
Bridge Pattern

Intent Decouple an abstraction from its implementation so that the two can vary independently. Collaborations • Abstraction forwards client requests to its Implementor object.
http://userpages.umbc.edu/~tarr/dp/lectures/Composite.pdf   Where should the child management methods (add(), remove(), getChild()) be declared? 1. In the Component class: Gives transparency, since all components can be treated the same. But it's not safe, since clients can try to do meaning ...

Observer Pattern

consistent communication model   for full article please refer to: http://people.scs.carleton.ca/~ldnel/2404notes/330_patterns/GammaPatterns/Observer/     many dependent objects, and a subject which they are dependent on.   the trigger factor is the subject's state has changed thus ...
軟件可能依賴硬件,但不依賴具體硬件而存在。 在可以想像的未來,軟件還可以發展成一副什麽圖景? 目前軟件的定義是否可以是:“接受輸入,可供輸出的邏輯總成”。 如果輸出不應輸入,毫無規律可言,那軟件的意義何在?   從目前來看,軟件是虛擬的存在,不能脫離硬件而單獨存在,在客觀世界中沒有實體,是否可以這樣理解,定義它為一種接受輸入,供應輸出的虛體。意義在於可以解決問題,有接近于人類大腦功能的潛質,也可以說是一個模擬體。   從以上分析中可以有什麽概念性的突破嗎?在人類沒有發明計算機之前有沒有軟件的概念?是不是軟件的概念從古至今根本沒有什麽本質的突破?   從以上結論中是否可以推理出, ...
1. left out we've left out the controllers for simplicity(they didn't use controllers).   2.
如果把計算機理解為一個黑盒,同時擁有信息輸入端和信息輸出端 黑盒中存在著的是持久化了的邏輯,如果輸入是x,輸出是y,邏輯是f(),那關係式是不是這樣的:   y=f(x)   to be continued...



Factory Method

how does the factory method pattern apply to the reality? where can we find a factory method application in real life?   let me guess:   there's a factory, which manufactures a set type of products. it means the products it produces is of one type. so the consumer who wants several products of o ...
it's more like an idiom.   It means 'Meeting you is a pleasure. Something caused that pleasure [something happened that led to your coming to see me] . What is that thing [to which I owe the pleasure] '
1. 跑得快不如跑得遠 2. 可持續發展才是最重要的 3. 拔苗助長的故事 細水長流的故事 4. 細嚼慢咽的人到最後卻是吃得最多的人 而絕不是狼吞虎咽的人   短期的壓榨求產不是開發,而是破壞,破壞可持續發展的能力
to be continued...
yes, just as the title...why concrete class must implement abstract method while abstract class need not. Here we have two cases, one is concrete class extends abstract class, the other is abstract class extends abstract class.the reason why concrete class must implement abstract method, i think it i ...
大理想的存在,換言之有衝勁可以避免彷徨,殊知,逆水行舟,不進則退~ 偉大的目標如黑夜的燈塔,指明迷途的方向,照耀孤寂的心靈,前行吧~
Chronic Diseases an 'Impending Disaster' for Some Nationsc Three Innovators Who Changed the History of Sound and Communication Technologies   the greatest thing is always the respecting and loving science and regarding scientists and technologist as remarkably important. American History: As War ...
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