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NIO:内存映射,文件锁,字符集编码和解码以及非阻塞I/O. NIO的读写是Unicode的,无论是什么编码的,都是以Unicode的形式存储.   IO中的读写是二进制的读写. IO用在网络通信一般是阻塞式通信. NIO则是非阻塞式的,性能比IO提高了很多. NIO比IO速度快。
True public class Singleton {         private Singleton(){}         private static Singleton instance = new Singleton();   public static Singleton getInstance() {     return instance;       } }  public class Singleton {   private static Singleton instance = null;         public static synchronized ...
Class.forName(xxx.xx.xx) 返回的是一个类 首先你要明白在java里面任何class都要装载在虚拟机上才能运行。这句话就是装载类用的(和new 不一样,要分清楚)。  至于什么时候用,你可以考虑一下这个问题,给你一个字符串变量,它代表一个类的包名和类名,你怎么实例化它?只有你提到的这个方法了,不过要再加一点。  A a = (A)Class.forName("pacage.A").newInstance();  这和你  A a = new A();  是一样的效果。  关于补充的问题  答案是肯定的,jvm会执行静态代码段,你要记住一个概念,静态 ...
Spring中的Callback模式与Template模式合用,随处可见。Template method被广泛的使用,像Servlet就是使用这个模式。Template mothod模式虽然能简化很多重复的代码,但这种模式的也有不少限制。Template mothod将一个功能的实现分成许多小的步骤,在父类中定义了这些步骤的顺序,让子类来具体实现每一个小的步骤。这些小的步骤是protected,以防止用户不正确的使用这些小的步骤而产生异常。这样就产生了一个限制,那就是你需要继承Template然后重新实现具体的小步骤。如果这个Template有许多方法,就像JdbcTemplate,如果你每次继 ...
Django integrated to mod_python 1.download django-0.9.6 2.uncompress then run: python setup.py install 3.Add the python/Scripts to env path 4.Add the .py to the PATHEXE So far,you can set up a project. Steps: 1.create a directory in c:/mysite 2.django-admin.py startproject mysite Setup an application ...
Prerequsitation: 1.Apache v2.2.4 2.Python2.4 3.mod_python3.3.1 for apache2.2 and python2.4 Configure Steps: 1.Add below in the apache/conf/http.conf(first check the mod_python.so whether exists in apache/modelus) LoadModule python_module modules/mod_python.so 2.Configure the http.conf,add below(Co ...

Mysql grant

Mysqli supply with many new features for the php programming,also it's an OOP. The below example can show you some: databind $mysqli = new mysqli('localhost', 'aaron', 'xxxxxx', 'amo'); /* check connection */ if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {     printf("Connect failed: %s\n", mysqli_connect_e ...
When use iframe embedded in the main page,maybe you want to access/set  the content for some nodes in the iframe. So you try to touch the page in iframe,the attachment will help you much more.

Struts ajax

Write a web template by using struts associated with ajax. The path and libs in the project list and requirement:  
package com.spring;   import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;   //import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory; //import org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanFactory;   import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import org.s ...  
escape(): The escape method returns a string value (in Unicode format) that contains the contents of [the argument]. All spaces, punctuation, accented characters, and any other non-ASCII characters are replaced with %xx encoding, where xx is equivalent to the hexadecimal number representing the chara ...


SQL>CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE PrintMSG_Aaron( p_sys_code IN test.SYS_CODE%TYPE) AS    CURSOR c_msg IS    SELECT MSG_CODE,SYS_CODE FROM test WHERE SYS_CODE=p_sys_code AND    ROWNUM<10;    BEGIN      FOR v_sys_recoder IN c_msg LOOP        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_sys_recoder.MSG_CODE || ' ' || ...
1. Download and install py2exe from the py2exe website (make sure you download the right version!) 2. Create a directory on you hardisk called mycode ... - Right click on the Windows Desktop and select New .. Folder and name it "mycode" 3. Double click the mycode folder to open it 4. Righ ...
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