

                 ★SG - 适合柔软,潮湿的天然草地(通常是可自由装卸的金属  钉)                  ★FG - 适合较硬的天然草地与草茎较长的人造草地(合成材料的鞋钉)                  ★TF - 适合较硬泥沙地和人造塑胶颗粒场地-已经不能叫鞋钉,是与鞋底一体化的颗粒,俗称“碎钉”                  ★IN - 适合木质、混凝土或其他人工合成的场地-完全没有鞋钉了,已经由各种纹路取代,俗称“牛筋底”,室内或街头足球专用)                  ★HG - 适合较软的泥地、沙地和草茎短的人造草地(与FG的 ...
只设球(ThumbImage)就会没有track; 不设球就没有球,但有自定义track会显示自定义track, 没有自定义会显示API默认的track且两个track的高度(horizontal slider)或宽度(vertical slider)必须一致.You can assign different pairs of track images to each of control states of the slder.
自己刚刚碰到的问题: 现象:点开始运行输入“IP地址”,执行:在登陆的界面上,输入了个人的帐户,结果没注意到有个记住密码前面的那个钩去掉;之后,不论注销或是重启,还有 将IE选项的密码清空、临时文件删除、COOKIE删除,再重启,再登陆原来的IP地址时,还是可以直接登陆(不再提示输入密码);机器操作为 WINDOWS XP PRO,如何去除记住的密码? 处理办法:点开始运行输入control userpasswords2 ,在出来的对话框高级-管理密码里面把记住的密码删除,注销一次即可.
Refered from article "iPhonedrawingwithquarz2d "   Drawing to a Graphics Context in iPhone OS ------------------------------------------------------- // Obtain this graphics context by calling the UIKit function CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();     ...
WAMP即Windows + Apache + MySQL + PHP 对应的部署工具WAMP Server: http://www.wampserver.com/en/   MAMP即Mac OS + Apache + MySQL + PHP 对应的部署工具MAMP: http://www.mamp.info/en/index.html
my.cnf: /etc/my.cnf mysql: /usr/local/mysql mysql.sock: /private/tmp/mysql.sock   多种启动方式 1)SystemPrefrences panel 里的MySQL, 然后点start就可以启动 2)命令mysqld,普通方式启动 3) 命令mysqld_safe, 在Unix和NetWare中推荐使用mysqld_safe来启动mysqld服务器。mysqld_safe增加了一些安全特性,例如当出现错误时重启服务器并向错误日志文件写入运行时间信息,参见http://baike.baidu.com/vie ...
NOTE: My MAC OS version is 10.6.4   首先可以参考的文档是Apple官方文档(https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#featuredarticles/EnablingPHP/),但是里面没有描述一些关键的文件夹和文档的路径, 下面的文字则详细的说明了关键文件夹和文件的路径。   If you’re running Mac OS X it has some surprises for you. Seems, PHP and the Apache Web Server have been installed ...
采用Timer+TimerTask+Handler+LocationManager这种定时的间隔定位时,在TimerTask中用handler发sendMessage,然后在Handler的handleMessage里面处理message并进行定位。这种方式是完全合理且正确的, 因为我也查了查,有人是这样说的: Ok took me a while but I have found the solution to this,as the documentation says you can only request location updates from the locati ...
1)Default.png, Icon.png:     Apple recommends matching Default.png to your application’s background. Many developers use Default.png launch images for a logo splash or for a “Please wait” message. These go against Apple’s human interface guidelines (launch images should provide visual continuity, no ...
屏幕旋转 Activity 的生命周期变化: 1、Activity 不重启请在 AndroidManifest.xml 设置如下: ......    <activity android:name=".app.CustomDialogActivity"                 android:label="@string/activity_custom_dialog"                 android:configChanges="orientation|keyboardHidden" ...


SpringROO Referenced from http://www.springsource.org/roo
用新的 AJDT 本本简化 AOP 开发 引用自:http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/java/j-aopwork9/index.html
Objective-C中的字符串格式化输出 %@ Objective-C object, printed as the string returned by descriptionWithLocale: if available, or description otherwise. Also works with CFTypeRef objects, returning the result of the CFCopyDescription function. %% ‘%’ character %d, %D, %i Signed 32-bit integer ...
From http://jquerymobile.com/gbs/   jQuery Mobile jQuery UI Mobile Meetups Forum Events About Donate Strategy Platforms Designs Community Blog Mobile Graded Browser Support Yahoo has one of the best overall strategies regard ...
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