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HI *,
Thanks for having given some time to me to discuss my raise this afternoon.
And thanks your advices which would be sure useful for me here or there probably.
As I had mentioned before, my salary in past two years were too low comparing with some other people here and most outside this ...
1 url级别权限控制
2 方法级别权限控制
3 角色和授权都可以实现动态配置
4 基于spring security
1 搭建项目
直接创建maven web项目
mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=cn.everlook.myweb -DartifactId=myweb -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp说明:archetypeArtifactId(项目骨架的类型)* maven-archetype-archetype * maven-archetype-j2ee-si ...
public class PaymentOrderDaoTest {
PaymentOrderDao paymentOrderDao;
public void te ...
为了确定适应你的最佳职业,这里介绍一种简单的测试办法。测试目的:看你对哪种职业的工作有极大的倾向值或有潜力,以便帮助你选择和确定自己的最佳职业。测试方法:以下前十题为A组,后十题为B组。每组各题你认为“ ...
The byte code instrumentation library cglib is a popular choice among many well-known Java frameworks such as Hibernate (not anymore) or Spring for doing their dirty work. Byte code instrumentation allows to manipulate or to create classes after the compilation phase of a Java application. Since Jav ...
Introduction to CGLIB Library
A proxy provides a surrogate or place holder for the target object to control access to it. It introduces a level of indirection when accessing an object. The JDK dynamic proxy, which has been available since JDK 1.3, is often used to create proxies dynamically. The J ...
Both applications will run your program, and are very similar, but have one key difference - java runs it through a Java Console, while javaw does not.
The console is there mostly for text programs - for example, all your print statemements won't get printed if you run it using javaw. The same ...