img.html <script language="JavaScript">function ok(){d_file.myform.submit();} document.write('<iframe id=d_file frameborder=0 src="include/upload.aspx?type=image" width="100%" height="22" scrolling=no></iframe>'); </script> <input t ...
表单全局: $("form1").serialize(), 表单某一组元素: $(":checkbox,:radio").serializeArray(); $(document).ready(function(){    $("a").click(function(event){      alert("点中我了!");      event.preventDefault();    }); });

sql 一对多表自引用

  • Sql
select distinct .AreaID,a.AreaName,b.AreaID,b.AreaName,c.AreaID,c.AreaName from  表名 1 as a , 表名1 as b , 表名1 as c , 表名2 as pinpai  where  a.AreaID = big and b.AreaID = M_Sub and  c.AreaID = Small and  ID=123 返回添加影响行的行号: insert 表名 (ID,Name,Age) values (1,"hi_beijing",25) SELECT @@IDENTITY as ...
IE FF兼容: var data = $("#proForm input[name=weiIndex]:checked").get(); IE下使用: var data = $("#proForm input[name=weiIndex][checked=true]"); $("#supplyForm select[name=suType]").find("option[value=2]").attr("selected",true);      来源:http://www.secn.co ...
定义: var arrayStr = []; 保存: arrayStr.push("内容"); 读取: $.each(arrayStr,function(key,val){      alert(key+":"+val); }); 来源:http://www.secn.com.cn
1.ul是无序列表,也就是说没有排列限制可以随意加li; <ul> <li>可以随意放置</li> <li>可以随意放置</li> <li>可以随意放置</li> </ul> .可以随意放置 .可以随意放置 .可以随意放置 2.ol就序列表,会按照你写的li前后依次排列; <ol> <li>我是第一</li> <li>我是第二</li> <li>我是第三</li> </ol> ...
//设置Select中的Option项为true; $("#supplyForm select[name=suType]").find("option[value='1']").attr("selected",true); //获取Option里的文本 $("#supplyForm select[name=suType]").find("option:selected").text() textarea设置内容: $("#supplyForm textarea[name=suConte ...
案例: <div id="div1">内容</div> <div id="div1">内容</div> <div id="div1">内容</div> <div id="div1">内容</div> <div id="div1">内容</div> <div id="div1">内容</div> <div id="div1 ...
((test)this.master).str: test:当前母版的cs类名,把当前母版强制成test类型; this.master:当前母版; str:母版的变量名;
cs:DataSet ds = DbSqlClient.Query(sql); 页面: foreach (System.Data.DataRow dr in ds.Tables["ds"].Rows) {     Response.Write(dr["AreaID"].ToString());     Response.Write(dr[1].ToString()+"<br>"); } foreach (System.Data.DataRow dr in ds.Tables["ds"].Rows ...
传值:escape($("input[name=company]").val()); 获值:Server.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["company"]);
    XmlDocument xmldoc;     XmlNode xmlnode;     XmlElement xmlelem;     protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)     {         //创建文件和添加节点         xmldoc = new XmlDocument();         //加入XML的声明段落,<?xml version="1.0" encoding="gb2312"?>         XmlDeclaration xml ...
Regex reg = new Regex("-"); // Split on hyphens.         string[] s = reg.Split("first-second-third");         for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++)         {             Response.Write(s[i] + "<br>");         }         string text = "1A 2B 3C 4D 5E 6F 7G 8H ...
<script>         // 鼠标右击事件         $(document).mousedown(             function(e){                 if(3 == e.which){                     alert();                 }else if(1 == e.which){                     alert("这是左键单击事件");                 }             }         ); </script> ...
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb ...
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