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Learn how to use with_scope - a very powerful method which will allow your custom find methods to accept any find options. Just like magic! # models/task.rb def self.find_incomplete(options = {}) with_scope :find => options do find_all_by_complete(false, :order => 'created_at DESC') ...
Move a find into the model to clean up the controllers and remove duplication. Also see how you can call these custom find methods through an association. # tasks_controller.rb def index @tasks = Task.find_incomplete end # models/task.rb def self.find_incomplete find_all_by_complete(fa ...
No need to pass foreign keys in find conditions, just do the find through a has_many association. # projects_controller.rb def show @project = Project.find(params[:id]) @tasks = @project.tasks.find_all_by_complete(false) end
Shorten simple finds considerably and improve readability by using the dynamic find_all_by and find_by methods. # tasks_controller.rb def incomplete @tasks = Task.find_all_by_complete(false) end def last_incomplete @task = Task.find_by_complete(false, :order => 'created_at DESC') end ...
Learn a quick way to improve performance. Just store the end result of an expensive command in an instance variable! # application.rb def current_user @current_user ||= User.find(session[:user_id]) end
    今天和朋友又聊到了盈利模式,感到很奇怪。现在一谈到什么,就是盈利模式啊,核心竞争力啊,满天飞。于是乎,出去走走,透透气,寻找答案。     路过菜市场,看到一家买猪肉的,仔细一看,居然整个菜市场只有他一家,队排了很长。纳闷了。为啥这种必需品,入门低的居然还可以这种垄断。。于是我决定最后调查。等了很久,大概要1个小时吧。人终于没有了。老板也磨着刀开始休息了。我上前去问老板:     “老板,能聊聊吗?”     “好啊”老板可能感到很奇怪,居然有人和他聊天。“聊啥”     我接着说:“就问下问题吧,呵呵。你。。”我本来想翻译一下的,还是算了。“你的盈利模式是啥”     “啥子叫盈利模式 ...


    一个人对自己的自我认识,自我肯定来自于5个方面:最亲的亲人,最好的朋友,爱人,自我,其他。     最亲的亲人:一般是自己的父母中的一个,也可能是自己亲戚中对自己影响最大的人。他们的重要性在于在亲情方面 ...
  首先解释下,什么叫初创,初创不是指你有了社会背景,有了人脉、有了资金之后的创业。而是指你踏入社会不仅或刚踏入的时候的创业,这个时候,缺少人脉,缺少资金。   朋友,我觉得分四种:酒肉朋友,生活中的朋友 ...
Chapter 3: Systems Design: Job-Order Costing Absorption costing: A costing method that includes all manufacturing costs --- direct materials, direct labor, and both variable and fixed manufacturing overhead – in the cost of a product. Allocation base: A measure of activity such as direct labor-hour ...
Chapter 2: Cost Terms, Concepts, and Classifications Administrative costs: All executive, organizational, and clerical costs associated with the general management of an organization rather than manufacturing or selling. Common cost: A cost that is incurred to support a number of cost objects but t ...
Chapter 2: Market Forces: Demand and Supply Ad valoren tax: a percentage tax; the sales tax is a well-known example. Change in demand: Changes in variables other than the price of a good, such as income or the price of another good, lead to a change in demand. This corresponds to a shift of the ent ...
Chapter 1: The Fundamentals of Managerial Economics Accounting cost: the costs most often associated with the costs of producing. Costs that appear on the income statements of firms. Accounting profits: the total amount of money taken in from sales (total revenue, or price times quantity sold) minu ...
Chapter 1 Managerial Accounting and the Business Environment Budget: A detailed plan for the future, usually expressed in formal quantitative terms. Business process: A series of steps that are followed to carry out some task in a business. Chief Financial Officer (CFO) The member of the top manag ...
先说验证问题。 按照传统的file_column :image, :magick => xxx 无论你想不想验证,file_column 都会验证上传的文件是不是图形文件,如果不是,它会在你的模型错误里面加"invalid image"。该错误验证的地方在 magick_file_column.rb里。查找 if options[:magick][:image_required] @magick_errors ||= [] @magick_errors << "invalid image" end 可以将第3行修改为 ...
User has_many Categories Category has_many Posts 当Category和Post同为多态时。这样 class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :categories, :as => :owner #owner_id owner_type has_many :posts, :through => :categories end class Category < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :posts, :as => :postab ...
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