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The Lifecycle of an RMI Server and Dynamic Class Loading in RMI http://java.sun.com/developer/JDCTechTips/2001/tt0227.html   Re: smart/dynamic proxies and java 1.5 http://archives.java.sun.com/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind0610&L=rmi-users&F=&S=&P=178   ?Re: Stub Filehttp://archives.java.sun ...
http://www.chinaitpower.com/A200507/2005-07-27/170362.html对代理模式与Java动态代理类的理解 Understanding JBosshttp://www.lesun.org/html/2002-08/9175.htm Dynamic Proxy 在 Java RMI 中的应用http://www.yeegle.com/articleview/18938.aspxhttp://www.zahui.com/html/6/9321.htm Dependency Injection OR Service Locator in Domai ...
股票型或者配置型:上投摩根阿尔法?中银国际中国精选易方达策略成长?广发聚富(赎回费率低) 货币市场型:华夏现金增利
 xdoclet-maven-plugin bug    First, I need thank Langlois for his great help. I only give the detail of his solution. Please read his solution first.http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/maven-users/200602.mbox/%3C20060211173712.19701.qmail@web26813.mail.ukl.yahoo.com%3E This is ...
.so file(in Unix) is the counterpart to .dll file in Window when you use some librarys in Java(such as jni), you need load these library files, how to set this: in windows, you need add dlls to PATH in unix, you need add to LIBRARY PATH, for example in Sun, you need add to LD_LIBRARY_PATH, in HP Unix ...
在unix,我们会经常碰到*,?等元字符,到底他们代表什么? 首先,有两个概念要弄清楚,正则表达式和通配符(wildcard) 正则表达式用于在查找过程中匹配相同的字符,在大多数程序里,它都被包括在两个/之间,它经常使用于grep, sed, awk and vi wildcard: 一种元字符,用于shell中,代表特殊含义,比如ls * 元字符在以上两种情况下,是有不同含义的,比如: *作为wildcard表示匹配0个或多个字符,因此ls *将列出所有的文件 而*在正则表达式表示匹配0个或多个前一字符,比如前面提到的例子eval '/usr/bin/id | /usr ...
开始准备关注金融,股票和外汇。 先练练手。
Eclipse Working Set in 3.1M4 refer from http://jmesnil.net/weblog/2005/01/eclipse-working-set-in-31m4.html, thx: "A cool new feature in Eclipse 3.1M4 is that you can organize projects by working sets. I've got a lot of projects in my workspace which relates to different developments. My package ...
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