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See more in book "Linux C Function". 1. accept(接受socket连线)  相关函数  socket,bind,listen,connect 表头文件  #include<sys/types.h> #include<sys/socket.h> 定义函数  int accept(int s,struct sockaddr * addr,int * addrlen); 函数说明  acce ...
This article takes Maemo2.2 and Ubuntu6.10 for example. However, what we need to install another edition of Maemo platform is just to change the rootstrap gived below. As for Ubuntu, I think those above 6.06 will be allright. 1. All packages we need: scratchbox-core-1.0.7-i386.tar.gz ...
In a new installed scratchbox, on which Maemo SDK is based on, there is a DNS problem. While:[sbox-SDK_PC: ~] fakeroot apt-get update We see: 引用Temporary failure resolving 'repository.maemo.org' The reason is we have three resolv.conf files in system: a)   /etc/resolv.conf[*]b)   /scratchbox/etc/re ...
[sbox-SDK_PC: ~] export http_proxy=http://username:password@proxyaddr:port Remember to run it everytime you start a scratchbox. "ftp_proxy" is in the same way. Looks easy, huh? I'm not gonna say it cost me 1 hour ..
For example, get a package called "gst-plugins-good0.10": Terminal 代码 [sbox-SDK_ARMEL: ~] fakeroot apt-get update    [sbox-SDK_ARMEL: ~] fakeroot apt-get build-dep gst-plugins-good0.10     [sbox-SDK_ARMEL: ~] fakeroot apt-get source gst-plugins-good0.10    [sbox-SDK_A ...
The installation stops at: 引用What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running            kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] Whatever path I give it here will be in vain, since I don't have any headers actually. How this problem came to me is after: $ sudo apt-get dist- ...
A simple file structure of python applications on maemo/n800: helloword helloword.desktop helloword.service helloword.png setup.py Note: 1. Main source file helloworld is written in python, but it must be named without ".py". 2. helloworld.desktop and helloworld.service are used for addi ...
Python2.5 is needed when using pygtk on maemo, otherwise the default python2.3 may be enough. Add "deb http://repository.maemo.org/extras bora free non-free" to /scratchbox/users/maemo/target/SDK_ARMEL/etc/apt/sources.list Terminal code [sbox-SDK_ARMEL: ~] > fakeroot apt-get updat ...
If a string to be packed is shorter than its format, it'll be followed by '\x00's when unpacked. One example, in which every length of the string fits the format: python 代码 >>> import struct   >>> fmt = 'c4si5s'    >>>    >>> verb = 'have'    ...
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