  • 浏览: 163606 次
  • 性别: Icon_minigender_1
  • 来自: 北京

suerte (幸运)

suerte  歌手:shakira     专辑:laundry service Thanks to Paugirl87@hotmail.com for these lyrics. Suerte que nosura allas nacido y que burlemos las distancias suerte que es haberte conocido y por ti amar tierras extra馻s Yo puedo escalar los Andres solo por ir a contar tus lunares contigo celebro y sufr ...

red blooded woman

red blooded woman  歌手:kylie minogue     专辑:body language Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah Yeah... ah, ah, ah, ah, ah Before you get too heated and turned on (and turned on) You should've learned your lesson all in times before You've been bruised, you've been broken And theres my mind saying think ...

not gonna get us

not gonna get us  歌手:tatu     专辑:in the wrong lane Not gonna get us They're Not gonna get us Not gonna get us Not gonna get us Starting from here lets make a promise You and and me lets just be honest We're gpnna, nothing can stop us even the night falls all around us Soon there will be laughter ...

clint eastwood

clint eastwood  歌手:gorillaz  专辑:gorillaz   I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad I got sunshine in a bag I'm useless but Not for long The future is coming on I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad I got sunshine in a bag I'm useless but Not for long The future is coming on It's coming on, It's coming on It' ...
he thinks he ll keep her  歌手:carpenter mary-chapin     专辑:come on come on She makes his coffee, she makes his bed She does the laundry, she keeps him fed When she was twenty-one she wore her mother's lace She said forever with a smile upon her face She does the carpool, she PTAs Carpenter Mary-C ...
waiting on the world to change  歌手:john mayer     专辑:continuum Me and all my friends We're all misunderstood They say we stand for nothing and There's no way we ever could Now we see everything that's going wrong With the world and those who lead it We just feel like we don't have the means To ...
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   元旦假期看了看网上比较热的士兵突击, 应该是前一段时间吧.    感觉还不错, 电视剧吗, 别挑剔太多, 看吧.    敬佩许三多, 但是怎么说呢, 说喜欢他的性格吧, 但是同时也有一种想揍他的冲动. 精神值得敬佩, 但是自己不会希望成为这样的人.    成才感觉还是一个满真实的人, 完全在我的道德观念接受的范围内,我不觉得他做的事情有多过分.  也许感觉自己和他有些地方满像吧, 也容易和他作出一样"过分"的事情, 自己很容易接受这样的人, 自私, 自我吧, 但却是一个诚实的人, 不欺骗自己.    新的一年, 看看有点血性的电视, 激励下自己.
That's my goal Shayne Ward - That's my goal Hmmmm yea yea yeaaa You know where I come from You know my story You know why I'm standing here Tonight Please don't go Don't be in a hurry I'm here to make it clear Make it right Well I know I've acted foolish But I promise you no more I've f ...
各国元旦习俗      新一年,总是给人们带来美好的祝福。在这除旧迎新的日子里,世界各国的人们都以其别出心裁、各具特色的方式迎接着新年的到来。 英国:元旦前一天,家家户户都必须做到瓶中有酒,橱中有肉。英国人认为,如果没有余下的酒肉,来年便会贫穷。除此之外,英国还流行新年“打井水”的风俗,人们都争取第一个去打水,认为第一个打水人为幸福之人,打来的水是吉祥之水。英国人在除夕的深夜,常带上糕点和酒出去拜访,他们不敲门,就径直走进亲友家去。按英国人的风俗,除夕千夜过后,朝屋里迈进第一只脚的人,预示着新的一年的运气。如果第一个客人是个黑发的男人,或是个快乐、幸福而富裕的人,主人就将全年吉利走好运。如 ...


元旦,又名元日、无朔、无辰、元正等,含有一年之始的意思。因为“元”本义是“人头”,引申为“始”。“旦”的本义也是“始”。 元旦,是每个新的一年的第一天。“元”有始之意,“旦”指天明的时间,也通指白天。 ...

losing my religion

losing my religion          歌手:r.e.m.     Life is bigger It's bigger than you And you are not me The lengths that I will go to The distance in your eyes Oh no I've said too much I set it up That's me in the corner That's me in the spotlight Losing my religion Trying to keep up with you And I don ...
与冬至有着密切关系的是在北京流传了几百年的《九九歌》。从冬至那天算起,以九天作一单元,连数九个九天,到九九共八十一天,冬天就过去了。 九九歌 一九二九不出手;三九四九冰上走; 五九六九沿河看柳;七九河开八九雁来; 九九加一九,耕牛遍地走。 小至   (唐)杜甫 天时人事日相催,冬至阳生春又来。 刺绣五纹添弱线,吹葭六管动飞灰。 岸容待腊将舒柳,山意冲寒欲放梅。 云物不殊乡国异,教儿且覆掌中杯。 冬至   (唐)杜甫 年年至日长为客,忽忽穷愁泥杀人! 江上形容吾独老,天边风俗自相亲。 杖藜雪后临丹壑,鸣玉朝来散紫宸。 心折此时无一寸,路迷何处望三秦? 邯郸冬至夜 (唐)白居易 邯郸驿里逢 ...
冬至经过数千年发展,形成了独特的节令食文化。诸如馄饨、饺子、汤圆、赤豆粥、黍米糕等都可作为年节食品。曾较为时兴的“冬至亚岁宴”的名目也很多,如吃冬至肉、献冬至盘、供冬至团、馄饨拜冬等。 较为普遍的有冬 ...
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