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       这两天将mule重构了一下,主要是类、包、配置文件的重命名;去除了mule的印记。其中配置文件主要是将xml文件的命名空间、顶级标签、以及xsd做了整理。大致记录如下。            类和包的命名重构很简单,在Eclipse中选择javaEE的视图,然后选中org.mule这个包名,右键选择Refactor》Rename。在对话框中将选项“Update Reference”下边的三个选项也都选中,剩下的就很简单了。        这个说起来简单,实际我也走了一段弯路。最开始没注意下边三个选项,结果一个子包一个子包的选中,然后Refactor,累个够呛。 :-)  后经人提 ...
Windows Genuine Advantage 通知工具可向您通知您的 Windows 副本是否为正版的。 如果发现您的系统不是正版的,该工具将帮助您获得 Windows 的许可副本。 详细信息... 这个补丁是不能打的.因为MS在收集用户的信息. 可能会有使用D版兄弟已经打了这个补丁, 更新了Windows Genuine Advantage Notification (KB905474)补丁后,会出现每次开机出一个提示,启动后在托盘里还有个图标的后果,网上流传在控制面板的添加删除程序中可以卸载,其实在这里根本不能卸载,在进程中也不能中止(进程名是wgatray.exe),在注册表中也搜不 ...
<html> <input type="file" name="file1" onchange="ShowSize(this.value)"> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- function ShowSize(files) { var fso,f; fso=new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); ...
Oracle数据类型简单总结,适用于7, 8 & 9i http://www.ss64.com/orasyntax/datatypes.html
oracle的联机文档描述了analyze的做用: Use the ANALYZE statement to collect non-optimizer statistics, for example, to: Collect or delete statistics about an index or index partition, table or table partition, index-organized table, cluster, or scalar object attribute. Validate the structure of an index or index ...
Regular expression from JDK 1.4, in case of forgetting. Construct Matches Characters x The character x \\ The backslash character \0n The character with octal value 0n (0 <= n <= 7) \0nn The character with octal value 0nn (0 <= n <= 7) \0mnn The character with octal value 0mnn (0 <= ...
最近的面试经历非常不爽,很多大公司,包括赛门铁克、惠普、IBM等都面了一遍,没有一个通过。唯有IBM到了二面,不过也没成。 我是非计算机专业的,专业是经济信息管理,跟计算机一点边都不搭。之所以走上计算机行业,纯粹是兴趣和谋生使然。 在我经历过的几个公司中,几乎所有的过程都是我刚进去时是junior,随着就很快就成长为senior。成长速度如果不是最快的,也是次最快的吧。 可惜的是,很多面试和笔试让我望而却步。我在现在的公司里多少也是个重量级人物,可是看到自己公司的笔试题的时候都还真有点心虚。 面试的几家所有问题都很细节,美其名曰“注重基础”。而每家的侧重点又有所不同。你的经历是固定的,涉 ...
Who invented Microwaves? Of course, asking "Who Invented Microwaves?" is like asking who invented electricity. Microwave energy is a natural phenomenon that occurs when electric current flows through a conductor. Microwaves are a form of electromagnetic radiation that is very similar to su ...
引用安装SP2后,大多数用户发现在访问某些需要填写验证码的地方,都无法显示验证码图片(显示为一个红色小叉),这是一个非常严重的Bug。解决办法为:运行“Regedit”命令打开注册表编辑器,依次定位到“[HKEY_ LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ Security]”,在窗口右边新建一个名为“BlockXBM”的REG_ DWORD值,将其值设置为“0”(十六进制值)。
I type them, not copy.[img]../../images/smiles/icon_wink.gif" alt="[/img] Do you recognize these 10 mental blocks to creative thinking? http://www.copyblogger.com/mental-blocks-creative-thinking/ Whether you are trying to solve tough problem, start a business, get attention for that busine ...
今天碰到一个问题,同一张表里的两个字段:to_port, from_port,都作为另外一个表airport的外键。Visio居然在generate SQL的时候报错: error L3020: Foreign key relationship has same parent and child tables as TDOP_AIRPORT_ET_FK2, but does not have different forward and inverse verb phrases. 问题是这么解决的: 双击一个外键关联,选择name,然后把Inverse phrase中的“is of”改为“is ...
I type them, not copy.  http://edition.cnn.com/2008/TECH/science/01/23/biofuels.fears.ap/index.html Biofuels may threaten environment, UN warns Bangkok, Thailand(AP) - The world's rush to embrace biofuels is causing a spike in the price of corn and other crops and could worsen water shortages and ...
I type them, not copy.  http://yeeyan.com/articles/view/jansenzjh/3266/dz I have never been in such good shape. I have never spent so much time outside. I caught the past three sunsets in a row, and unless I am mistaken, I will catch the one tonight. I have never felt so close to my family. I have ...
这是一条我经常写的典型Sequence: CREATE SEQUENCE SDOP_COC_ID Increment by 1 start with 1 minvalue 1 maxvalue 9999999999 cycle nocache order; 语法很简单,可以参考这个图: CREATE SEQUENCE SDOP_COC_ID -- sequence name Increment by 1  -- 每次加几个,你可以指定为80个每次 :wink: start with 1   -- 从1开始计数 min ...
Ten amzingly simple tricks to turn your brain into a powerful thinking machine There are two basic principles to keep your brain healthy and sharp as you age: variety and curiosity. When anything you do becomes second nature, you need to make a change. If you can do the crossword puzzle in your slee ...
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