more rows than needed 2, Fetching ...
Choosing Optimal Data Types Smaller is usually better Simple is good Avoid NULL if possible Indexing Basics Indexes are implemented in the storage engine layer, not the server layer B-Tree indexes is the default index type of MySQL B-Trees store the indexed columns in order, they're usefull for sea ...
Note3, Finding Bottlenecks: Benchmarking and Profiling Benchmarking and profiling are two essential practices for finding bottlenecks A benchmark measures your system's performance. This can help determine a system's capacity, show you which changes matter and which don't, or show how your applicati ...
MySQL's Logical Architecture Three layer: 1, Connection/thread handling 2, Query parsing, analysis, optimization, caching, build-in functions 3, Storage engine MySQL server caches threads, so they don't need to be created and destroyed for each new conneciton Client authentication is based on userna ...
How This Book Is Organization A Broad Overview Ch1, MySQL Architecture Building a Solid Foundation Ch2, Finding Bottlenecks: Benchmarking and Profiling Ch3, Schema Optimization and Indexing Ch4, Query Performance Optimization Ch5, Advanced MySQL Features Tuning Your Application Ch6, Optimizing ...
1,使用Googel API http://www.google.com/ig/api?&weather=beijing 2,使用DOM解析XML String weather = ""; String url = "http://www.google.com/ig/api?&weather=beijing"; DefaultHttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient(); HttpUriRequest req = new HttpGet(url); HttpResponse resp ...
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