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我在IBM网站上找到这篇文章,比较详细的介绍了信息分片与信息分 ...
Websphere MQ -
Oracle索引 -
SERVICE_NAME, SID和schema区别 -
liferay笔记 -
Single Sign On (SSO) is a specialized form of user authentication that enables a user to be authenticated once, and gain access to resources on multiple systems/web applications during that session.
- 2009-07-09 09:24
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CMMI Maturity Levels:
Level-1: Chaotic, individual heroics
Level-2: Managed
processes are planned, documented, monitored, and controlled at the project level
Level-3: Defined
processes are described in standards, procedures, tools and methods
Level-4: Quantitatively Managed
Process ...
- 2009-07-09 09:04
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Q: 如何在开发后期修改表结构对现有程序影响最小
1. 表设计是预留一个无任何业务意义的字段,比如userFiled1,userField2,....方便以后与具体业务字段映射。
2. 设计一个特殊的字段存放XML文件,XML文件中存放自定义的结构,方便系统扩充。存取是需要解析XML字符串
3. 通过象Hibernate这种物理表结构和对象逻辑结构的映射。修改发生在物理表结构和hibernate mapping 文中
4. 在java类中,用不可变的字符串定义了表名和字段名。如
public const String CUSTOMERS_TA ...
session 实现
- 博客分类:
- design
我们知道session 实现有好几种机制,比如cookie, url-rewriting, etc.
When cookie is disabled on client side, most of time we can refer to use response.encodeURL or encodeRedirectURL to add a param jsessionid to identify the client and context.
- 2009-07-07 06:49
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portlet lifecycle
- 博客分类:
- portal
1. processAction 2. processEvent 3. render 4. serveResource
1. 字段冗余
2. Sharding
水平切分:分库,分表 根据一个标志字段如user id
3. 集群(Cluster),负载均衡(找到集群中的DB)
4. 读写DB分离
Master DB(写),Slave DB(读),一般读写比例是10:1
- 2009-06-29 09:28
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different perspectives SOA, the bottom-up approach, which is primarily IT driven.也即把现有的Java bean包装重用成Web Service等。
And BPM, the top-down approach, which is business driven,一切从头开始设计,包括WSDL等。
从技术(technique)的角度来说,用bottom up approach
从业务(business)的角度来说,用Top down approach
1. Fagan's Inspection
Role: Author, Moderator(主持人,组织者,主要reviewer), Inspector, Reader, Recorder,verifier
phases: planning, preparation, Inspection meeting, rework,follow-up
2. Structured Walkthrough
简化了phase: preparation, Review, Rework, Closure
3. Four-eyes Revi ...
- 2009-06-26 09:49
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1. Kano Model
Requirements Type:
a. Must-Be, 基本需求,没有完成就意味着不是一个完全功能的产品。
b. One-Dimentional, the more the better, 实现的需求与客户满意度成正比
c. Delighters, 这中需求没实现不会影响客户满意度。但如果有的话,会在市场同类产品中更有竞争力。
Note: 不同的客户群可能有不能的结果。
2. Affinity Diagram
write ideas on cards
cla ...
- 2009-06-26 09:17
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1. what is service
1.1 services are defined by explicit, implementation-independent interfaces
1.2 loosely coupled communication protocols
1.3 reusable business logic
2. SOA
2.1 SDO, data exchanged between services
SDO supports a disconnected programming patterns(like JDBC Cac ...
- 2009-06-23 12:20
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在日常工作中, 经常需要找另一个同事帮忙. 为了做到信息共享,会把邮件抄送到很多stake holder. 当然也是希望有manager能促进工作的推进. 如果同事及时帮你解决问题了, 需要回信致谢时,用reply or replay all好. 用reply all担心骚扰了别人. 不用的话感觉你没礼貌,响应慢,同时帮忙的同事会不会感觉工作没有得到manager的注意?
- 2009-06-23 08:55
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- 博客分类:
- Management
1. avoid surprise when dealing with the relationship with your manager.
- 2009-06-22 09:36
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1. Spring Modules
1.1 Core Container: Core, Beans,Context, Expression Language
1.2 Data Access/Integration: JDBC, ORM(JPA,JDO,Hibernate,iBatic), OXM(JAXB,XStream,XMLBeans,Castor,JiBX),JMS,Transation
1.3 Web:
1.3.1 Web: the initialization of the IOC container using servlet listerners,mult ...